Trade recap for 11/19 and an abbreviated watchlist

My profit today is largely due to InvestorsLive of the Investors Underground stock chat, who is good at understanding and identifying pumps; I played and profited off of BLAP after his alerts.

TTIL, BONT on watch as longs. I explain a bit in the video. CLDS as well. NLST still on short watch, but it is getting annoyingly choppy and borrows are mostly gone.

Trades today:
+    SLD    15,000    BLAP    false    Stock    .061    USD    SMART    09:33:26        4.57
SLD    15,000    BLAP    false    Stock    0.0600    USD    SMART    09:33:45        4.50

Daily profit: $449.17

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for 11/19

Things I don’t care about: AENY & GGWPQ both have nice breakouts. I like to avoid trading OTC stocks unless they pump & dumps.

HEAT – Chart is overextended, but it is up on earnings. No easy play.


TWLL – Nice breakout on upgrade and increased guidance. Long on green.


VM – Nice breakout at $5.30. Long on green, likely to be a snoozer though, because it is a NYSE issue.


NLST – You should know this by now. Short on green/red or a break of $4.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap: Another boring day, another $1k

Seriously, this is getting rather tedious …

As a follow-up to one of my comments in the video, Tweexchange does appear to work now.

Trades at IB:
BOT    500    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    4.2600    USD    DRCTEDGE    08:10:51        2.50
SLD    500    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    4.2400    USD    ARCA    08:12:33        2.50
BOT    10,000    BLAP    false    Stock    0.0450    USD    SMART    14:35:14        2.25
BOT    20,000    BLAP    false    Stock    0.0450    USD    SMART    15:22:02        4.50
BOT    2,000    AENY    false    Stock (OTCBB)    2.8100    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:36:10        10.00
BOT    2,000    AENY    false    Stock (OTCBB)    2.8100    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:36:40        10.00
SLD    1,000    AENY    false    Stock (OTCBB)    2.9500    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:40:20        5.00
SLD    1,000    AENY    false    Stock (OTCBB)    2.9900    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:40:46        5.00
SLD    1,000    AENY    false    Stock (OTCBB)    3.1000    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:42:28        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    AENY    false    Stock (OTCBB)    3.000    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:44:16        5.00


NLST 5 day chart

NLST 1 day chart

Daily profit: $1250.20

Disclosure: Long 30,000 shares of BLAP. No positions in any other stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

The seven rules of trading

I post this today as a reminder to anyone who is caught short in the big NLST short-squeeze.

Sometimes I’m asked why I don’t make more money. I have two responses to this: first, I am not actually a very talented trader; second, I trade for a living, so my goal is to make a certain income while taking as little risk as possible. Those who focus on making as much money as possible while ignoring risk will invariably lose almost everything, no matter how talented they are, just as Livermore and Niederhoffer did.

1. Hope is not a strategy.
2. Plan your entry and exit before you make a trade.
3. If you are unsure of what to do, get out.
4. Only trade when you have an edge.
5. Track all your trades. If a strategy loses money, abandon it.
6. Do not focus only on potential gains but also on potential losses. Trade only when the risk/reward ratio is favorable.
7. Don’t let a very good profit disappear or turn into a loss because you want an even bigger profit.

Trade recap for November 17th: My pathetic inability to trade supernova NLST

Another disappointing day; I captured less than 1/3 of the profit that I should have had in NLST. Still, another $1k+ day.

Trades at IB:
SLD    1,000    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.6400    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:43:02        5.00
SLD    500    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.6400    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:43:33        2.50
BOT    500    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.4350    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:20:52        2.50
BOT    500    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.4600    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:21:39        2.50
BOT    500    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.4700    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:22:23        2.50


NLST 4 day chart

NLST 1 day chart

Daily profit: $1,574.43 (after adding in profit on position closed after-hours; see comment #1 below)

Disclosure: Short 5,000 shares of NLST. No positions in any other stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap / watchlist: All eyes on NLST

I had a profit on NLST that erased my previous losses on it. The end appears near for it, although the stock has not yet collapsed. So ALFFS. See my video from last night if you want my thoughts on trading it and watch my video below.


NLST 4-day

NLST 1-day

Daily profit: $902.00

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

NLST goes supernova

There is no watchlist tonight. That would be superfluous. There is only NLST (okay, IMGG is also interesting, but NLST is much better). Did you follow my advice to ALFSS? I did and I am ready. (And by the way, ALFSS certainly does not mean short it as soon as you can. Supernovae make great longs before they make great shorts and I tried to long it Friday). If you are interested in trading supernovae, watch this video where I lay out my battle plan.

For further edification, see my trade recaps of recent supernova GGC.




Disclosure: No net positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for Friday the 13th: Previous resistance becomes support; set stops accordingly

I have to be the only one to lose money going long NLST today. Oyvey.

After recording the video I bought 50,000 VGPR at $0.0201 and sold 50,000 at $0.021  +$23.62 realized

BOT    2,300    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    2.3200    USD    SMART    09:32:00        11.50
SLD    2,300    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    2.1700    USD    ISLAND    09:33:56        11.50
+    SLD    200    VRMLQ    false    Stock    23.500    USD    SMART    09:34:01        1.00
SLD    200    VRMLQ    false    Stock    22.90    USD    SMART    09:38:04        1.00
+    BOT    2,300    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    2.337    USD    ISLAND    09:43:37        11.50
+    SLD    2,300    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    2.280    USD    SMART    09:44:34        11.50
+    BOT    2,300    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    2.430    USD    ISLAND    09:46:39        11.50
+    SLD    2,300    NLST    false    Stock (NMS)    2.453    USD    SMART    09:47:42        11.50
BOT    1,000    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.6400    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:14:35        5.00
SLD    1,000    IMGG    false    Stock (OTCBB)    1.6500    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:22:40        5.00
BOT    50,000    VGPR    false    Stock    0.0200    USD    SMART    14:56:19        5.00
SLD    25,000    VGPR    false    Stock    0.0220    USD    SMART    15:02:48        2.75
+    SLD    25,000    VGPR    false    Stock    .019    USD    SMART    15:26:42        2.42

Daily profit: ($99.86)

Weekly profit: $3264.56

For Livestock viewers, here’s the Grand Canyon from a helicopter:


Disclosure: No net positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Friday the 13th

Odd facts: thirteen is my lucky number and I actually lived in Crystal Lake for a time while growing up.

NLST – ALFFS! ALFFS! ALFFS! Nice 100%+ run up on no meaningful news. ALFFS! ALFFS! ALFFS! You know the drill by now … hopefully.


VRMLQ – I’m long this (as is Tim Sykes) on this beautiful breakout with volume. I hope to exit on a morning spike … this thing has a good record of multi-day runs.


IMGG, SNIC, KNDI, NANO are some other recent breakouts. Considering how interesting the first two stocks are I won’t even show you the graphs of these stocks. If there are ideal plays, ignore all others.

Disclosure: Long 400 VRMLQ. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for November 12th: Reverse pseudo-arbitrage

Good recap today that explains how I practice share-class pseudo-arbitrage. Watch it.

+    BOT    1,000    CNLG    false    Stock (SCM)    1.815    USD    ARCA    09:36:18        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    CNLG    false    Stock (SCM)    1.850    USD    SMART    09:45:23        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    PLA    false    Stock    3.930    USD    SMART    11:39:39        5.00
+    BOT    1,000    PLA    false    Stock    3.830    USD    SMART    11:44:16        5.00
+    BOT    400    VRMLQ    false    Stock    21.500    USD    SMART    12:49:06        2.00
+    SLD    200    VRMLQ    false    Stock    22.450    USD    SMART    12:55:49        1.00
+    BOT    1,200    KNDI    false    Stock (SCM)    4.014    USD    DRCTEDGE    13:56:07        6.00
+    SLD    200    VRMLQ    false    Stock    23.260    USD    SMART    13:56:20        2.00
+    SLD    1,200    KNDI    false    Stock (SCM)    4.050    USD    SMART    14:10:12        6.00
SLD    30    BRK B    false    Stock    3396.70    USD    NYSE    14:53:56        1.00
BOT    1    BRK A    false    Stock    101965.00    USD    NYSE    14:53:58        1.00
BOT    1    BRK A    false    Stock    101989.00    USD    NYSE    14:56:02        1.00
SLD    30    BRK B    false    Stock    3396.54    USD    NYSE    14:56:37        1.00
+    BOT    400    VRMLQ    false    Stock    22.268    USD    SMART    15:43:27        2.38

Daily profit: $684.23

Disclosure: Long 60 BRK-B, short 2 BRK-A, long 400 VRMLQ. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.