My review of Tim Sykes' DVD TimTactics: Buy his other DVDs instead

If you have considered or will consider buying Timothy Sykes’ DVD TimTactics, I have some simple advice: do not buy it. I say this not because I think it is a horrible DVD, but because Tim has covered much of the information in his other DVDs. I do recommend Sykes’ DVD Pennystocking Part Deux and I thought TimRaw was pretty nice (full reviews to come later; I need to re-watch them), but despite this DVD including so-called ‘advanced trading tactics’ I found little in this DVD that was not also in those other DVDs.  The advanced tactics that were only in this DVD were not particularly hard to figure out and I have learned most of them in one year of full-time day-trading. Also, if you are the patient sort, Sykes’ DVD TimFundamentals 2 will be coming out soon; it was recorded during his 2009 seminar in Las Vegas (which I attended) and I think that was an excellent seminar. TimFundamentals 2 plus Pennystocking Part Deux would give you 97% of the information available on DVD about Tim Sykes’ strategy (the seminar would be sufficient to learn his strategy, but Pennystocking Part Deux’s intra-day charts are invaluable).

Following is my full review:

Informational content: 2 of 5 stars. TimTactics is billed as advanced trading tactics, so I was hoping for strategies above and beyond what he showed in his other DVDs. For example, it would have been nice to see how he reads level 2 or time and sales. He did not show that. Also, any student of his who watches Livestock religiously and has followed his blog (TimAlerts or just his free blog) for a year or more likely will have learned many of his ‘advanced’ tactics, such as how the overall market affects penny stocks. This brings me to some advice that I have said and written multiple times: if you are cheap and are willing to invest a lot of time you can learn Sykes’ strategy without buying his DVDs. Of course, buying one of the better DVDs is useful and will save on time and help to speed up learning. And if that helps you to make more profitable trades sooner, it can easily be worth the investment.

A few tactics he had that he has not mentioned before were things I had heard from other traders or figured out myself, such as how to get faster OTC BB executions. Other than the tactic for faster OTC BB executions, the only tactic I had not heard from Tim before (or learned elsewhere in the last year that I have been a day-trader) was his strategy for trading after-hours or in pre-market trading.

Production quality: 2 of 5 stars. The resolution of the video is barely acceptable. All the video was screencast from Sykes’ laptop, and it started life as a webcast. However, there is no excuse for not recording and saving the full screen resolution without much compression rather than packaging the low-quality webcast video on DVDs. Likewise with the sound, it is far inferior to the sound quality on my daily trade recaps hosted by Youtube. Towards the end of the last DVD for a few minutes you can here someone else making noise besides Tim. While the production quality is not good, Tim is easily comprehensible and the viewer can still see everything important in the video, so if you are still interested in this video, do not let the production quality stop you.

Disclosure: I received TimTactics for ‘free’ for signing up to Sykes’ October 2009 seminar in Las Vegas. I have a disclosure policy that provides more details on other Sykes products and services I have purchased and my relationship with him. I have purchased other DVDs of his and I am a TimAlerts lifetime member;  I have now made over $93,000 trading using his methods since June 2008. I am an affiliate of Tim Sykes and make money when people buy his stuff through my links.

Trade recap for 10/27: A plethora of errors part 476

Perhaps every one of my trade recaps should have the subtitle “A plethora of errors.” Oyvey. The worst trade was the one I missed: shorting BHWX, a Beacon pump today. Pumped stocks if they do not go up in response to the pump will often drop quickly as aggressive sellers try to sell as many shares as they can. I could have had an easy 10% on shorting BHWX after it failed to jump despite decent volume following the pump.

+    SLD    1,000    SKTO    false    Stock    .907    USD    SMART    09:38:56        4.54
BOT    5,000    GNPG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.1090    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:47:05        2.72
SLD    5,000    GNPG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.1101    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:58:00        2.75
+    BOT    400    EVVV    false    Stock (NMS)    12.910    USD    SMART    09:59:32        2.00
+    SLD    400    EVVV    false    Stock (NMS)    12.750    USD    SMART    10:02:46        2.00
+    BOT    600    MVIS    false    Stock (NMS)    4.500    USD    ARCA    10:08:09        3.00
+    SLD    600    MVIS    false    Stock (NMS)    4.480    USD    SMART    10:09:26        3.00
+    BOT    400    EVVV    false    Stock (NMS)    13.100    USD    SMART    10:25:23        2.00
+    SLD    400    EVVV    false    Stock (NMS)    13.125    USD    SMART    10:30:13        2.00
+    BOT    1,000    SKTO    false    Stock    .840    USD    SMART    10:58:31        4.20
BOT    10,000    IARO    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0511    USD    ARCAEDGE    13:25:29        2.56
SLD    10,000    IARO    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0450    USD    ARCAEDGE    13:31:21        2.25
+    BOT    300    MTXX    false    Stock (NMS)    5.130    USD    SMART    14:15:38        1.50
SLD    300    MTXX    false    Stock (NMS)    5.08    USD    ISLAND    14:21:22        1.50
BOT    1,000    NXTH    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.8200    USD    SMART    14:34:37        5.00
SLD    1,000    NXTH    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.8600    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:37:01        5.00
BOT    1,000    NXTH    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.8200    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:39:48        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    NXTH    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.860    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:41:20        5.00
BOT    1,000    NXTH    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.5900    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:10:11        5.00
SLD    1,000    NXTH    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.6500    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:26:58        5.00

Daily profit: $4.65

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for 10/27/2009

Either there is nothing ideal out there or I’m just in a funk, but I am not excited by many stocks heading into tomorrow. Yeah, there’s stuff on the move like YRCW, but nothing with a clean chart that would be easy enough for me to make money on.

HDUP  did today what most stocks pumped prior to the market open do; it gapped and crapped. Pennystockchaser sucks, they just got lucky last week with MEVT and AWSL and AVOE.


NYER sold a subsidiary for cash and I think is liquidating. I wouldn’t short it.


ALIF has a nice breakout but I don’t play OTC BB stocks unless they are pump & dumps.

SKTO is a pump & dump that started to dump, so ALFSS! I do prefer p&d stocks with longer track records, though.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for October 26th: No pumper is an island

Nothing much today. I made an easy $171.06 buying the StockPreacher pump this morning at the market open, before they even announced it. Yay frontrunning! InvestorsLive of the InvestorsUnderground chatroom figured out what the pump would be before the market opened and he alerted the chatroom. That paid for my subscription for the quarter, and I only got half of the potential gains on that pump! I explain more in the video.

BOT    4,000    OOIL    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.3100    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:23        6.20
BOT    1,000    OOIL    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.3100    USD    SMART    09:30:37        1.55
SLD    2,500    OOIL    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.3450    USD    SMART    09:35:05        4.31
SLD    2,500    OOIL    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.3500    USD    SMART    09:35:16        4.38

Daily profit: $171.06

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Monday

HDUP is the next PennyStockChaser (PSC) pump. PSC has been on fire in the last week or two, pumping AWSL, MEVP, and AVOE. My buddy Tim Sykes has already made some nice (unrealized) profits shorting AWSL on Friday (he alerted to his TimAlerts subscribers that he shorted it when the bid was $4.10 and it closed the day at $3.50). They were paid 550,000 free-trading shares to pump HDUP for one month. While I would never recommend going long a pump at the beginning, I hope that PSC pumps it well and it rises from $0.10 to $1.00 so that I can short it.


AEMD & BSTK are two low-priced supernovae; I wouldn’t short them unless they go up another 70% each.



GBE nice breakout Friday; not much resistance until $3. Might be nice for a continuation play on strength.


LOCM nice runner at times, nice breakout with only a little resistance from a year ago. Might be nice on green.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for Mole Day!

Have you celebrated Mole Day today? If not, drink a toast to Avogadro at 6:02:21pm. Not any exciting trades today. See the video for some unusual trade analytics (such as a profit margin moving average graph) I conducted on my pre-leader long trades (my profit on which just breached $1,000!).

Daily profit: $137.14

Weekly profit: $1571.43

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.

Watchlist for for the second to last happy prime number day in October

As evidenced by the title, I’m bored with my prosaic titles and with my trading at the moment.

AWSL – Balls of steel can be bad, at least when it comes to buying pump & dumps. Too bad I couldn’t get shares to short.

NXTH – Please stop this pump so I can take it off watch. It just keeps going 3% per day.

AMLM – Accelerating gains are usually the sign of impending doom, at least for pump & dumps (reminds me of GVBP). Those who were long and didn’t get out quickly this morning have only themselves to blame.

MEVT – I tried to short today at $1.02 and $1.00 after it faded off of its pumped highs, but couldn’t get an execution. I like it as a short on red tomorrow.

RDCM – Volatile, but not a clean pattern. I won’t trade it. An efficient scalper might try long on green / short on red. Volume is low too.

IRBT – Nice earnings runner today. Nice breakout, although resistance from a year ago. Might be nice for follow-through on green tomorrow.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap for 10/22: Yawn!

Boring day, missed a fill on MEVT that would have been a good short, CTDC is restricted on IB (traders can only close trades on it), and I couldn’t find shares of AWSL or AMLM. No point doing a video. Looks like my call on USEG from yesterday’s watchlist was dead on, though.

+    BOT    500    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    6.370    USD    ISLAND    09:33:51        2.50
+    SLD    500    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    6.370    USD    DRCTEDGE    09:34:00        2.50



+    SLD    9,306    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.147    USD    SMART    15:41:06        46.53
+    BOT    7,000    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.147    USD    ARCA    15:43:16        35.00
+    BOT    2,306    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.060    USD    ISLAND    15:43:55        11.53
+    BOT    500    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.000    USD    SMART    15:47:06    BookTrader    2.50
+    SLD    500    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.022    USD    ARCA    15:47:11    BookTrader    2.50


after-hours trade:
BOT    500    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.40    USD    DRCTEDGE    19:16:11        2.50
SLD    500    RODM    false    Stock (NMS)    5.44    USD    ISLAND    19:17:19        2.50

Daily profit: $122.14

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.

Watchlist for October 22nd

I have been tweaking my Stockfetcher scan for former zero volume stocks. Here are two stocks that came off of that scan. I’m not convinced that the scan is very useful yet. Here is the current incarnation of that scan:

stocks where volume is 500 percent above average volume(90)
and price is between .05 and 20
and date offset is 0
and volume is greater than 200000
and average volume(20) is less than 100000
and close is greater than open

SIHI – It broke through the important $5 mark today and went 10% higher. It should run more on green tomorrow. Volume is very low in absolute terms, though.


NOEC – Looks a little overextended after running from $1 to $1.55 in three days, but considering it is not a really huge move and it is lower volume, I almost certainly will not play it. Short on red.


CTDC – My only really interesting potential play tomorrow. It is up bigfrom $2.90 to $3.90 in two days and after a morning spike today it faded all day. Short on red.


AWSL – Nice pump, no shares anywhere. Too late to try it long unless you have balls of steel.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.

Trade recap for the 3rd 7th day of October

Attention penny stock bloggers! Please email me or leave a comment with your blog URLs. I will be doing a post on beginning traders who blog.

For your enjoyment, here is “Stick to your trading rules remix“, by Gohn (a remix of my auto-tuned trade recap on October 19th). For future reference, this is a very important post mostly because of this remix.

Boring day today … I missed Speedus Corporation (Nasdaq:SPDE); if I had seen it two minutes earlier I would’ve banked. I did not want to force trades today considering my jet-lagged condition.

I apologize for the poor audio … I hooked up my webcam and it accidentally recorded through that rather than my good mic. The video audio is louder than normal because of that. Also, note that when talking about JUNP in the video I confuse it with JNPR, which is doing fine. Of course, as a true penny stock, JUNP has no fundamentals whatsoever and understanding its business is completely irrelevant to trading it successfully (thanks to Steven who pointed out my confusion of the two companies).

BOT    1,200    BQI    false    Stock    1.3500    USD    NSX    09:47:31        6.00
+    SLD    1,200    BQI    false    Stock    1.366    USD    DRCTEDGE    09:51:47        6.00
BOT    10,000    JUNP    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0430    USD    SMART    14:42:47        2.15
SLD    10,000    JUNP    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0431    USD    SMART    15:02:45        2.16
+    SLD    1,000    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    6.109    USD    DRCTEDGE    15:37:37        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    6.100    USD    ISLAND    15:37:43        5.00
+    BOT    400    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    5.970    USD    ISLAND    15:41:00        2.00
+    BOT    800    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    6.000    USD    ARCA    15:41:35        4.00
+    BOT    800    USEG    false    Stock (SCM)    6.020    USD    SMART    15:42:57        4.00

Daily profit: $189.23

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy.