Watchlist for Monday: Remember, every time a stock promoter pumps, a demon gets its horns

NWBO – Have I said how I hate buying OTC stocks? This is a big move Friday but drug news was Wednesday. Hopefully this moves some more and then I’d short on red. For Monday no easy play.


SNIC – Nice breakout, I missed it despite watching it Friday. A bit overextended for me to get excited about buying it here. Ideally it consolidates a bit before another move.


LPSN – Nice beakout on earnings … I like this long at $6.


WG – Nice move for two days on positive earnings, but is at resistance at $16.50. Potential short or long, depending on price action, but this is not as high a percentage trade as I like. SWKS is similar.


PWOIF – Wow … impressive chart, looks pumped. No clear play here, just watch.


IMGG – Continues breaking out, but no clear play considering I hate buying OTC stocks. Volume isn’t too impressive either.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for November 6th: Not much

I have been doing some work on my SEC Filing DVD today, so I only made one trade. The DVD is seriously going to be great … I will admit that the DVD will not always be exciting or funny (sorry but it is hard to make accounting fun), but I will show you good stuff, including how you could have read through the SEC filings of Enron, Worldcom, and other frauds and figured out that they were fraudulent. I even show an email exchange between a convicted securities fraudster and myself so you can see how slimy those cretins are!

Daily profit: $127.00

Weekly profit: $2521.77

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for November 6th

Celebrate my five year wedding anniversary today by buying my DVD! I pledge to spend the money on my wonderful wife! If ten people buy the DVD in the next day using my link I will take my wife to Paris! (Okay, so I know that isn’t much of an inducement, although if you knew my wife, that would be a good inducement.)

Not too much on watch for tomorrow. The rising tide today lifted many boats, but I don’t want stocks that follow the market.

AGYS – Bouncing stock on no news at resistance, but on good earnings? Short on red / long on green. Too low of volume for me to play though.


QXM – Hmmm, maybe I should’ve stuck to my advice and shorted on red this morning? It will likely drop a bit more and then be choppy.


I have a DVD! You have only ONE DAY to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for November 5th

I have a DVD! You have only ONE DAY to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

I’ve decided to give up on making trades based on things I see alerted in the Investors Underground stock chat unless they fit into one of my other trade categories. I have done nothing but lose money trying to trade in their style (with the exception of my slightly better than breakeven trading of pre-leader longs). While I have made, according to my handy-dandy trade spreadsheet, $5,622.26 trading general stocks alerted in the chat, with the exception of a few pump and dumps, GGC, and DNDN (where I made over 100% in less than five minutes of actual trading), I have lost $2,902.85 trading based on the alerts. What does this mean? I will continue to subscribe to the chat, because I do find it helpful in identifying stocks on the move (and I would not have made the money I did make in GGC, DNDN, and several Stockpreacher pumps if I hadn’t been in chat), but I will no longer make any trades based on the chat unless they fit within my own trading styles.

Daily profit: ($101.89)

BOT    10,000    MXGD    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0570    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:23        2.85
BOT    10,000    MXGD    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0600    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:31:20        3.00
BOT    5,000    MXGD    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0600    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:31:20        1.50
+    BOT    10,000    SNSS    false    Stock (SCM)    .500    USD    SMART    09:34:06        27.75
SLD    10,000    MXGD    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0510    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:14        2.55
SLD    10,000    MXGD    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0500    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:34        2.50
SLD    5,000    MXGD    false    Stock (OTCBB)    0.0500    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:54        1.25
+    SLD    10,000    SNSS    false    Stock (SCM)    .492    USD    SMART    09:37:38        29.86
+    BOT    200    FSYS    false    Stock (NMS)    40.070    USD    SMART    09:40:47        1.00
+    SLD    200    FSYS    false    Stock (NMS)    40.490    USD    ISLAND    09:44:29        1.00
+    SLD    900    QXM    false    Stock    4.760    USD    NYSE    09:52:42        4.50
+    SLD    3,100    QXM    false    Stock    4.702    USD    NYSE    09:52:44        15.50
+    BOT    4,000    QXM    false    Stock    4.660    USD    ISLAND    09:53:04        20.00

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Remember, remember, this watchlist for the 5th of November

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot,
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

SNIC – Nice breakout at $6.60, I bought it, but then it came back down and I sold for pennies. Might still be worth a shot tomorrow on green, but it has earnings after the close. PFAP same kind of chart but it is OTC BB. Along the same lines, COT finally had its breakout, late today.


GCHT – Pump! I tried buying it at $3.05 to $3.10 but could not fill. Do not buy unless you wear asbestos underwear. ALFSS.


MPAA — Hmm, a nice breakout at $5.50 and a former zero-volume stock, up on earnings. I’m long on green. Fuck the MPAA & the RIAA, but I’m long on green.


I have a new DVD! You have only two days to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

TRK – Up on earnings, lower volume. Long on green.




HYC – Nice earnings breakout, long on green, but I am not a fan of trading NYSE stocks.


QXM – Up from $3.10 to $4.88 in three days; move started a couple days after earnings, so short on red.


AKRX – Pimps up, hoes down with Acorn! A breakout, but no easy play on this choppy stock.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for November 4th

I have a new DVD! You have only two days to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

I missed a nice buy of YRCW on green today for a bounce and I also missed the breakout of ENMD at $1.00 per share. Oh well.

Daily profit: $1497.04

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for November 4th

Have you heard of my new DVD? You have only three days to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

Lots of mining and other commodity-tied stocks near beautiful breakouts, but I’ll stay away from them.

COT – A nice breakout, although the stock has a small ADR and it is a crowded trade.


BHWX – Promoted crap, not up enough to interest me in shorting it.


MOSY – Nice breakout above $2.75 today, no clear play tomorrow, lower volume.


QXM – Nice breakout, but a bit overextended in my opinion. Long on green/short on red, higher risk either way.


RTK – Anyone remember how I messed this up? It is nice to see it has finally come most of the way back down. No play now.


ECPG – Interesting chart, would be a nice breakout on $17.


YRCW & GTXI – Potential bounces, no longer good risk/reward shorting on red (today they were good!). Long on green.



Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for November 3rd

I haven’t been trading a whole bunch as I have been working on my blog and my new DVD. You have only three days to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

BORROW    500    ZZ    false    SBL ZZ    0.68    USD    AQS    09:04:35    SBLPage    0.00    Yes
+    BOT    1,000    ENMD    false    Stock (SCM)    .885    USD    SMART    11:02:46        4.42
+    SLD    1,000    ENMD    false    Stock (SCM)    .862    USD    SMART    13:27:27        4.31
+    BOT    8,979    COT    false    Stock    8.654    USD    ARCA    14:56:10        44.90
+    BOT    10,000    COT    false    Stock    8.697    USD    BATS    14:56:15        50.00
+    SLD    6,412    COT    false    Stock    8.758    USD    NYSE    14:58:49        32.06
+    SLD    3,567    COT    false    Stock    8.750    USD    SMART    14:59:32        17.84
+    SLD    5,724    COT    false    Stock    8.740    USD    BATS    15:00:00        28.62
+    SLD    276    COT    false    Stock    8.720    USD    ISLAND    15:00:45        1.38
+    SLD    3,000    COT    false    Stock    8.700    USD    SMART    15:00:53        15.00

Daily profit: $1005.84

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for November 3rd

You have only three days to purchase my DVD on reading SEC filings if you wish to receive free access to the follow-up webinar. It is only $397 (you save $100 off its normal price by pre-ordering it).

IMOT – Another one from my former zero volume stocks Stockfetcher scan. Nice breakout at $0.20. I won’t play it but am interested to see if this scan can identify any winners.


QXM – Big runner on no news (earnings were last Thursday). Some resistance up to $4.30.


SHS – Above $9.20 or so there is little resistance up until $18.


IUSA – Nice breakout, some longer-term resistance.


GTXI – Bounce! Please! Please? Short on red, long on green.


YRCW – Bounce? For the love of God, Montressor, bounce! Yes, for the love of God. Short on red, long on green. Let’s see if I can play bounces with multi-day setups (as opposed to my incompetence at playing for intra-day bounces).


+1 duck to anyone who gets the Montressor reference without Googling it.

TNUS – To quote a great poet, “So feel me drill me, put a bullet in my head, but yo / You can’t kill me, cause I’m already dead.” And just as almost all gangsters die by violence, almost all pumps die spectacular deaths.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for November 2nd: Boring!

I did a lot of work on my blog today so I didn’t make many trades although I did watch many potential trades.

I apologize for the audio in my trade recap video (it is a little distorted); I am adjusting my audio settings.

BOT    370    TNUS    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.2700    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:26        1.85
+    SLD    370    TNUS    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.290    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:52        1.85
+    BOT    1,000    YRCW    false    Stock (NMS)    1.900    USD    SMART    10:09:37        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    YRCW    false    Stock (NMS)    1.970    USD    SMART    10:10:33        5.00
+    BOT    1,000    YRCW    false    Stock (NMS)    1.940    USD    SMART    10:15:57        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    YRCW    false    Stock (NMS)    1.880    USD    SMART    10:16:07        5.00

Daily profit: ($6.22)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.