2009 Las Vegas pennystocking seminar recap & photos

I just got back from Tim Sykes’ seminar in Las Vegas and I had a great time. It was fun to meet the people behind many of the screen names I see on Tim’s TimAlerts site, InvestorsUnderground, and my own blog. I was also successful in avoiding various people’s offers to procure me escorts or loose women (seriously!) … I’m holding onto my marriage long-term, and that is one great trade I’ll never mess up. I also avoided gambling and getting drunk … although I am wiped out from a lack of sleep (gotta love trading on the west coast!)

You can see many photos from the seminar on Flickr (these were uploaded by SobeGemini2).

Here are some highlights:

Tim Bohen destroying me in an arm wrestling matcharm_wrestling

A good chunk of the seminar attendees at the after-party at MGM’s Centrifuge bar.

A Tim Sandwich! Tim Bohen, me, and Tim Sykes.

Green on the screen, baby!

Oh, aren’t they cute together: Chris & Christina, a pennystocking couple.

Me speaking at the seminar. Awkward expression. Contrary to the slide, I am up $93,000+ trading Sykes’ strategy not in 2009 but since June 2008. I am up $43,479 for the year as of October 21th 2009, following Sykes’ strategy. My total trading profit for 2009 as of 10/21/2009 is $69,348.15.

Disclosure: I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap for October 20 and an abbreviated watchlist

I’m flying back from Las Vegas, where I had a grand old time meeting a bunch of pennystocking degenerates (and Michael Covel). It was good hanging with all y’all. And remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas …

I barely traded today because I had a sketchy wifi connection and I am much slower trading on my laptop than on my home computer. If a situation is not ideal, don’t trade.

Daily profit: ($39.00)

SS 500 CBOU @ 9.01
Coverd 500 CBOU @ 9.09

On Watch

CHFI — Nice big spike and some fading today. It should go red tomorrow and then tank.  I would short on red. ALFSS.

TMI – The new Superman pump. I won’t play it.

TSTC – Nice breakout today to all-time highs. Potential long on green, although it did go up a lot today and isn’t as cheap as I like.

NXTH – The blatant manipulation continues. While I have no proof the stock is being manipulated higher, the gradual uptrend with almost no dips is indicative of manipulation. ALFSS.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap and watchlist for October 20th

Update: Here is my auto-tuned trade recap in mp3 format.

DDRX & CBOU nice breakouts. DDRX had a positive article in IBD while CBOU is up in sympathy. I bought and sold at a loss DDRX at 3pm EST today. CBOU I played earlier on the break above $9. CBOU has crappy volume but DDRX should have nice follow-through tomorrow. The ideal play on DDRX would have been to buy it on the huge breakout above $26.





VRMLQ had a nice breakout above $20 today and I made $1 per share on 200 shares. It is less predictable for tomorrow and the spread is horrid, so no play here.


Trades today:

BOT    200    VRMLQ    false    Stock    20.00    USD    SMART    09:37:48        1.00
SLD    200    VRMLQ    false    Stock    21.00    USD    SMART    09:55:30        1.00
BOT    500    CBOU    false    Stock    8.87    USD    SMART    12:24:13        2.50
+    BOT    4,860    CBOU    false    Stock    9.009    USD    ISLAND    12:25:28        24.30
+    BOT    200    CBOU    false    Stock    9.000    USD    ISLAND    13:15:46        1.00
+    SLD    5,560    CBOU    false    Stock    9.222    USD    ISLAND    13:18:17        27.80
+    BOT    400    DDRX    false    Stock    28.980    USD    ISLAND    14:53:59        2.00
+    SLD    400    DDRX    false    Stock    28.400    USD    SMART    15:28:19        2.00

-$236 on DDRX
+$198 on VRMLQ
+$1199.92 on CBOU

Daily profit: $1161.92

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Watchlist for Monday

Please note that I will be in a seminar with Tim Sykes all day Monday so I will likely not comment as much as usual here. My two stocks on watch are both small oil E&P companies, so keep in mind the price of oil if you trade them.

USEG – Up 65% Friday on big volume. It closed near its high of the day so I think it has farther to run. They are a small E&P company that just had some good news Friday.


ROYL – Had good news on Thursday, ran big, then just ran up a little Friday, hanging around $3.60 most of the day. This could be a decent short on proper fading price action to red.


NXTH – Beautiful pump and dump. If any chart ever looks manipulated, this one does. Likely no shares to short when it fails, but would be nice to short on red.


Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Scanning for volatile stocks: Stocks with high ADRs

If you are a momentum day-trader then you want to know which stocks are moving. One way to measure that is the average daily range, which is a measure of the average range (low to high) of a stock over a period of time. Here are a couple scans I use to get high ADR stocks. These scans can be once a week; the results do not change that much from day to day.

Stockfetcher scan for stocks with an increasing ADR

The following scan looks for stocks with an ADR over the past 10 days that is higher than the ADR over the past 30 days and where the ADR over the past 30 days is above 10% (a average range of $4.50 to $5.00 would be a 10% ADR). Running this scan on the date this post was published I found 18 stocks, including the following: TLR, ROIAK, MERX, CLWT, THLD, CXM, EMMS, CNOA, LPIH, RPRX, FSII, ASTC, ACLS, LEE, HILL, MNI, CIT-A, IGC.

show stocks where close is between 1 and 20
average volume(90) above 50000
average volume(10) above 500000
and average day range(30) is greater than 10 percent
and average day range(10) is greater than average day range(30)
sort column 5 descending

set{volchng, average day range(10)-average day range(30) }
set{adr30, average day range(30)}
set{C1A, volchng / adr30}
set{C2A, C1A * 100}
and add column C2A {volatilityChng%}

Stockfetcher scan for higher-priced stocks with high ADRs

The following scan scans for stocks with a price between $10 and $20 and an ADR over 10%. Currently no stocks meet the scan requirements, so I would suggest lowering the minimum ADR. Running this scan on the date this post was published, with a minimum ADR of 8%, I only find one stock: DRV.

show stocks where close is between 10 and 20
average volume(90) above 50000
average volume(10) above 500000
and average day range(30) is greater than 10 percent
sort column 5 descending

set{volchng, average day range(10)-average day range(30) }
set{adr30, average day range(30)}
set{C1A, volchng / adr30}
set{C2A, C1A * 100}
and add column C2A {volatilityChng%}

Disclosure: I am a subscriber to Stockfetcher.com and have no other relationship with it. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap: Flying to Vegas!

Tomorrow I fly to Vegas. My posts will be lacking in video and shorter while I’m there (through Tuesday). Please see this post for further details on what I will be doing in Las Vegas.

Daily profit: $112.00

Weekly profit: ($1089.60)

Auto-tune versions of my trade recaps are coming … thanks to the suggestion of Tim Bohen.

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap: A swing and a miss

Just as I previewed in my watchlist last night, I shorted 5,000 shares of OPTT on red (I alerted this trade via Twitter too). I got whipsawed out and then chickened out after re-shorting. Tough loss.


Daily profit: ($1678.00)

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.

Meet the Reaper this Saturday in Las Vegas!

If you are going to Las Vegas for Timothy Sykes’ pennystocking seminar, or if you just happen to be in Vegas this coming weekend, why not drop by Dick’s Last Resort in Excalibur for the pre-seminar get-together. Tim Bohen has threatened to arm wrestle me and this is when that would happen. I intend to be there starting at 8:30pm. If you are interested, leave a comment below. If you are sure you want to join me, drop me an email (use the contact form) with your cell phone number. I will be wearing my handy-dandy French beret so that you can recognize me from afar.

I will be arriving in Las Vegas at 7:00pm. If you get in around the same time and are interested in sharing a cab from the airport to the strip (I’m staying at Excalibur), please contact me.

Also, if you are a fan of my blog and are obsessed with hearing my trading stories, I would not object to being treated to some quality food Sunday night (and know that my definition of quality may be different than yours). I don’t feel obligated to whore myself out for food, though; if you have other suggestions for how I should spend my Sunday evening and you believe your wittiness/intelligence/superior trading skills would more than compensate for not buying me food, please let me know.

Disclosure: No positions. I have a disclosure policy.