Watchlist for September 4th


BGMO — technically this is a buy on red/green or $1 cross (hat tip to Preston for finding this); but this is a really sketchy pink sheet company so I will avoid buying it. If it spikes another day I may look to short.


UTSI — buy on break of $2.43 or red/green

SHZ — buy on red/green or break of $2.00


IPII — short on green/red or a gap down of less than 10 cents (with stop at red/green). It spiked just a couple days ago and fell nicely the next day.


Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap for September 3rd

I messed up what could have been a nice trade in IPII and ended the day with a tiny profit.

+    BOT    200    SVA    false    Stock    10.320    USD    SMART    09:30:52        1.00
SLD    200    SVA    false    Stock    10.35    USD    SMART    09:31:12        1.00
+    BOT    200    OXM    false    Stock    16.800    USD    NYSE    09:33:47        1.00
+    SLD    200    OXM    false    Stock    17.370    USD    DRCTEDGE    09:35:44        1.00
+    SLD    2,000    IPII    false    Stock (SCM)    2.400    USD    ISLAND    10:16:31        10.00
+    BOT    2,000    IPII    false    Stock (SCM)    2.428    USD    DRCTEDGE    10:30:49        10.50

Daily profit: $39.50

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Watchlist for September 3rd: Lots of buys

K-V Pharmaceutical Company (Public, NYSE:KV.A) — buy on red/green or strength, although there is a bunch of resistance around $3.20 to $3.40, so not ideal


The Medicines Company (Public, NASDAQ:MDCO)– buy on red/green or strength or on $11 cross or on $11.50 cross (look up large long-term chart to see meaning of $11.50).

Midway Gold Corp. (Public, AMEX:MDW)– buy on break of .93 (hopefull in two days)
Rubicon Minerals Corp. (USA) (Public, AMEX:RBY)– buy on red/green or strength
iMERGENT, Inc.(Public, AMEX:IIG) — buy on 8.47 cross or 8 cross

BONU — nice tank today, it would’ve been on my watchlist but I could never find shares to short.

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap: Vonage pwnage

I covered way too early on Vonage Holdings Corp. (Public, NYSE:VG) but still made $1645.36. I predicted that there would be a significant morning panic on Vonage today and I was right. I have to give props to Tim Sykes who made about the same amount of money on a much smaller position, riding VG down from $2.27 to $1.82. (Want to learn how Tim Sykes and I correctly predicted what would happen to Vonage and profited from it? Check out his Pennystocking Part Deux DVD. I have now made over $80,000 since June of 2008 trading Timothy Sykes’ system!) My total profit on VG this week, long and short, was almost $3000. Far from ideal considering my position sizes, but I’ll take it.


Vonage dropped from about $2.00 to $1.40, an easy 30% drop for those who waited just a few more minutes than did I.

Today’s Profit: $1645.36

Weekly Profit: $3506.69

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Tomorrow is the day for the pwnage of Vonage!

Here is some music by Piffaro, my favorite trading music. I had it playing while doing my trade recap but unfortunately the microphone didn’t catch it.

No watch list for tomorrow besides VG. I’m short big VG overnight looking for morning panic tomorrow. Here is the video about the trade.

+    SLD    700    SCLN    false    Stock    4.661    USD    ISLAND    09:36:53        3.50
BOT    700    SCLN    false    Stock    4.64    USD    ISLAND    09:37:20        3.50
+    BOT    2,000    ADVNB    false    Stock    .710    USD    SMART    10:32:08        8.06
+    SLD    1,100    ADVNB    false    Stock    .705    USD    BATS    10:46:45        3.95
SLD    900    ADVNB    false    Stock    0.70    USD    ISLAND    10:47:09        3.15
BOT    10,000    GSPI    false    Stock    0.0200    USD    SMART    11:59:28        1.00
+    BOT    10,000    GSPI    false    Stock    .020    USD    SMART    12:00:23        1.00
SLD    5,000    GSPI    false    Stock    0.0230    USD    SMART    12:42:27        1.00
SLD    5,000    GSPI    false    Stock    0.0230    USD    SMART    12:42:27        1.00
SLD    5,000    GSPI    false    Stock    0.0210    USD    SMART    12:51:30        1.00
SLD    5,000    GSPI    false    Stock    0.0210    USD    SMART    12:51:30        1.00
+    SLD    5,000    VG    false    Stock    1.990    USD    SMART    13:30:35        25.00
+    SLD    5,000    VG    false    Stock    1.990    USD    SMART    13:32:01        25.00
+    BOT    1,000    YMI    false    Stock    2.050    USD    ISLAND    14:18:06        5.00
+    SLD    5,000    VG    false    Stock    2.020    USD    ISLAND    14:50:46        25.00
SLD    1,000    YMI    false    Stock    2.0200    USD    ISLAND    15:30:41        5.00
(does not include SogoElite trades)

Today’s profit: $702.74

Disclosure: Short 15,000 shares of VG at an average price of  $1.99502. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap for August 26th: Scalping Vonage (VG)

I took Vonage  (VG) long and short today, but it was not ideal for a short. I also played a TimAlert. I wait with baited breath until tomorrow. I am back green on the week and I have made up for last week’s losses too. Not a bad day.


WAVE – long on strength, short on weakness.
VG – short aggressively on green/red.

Today’s Profit: $1280.17

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.