How to track your stock trades

I am a firm believer in tracking all your stock trades. In fact, you can see how all my trading strategies are performing by visiting my trading profits page. By tracking your trades according to which strategy you are using you can identify how profitable a strategy is and whether you should be using more or less money to trade it. Furthermore, tracking your trades will help you to avoid trades that are based on hunches and not on specific strategies, because it will quickly become clear how quickly you lose money on such trades.

Download below a version of the trade log spreadsheet I use. Use a separate sheet in the spreadsheet for each different trading strategy. Watch the video below if you need guidance in how to use the spreadsheet.

Excel 2000 trade log spreadsheet
Open Office trade log spreadsheet

[Edit 2013-12-3]: I created a new version that has separate columns for commissions because some people find this to be simpler (I just use formulas to include them in the trade price) and I saved this in the current Excel format. Download here.

[Edit 2015-3-24]: I finally uploaded a version to Google Docs and improved the formulas. Go to “File” > “Make a copy” to save a copy to your Google Docs so you can edit it.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks shown in the spreadsheets or in the video.

On watch: Vonage Holdings Corp. (Public, NYSE:VG)

Vonage Holdings Corp. (Public, NYSE:VG) is on short watch after a 400% move from yesterday’s open to after-hours trading today on no significant news. In the video I tell you just what I am looking for before I will sell it short. It is such a pretty supernova that nothing else seems worth watching tomorrow.

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

August 25th trade recap: I should take my own advice

I perfectly called Nexstar Broadcasting Group Inc. (NXST) as a long above the $1.88 break (see my watchlist last night), but a brokerage error and my hesitance caused me to miss the trade. If you profited from this, please let me know in the comments!

Today’s Profit: ($71.64)

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

On watch for August 24th: JEDI MIND INC (Public, PINK:JEDM)

Watchlist synopsis:

JEDI MIND INC  (Public, PINK:JEDM) – pump, buy (but only on strength as a quick daytrade)
RPRX – on verge of BK, big jump, short on green/red (higher risk though)
SBGI – good debt news, long on red/green, stay scared
XIDE – upgrade, long on red/green or 8 cross

Today’s video watchlist was uploaded to Youtube hours before it was posted here. If you want to get my videos as I finish them, visit my Youtube Channel.

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

August 21st trade recap

Video recap today.

+    SLD    3,000    FRZ    false    Stock    4.430    USD    BATS    09:37:03        15.00
+    BOT    3,000    FRZ    false    Stock    4.260    USD    ISLAND    09:38:18        15.00
+    BOT    200    MENT    false    Stock (NMS)    9.050    USD    SMART    10:28:58        1.00
+    SLD    200    MENT    false    Stock (NMS)    9.140    USD    SMART    10:33:45        1.00
SLD    249    ZRBA    false    Stock (SCM)    4.07    USD    SMART    10:37:16        1.24
+    BOT    10,000    SCLN    false    Stock (NMS)    4.070    USD    SMART    14:41:02        50.00
+    SLD    5,900    SCLN    false    Stock (NMS)    4.190    USD    ISLAND    14:42:04        29.50
+    SLD    4,100    SCLN    false    Stock (NMS)    4.161    USD    DRCTEDGE    14:42:36        20.50

Today’s Profit: $1554.42

Weekly Profit: ($292.39)

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Setting up alerts in Interactive Brokers Traders Workstation

This is not my video; I just found it on Youtube. Tthe person who made it explains this feature well so I see no point in doing my own video on this feature. See also my video on the simpler feature “alarm” and how to set those up in TWS. The “alert” function allows TWS to automatically make trades based on stock price action, in addition to alerting the trader about price movements.

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

August 20th trade recap

Video recap today. I really, really messed up RTK. It was a perfect short on green/red and I was too shell-shocked from yesterday’s losses to play it (except during the TimAlert).

+ BOT 300 EDAP false Stock (NMS) 5.340 USD SMART 09:32:03 1.50
+ SLD 300 EDAP false Stock (NMS) 5.433 USD ISLAND 09:33:10 1.50
BOT 300 BONT false Stock (NMS) 5.27 USD ISLAND 09:38:12 1.50
+ SLD 300 BONT false Stock (NMS) 5.311 USD SMART 09:45:33 1.50
+ SLD 10,000 RTK false Stock 2.422 USD BATS 09:46:21 50.00
+ BOT 10,000 RTK false Stock 2.346 USD BATS 09:47:06 50.00
+ BOT 10,000 RTK false Stock 2.199 USD AMEX 10:53:06 50.00
+ SLD 10,000 RTK false Stock 2.177 USD SMART 10:54:53 50.00
+ BOT 1,000 MERC false Stock (NMS) 1.530 USD SMART 11:34:01 5.00
SLD 2 EDAP false Stock (NMS) 4.11 USD DRCTEDGE 11:38:49 1.00 (this was an accidental trade for 2 shares)
BOT 2 EDAP false Stock (NMS) 4.20 USD DRCTEDGE 11:39:23 1.00
+ SLD 1,000 MERC false Stock (NMS) 1.400 USD SMART 11:52:15 5.00
SLD 500 HOOK false Stock (NMS) 3.1509 USD SMART 14:28:27 2.50
+ BOT 500 HOOK false Stock (NMS) 3.170 USD SMART 14:32:08 2.50

Today’s Profit: $221.69

Disclosure: Long 249 shares ZRBA. I have a disclosure policy.

Rentech Inc. (Amex: RTK) is really starting to annoy me

Video recap today.

+    BOT    1,000    AXL    false    Stock    5.712    USD    SMART    09:30:43        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    AXL    false    Stock    5.990    USD    ARCA    09:32:26        5.00
+    BOT    2,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.430    USD    ARCA    09:48:42        10.00
SLD    2,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.4700    USD    AMEX    09:53:17        10.00
+    SLD    10,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.380    USD    ARCA    13:02:03        50.00
+    SLD    10,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.370    USD    ARCA    13:02:06        50.00
+    BOT    20,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.437    USD    SMART    13:10:33        100.00
+    SLD    20,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.380    USD    SMART    13:30:38        100.00
+    BOT    20,000    RTK    false    Stock    2.410    USD    SMART    13:33:28        100.00

Today’s profit: ($1918.00)


SPDE and EDAP up big. EDAP may be a decent continuation long (on strength only), while SPDE should be a decent short on green/red.

Disclosure: Long 249 shares ZRBA. If you didn’t get the RTK reference, Law and Order did an episode on the RDT Killer, which was their version of the real-life BTK Killer. I have a disclosure policy.

How to set stock price alerts in Interactive Brokers Traders Workstation

This tutorial covers the TWS “alarm” function. There is also a more sophisticated “alert” function that allows TWS to automatically make trades based on stock price action. Also, IB has the order types “market if touched (MIT)” and “limit if touched (LIT)” that will submit an order if a stock hits a certain price. I will address these features in future videos.

Disclosure: Long 249 shares ZRBA. I have a disclosure policy.