Watchlist for January 12th

ZLC – Good move today, maybe it can keep working on filling the gap?


PEIX – Huge move today. I will look to short on weakness if I can find shares to short.


BIOF – Nice breakout on what appears to be no news.


ECOB – I’m still short after a slight up-day today as a couple fluffy press releases were released. While I wish this would collapse quicker the volume is drying up and the price will likely drop soon. Pure pump & dumps like this do not keep their gains.


Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for January 11th

I am celebrating Chile joining the OECD with some nice unrealized profits on positions I’m holding overnight. Most of my trades today were in my ThinkorSwim account.

Trades at IB:
SLD    1,000    BGMO    false    Stock    0.320    USD    SMART    09:35:00        1.60
SLD    2,000    BGMO    false    Stock    0.320    USD    SMART    09:35:00        3.20
SLD    2,000    BGMO    false    Stock    0.330    USD    SMART    09:35:20        3.30
SLD    2,000    BGMO    false    Stock    0.320    USD    SMART    09:36:58        3.20

Daily profit: $278.90

Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB, long 15,000 MDCE and 45,000 WTKN. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

My best stock watchlist ever!

Some nice setups for Monday.

EcoBlu Products, Inc. (Public, OTC:ECOB) – I am short 30,000 shares from Friday. The pump is over and the main pumper, (which was promised $250,000 in cash to pump the stock) wrote in an email today, “To all my long time members I want to congratulate everyone on a sweet win to start the new year. With that said I believe ECOB has hit some resistance and is now done!” It is a no-brainer that the stock will fall more over the next couple days and I will look to cover during that time period. IB looks like it will have more shares to short Monday and if the stock does not gap down too much it would be possible to get short ECOB at a price not much worse than my $0.93 entry price.


American Lithium Minerals Inc (Public, OTC:AMLME) – Closed up just a couple cents Friday … I would probably have shorted it then if I had not been busy watching every tick of ECOB. This is a re-pump and it is up 100% in just four days so there is plenty of room to fall.


Bergamo Acquisition Corp (Public, OTC:BGMO) – Previously pumped carcass of a company looking like it had its first pump day Friday. I bought 10,000 shares near the end of the day at $0.2814 and sold 3,000 right before close at $0.34. I will look to sell into a likely gap up. I wouldn’t recommend buying this Monday … I just want to illustrate that the only two reliable ways to make money on pump & dumps are to buy very early in the pump or to short sell as the pump starts to fade.


ALKANE INC (Public, PINK:ALKN) – Screw paraffins! This is another pump. Some people I know at the Investors Underground chat (sign up using my link to save 15% per quarter!) are holding it over the weekend and they made money holding it the last few days. But from $0.03 to $0.38 in four days? If this shows weakness and there are borrows I will look to short. Hopefully it has another big up day first.


Luna Innovations Incorporated (Public, NASDAQ:LUNA) – Awesome breakout Friday. This is what happens when a $30m company (now $50m market cap) inks a huge deal with a huge company and it is meaningful. Notice the quote from ISRG in the press release. Also notice the huge breakout over LUNA’s September high of $3.29. Tim Sykes bought the stock at $3.36 right after the breakout. His TimAlert subscribers could have bought following the alert at $3.75 or so (I bought at $3.72 but sold quickly); LUNA went up to $4.90 in after-hours trading. I expect a huge gap and maybe some more of a run Monday.


Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:CYCC) – Still two words, “cancer cure.” A small black candle Friday may not be the end of this company with some nice drug results and the possibility for lots of hype (and no, I don’t believe the hype). Might be nice to buy on red/green and $3.00 cross.


Pacific Ethanol Inc (Public, NASDAQ:PEIX) – Up 60% on rather fluffy news? I’m short-biased but probably won’t touch it due to other plays being better.


Motors Liquidation Company (Public, OTC:MTLQQ) – Up some more Friday, having now moved from $0.50 to $0.85 in a week … I’m still short-biased if it shows weakness.


Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. (Public, NYSE:HPY)– Good move Friday after it settled legal claims regarding a data security breach. $60m ain’t cheap but it won’t kill the company. A break above $15.15 would be huge.


SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. (Public, AMEX:SPU) – There is seriously a company called SkyPeople Fruit Juice?!?!?


Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB and long 7,000 BGMO. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for red Friday: Let the dumps commence!

Good day. Unusually for me I am holding two positions over the weekend.

Daily profit: $975.50

Weekly profit: $4,559.31

Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB and long 7,000 BGMO. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

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Watchlist for Friday: A time to dump

Why is tomorrow red Friday? Because I think the blood will flow on several big pump & dumps. The pump & dumps tomorrow are so interesting that I won’t list many other stocks. Here they are, in order of goodness:

EcoBlu Products, Inc.  (Public, OTC:ECOB) – The previous BestDamnPennystocks pump, SMCE, had three big up days (although they weren’t as clean as ECOB’s three up days) followed by a day where it  gapged up, had a huge run, and then tanked. That red day was followed by four straight red days, at the end of which the stock was 47% below its intraday peak. I think ECOB could have a similar run. Hopefully there will be shares to short. I believe there might be because this thing has gotten great volume and the stock has been around for awhile. I know I will look to short this with size if I can get shares.


Previous BDPS pump SMCE:

American Lithium Minerals Inc  (Public, OTC:AMLME) – This stock has not been pumped as blatantly as ECOB, but it is being pumped. The move from $0.52 to $1.29 in three days is due to end. I am actually long 2300 shares of this from late this afternoon and will look to sell after early tomorrow morning; I anticipate it gapping up and running a bit. After that I will look for momentum to fade and then look to short.


Jayhawk Energy Inc  (Public, OTC:JYHW) – Tim Sykes is short this from this morning. It is another pump and dump, but choppier and it has had a longer-term pump. I have found that these pumps do not tank as quickly and convincingly as pumps that run straight up.


Non pumps

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.  (Public, NASDAQ:CYCC) – Two words: “cancer cure.” Every trader who hears that drools and then promptly buys. The move is probably overdone, but I anticipate more gains tomorrow. I saw it hit $3.15 in after-market trading.


Bakers Footwear Group, Inc.  (Public, NASDAQ:BKRS) – Good sales and an out-of-this-world earnings forecast propelled this low-float stock today. I anticipate another good move up tomorrow.


Other notables (no charts):

SOMX – Gap filling time?

MTLQQ – Short-biased for obvious reasons. Shares are easy to borrow at IB.

Disclosure: Long 2300 AMLME. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for January 7th: Pumpity pump pump!

Another solid day. I could have done a lot better on IDN and I missed BKRS and JYHW, but I still did okay. And it is hard to argue with a fourth straight day of solid profits.

Trades at IB:
SLD    400    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9100    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:25:21        1.82
SLD    500    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9600    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:31:05        2.40
SLD    400    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9725    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:31:35        1.94
SLD    300    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9800    USD    SMART    09:32:12        1.47
SLD    400    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9900    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:33:13        1.98
SLD    500    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9925    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:33:23        2.48
SLD    700    ECOB    false    Stock    0.9975    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:42        3.49
SLD    700    CSGH    false    Stock    2.2700    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:35:18        3.50
SLD    500    CSGH    false    Stock    2.2700    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:35:26        2.50
+    SLD    5,000    CDII    false    Stock    2.100    USD    BATS    09:37:06        25.00
SLD    3,000    JYHW    false    Stock    1.2700    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:38:56        15.00
BOT    3,000    JYHW    false    Stock    1.2600    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:40:09        15.00
+    BOT    2,000    CDII    false    Stock    2.090    USD    SMART    09:43:22        10.00
+    BOT    3,000    CDII    false    Stock    2.097    USD    SMART    09:45:11        15.00
+    BOT    207    BKRS    false    Stock    1.330    USD    ISLAND    09:50:32        1.04
+    SLD    207    BKRS    false    Stock    1.500    USD    DRCTEDGE    09:54:50        1.04
BOT    1,200    IDN    false    Stock    4.0500    USD    SMART    10:15:54        6.00
SLD    600    IDN    false    Stock    4.1600    USD    ISLAND    10:25:07        3.00
+    SLD    600    IDN    false    Stock    4.200    USD    SMART    10:25:49        3.00
+    SLD    10,000    CDII    false    Stock    2.066    USD    ARCA    13:13:24        50.00
+    BOT    10,000    CDII    false    Stock    2.080    USD    DRCTEDGE    13:15:36        50.00
BOT    2,300    AMLME    false    Stock    1.2550    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:56:18        11.50

Daily profit: $419.03

Disclosure: Long 2300 AMLME. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Google searches people use to find this blog

“Timmy Bohen trader” and “Timmy Bohen” – Tim Sykes likes referring to the other Tim as ‘Timmy’ so that is what people search for. I get a few hits a day from people searching for this. So be happy, Tim Bohen, for you are famous.

“Alfss Sykes” or “What does alfss mean?” – I love getting free traffic from people searching for the definition of Tim Sykes’ abbreviation. See the definition in my FAQ.

“Investors Underground promo code $99 per quarter” – Yes, people who sign up for IU chat through my affiliate link can save 15% per quarter! I am a happy customer there.

“JYHW pump and dump” – Yes it is a pump & dump. Do not buy if you value your money. I made money buying it but that is a risky strategy I do not recommend. I prefer short selling pump & dumps and I may look to short this soon.

“What the fuck is up with IMGG” – It is a horrible company with marginal fundamentals that idiot investors bought based on hyped-up press releases. I predict that its stock will continue to fall gradually over the next couple years. Tim Sykes wrote a bit about the company’s fundamentals. He and I are just about to publish a DVD set on reading SEC filings (only a tiny bit of editing needs to be done now) and if you order quickly you can still save $100 by pre-ordering. Learn more about the DVD.

“4th day of the year 2010” – Who the heck uses this search phrase? What are they trying to find?

“ICXT rumor” – If you are not just trading off of stock rumors but googling for them, perhaps you should stop trading, because you are certainly going to lose money.

“lionmaster – of – real name” – I have no clue what it is. I am not a fan of people who go by pseudonyms, including Muddy, Laura, and Investorslive of the Investors Underground Chat (although I know Laura’s and Investorslive’s full names and they seem like good people). I try to be transparent about everything I do in my trading (except when it might hurt my trading profits, such as divulging my “super secret trading strategy”) and my readers can easily Google me and find out some things I have done in the past (like some of my artistic photos, or the current members of my graduate school lab).

“What investors recommend aeny” – Dumb ones.

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Momentum stocks on watch for January 7th

ECOB – This is the BestDamnPennyStocks pump and it has been a competent pump so far, from $0.50 to $0.84 in two days. I am long 3,200 shares of this and intend to sell soon after the open tomorrow. If it goes up a couple more days I’ll get excited about the potential for shorting it.


CDII – Hype! No reason for this to be up from $1.25 to $2.10 in three days. I will look to short aggressively on weakness.


ICXT – Expect more volatility either way, like NLST after its first big move.


IDN – This should be a nice long as it crosses $4. It could go either way, though.


Disclosure: Long 3,200 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Another good trading day: $1666.68 in profits

Judging by some of the search queries people use to find this website, some people believe that I receive some special treatment from Tim Sykes (or that there is some sort of leak in his alert system) and I get his TimAlert trade alerts before other people. That is not true. If it were true, I certainly wouldn’t be dumb enough to blog about the trades I made using that information. The truth is, I have actually learned how to day-trade based on what Sykes teaches in his ever-expanding oeuvre of DVDs (my favorites among them that I own: Pennystocking Part Deux and TimFundamentals Part Deux).

My buy to cover order today on AENY and my first short of it yesterday are good examples. In both cases I traded about the same time Sykes did, before I even received his TimAlert. Why did I do this? Because I have been trained to think like Sykes. We both shorted AENY yesterday near the open because it was opening down after a fade the previous day (and it was a blatant pump & dump). I waited about a minute after the open to make sure it wouldn’t spike and I think Tim Sykes did the same before shorting. We both covered AENY today at about $4.30 because we like to take gains and the stock had ceased falling and was going sideways and even slightly up. Of course, covering there was not ideal because the stock promptly dropped to 4.18 and later hit $3.80, but the thinking on our parts was correct: we were just too conservative.

My overnight short of AENY was in my ThinkorSwim account and thus will show up on Covestor.

Watch the video for my trade recap and some advice on how pump & dumps work and what to keep in mind if you try to buy them.

Daily profit: $1666.68

Trades at IB:
SLD    500    JYHW    false    Stock    1.5400    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:12:41        2.50
+    SLD    500    ECOB    false    Stock    .705    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:53        2.50
SLD    500    ECOB    false    Stock    0.7200    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:01        1.80
SLD    500    ECOB    false    Stock    0.7150    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:57        1.79
SLD    700    JYHW    false    Stock    1.4500    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:33:36        3.50
SLD    1,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.7160    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:07        3.58
+    BOT    1,200    AHD    false    Stock    7.280    USD    ARCA    14:19:41        6.00
+    BOT    10,000    AHD    false    Stock    7.290    USD    SMART    14:19:41        50.00
+    SLD    8,800    AHD    false    Stock    7.362    USD    ISLAND    14:20:57        44.00
+    SLD    2,400    AHD    false    Stock    7.430    USD    NYSE    14:21:55        12.00
+    BOT    1,200    CSGH    false    Stock    2.260    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:52:19        6.00
+    BOT    3,200    ECOB    false    Stock    .810    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:54:08        16.00

Disclosure: Long 3,200 ECOB and 1,200 CSGH. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 6th

Americas Energy Company (AENY.OB) – I’m short this horrid pump & dump overnight. I shorted twice today, with realized profits of $916.50. I remain short 2,000 shares from $4.60. I expect a small gap down and a morning panic. Because this is a true pump and dump it could fall very far. That being said, I will close my position quickly, like I always do.


JayHawk Energy, Inc. (JYHW.OB) – This is it! America’s next top pump & dump. I am long 1,200 shares overnight expecting another gap up tomorrow. Because this is a pump I will sell quickly, but I believe it has more to run before the dump. Hopefully it is pumped past $2.00 and then I will get excited about shorting it.


UAUA, LUV, AMR, DAL, & LCC – Airlines up big for some reason. I don’t play these, but if you like to play hot sectors, take a look at these.


JASO & SOLF & YGE – Solars are doing well. Both are at nice breakout points and has a history of multi-day runs.


MNI, GCI, NYT – Newspapers are hot, too!


Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc. (IDN) & ICx Technologies, Inc. (ICXT) – These are annoying. They should’ve died by now, but are stubbornly holding onto most of their gains. After consolidation today I am long-biased.



On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTIV) – Contract win! Could move more tomorrow, who knows, but will move some which way.


New Energy Technologies, Inc. (NENE.OB) – An old Lebed pump, looks like it is getting re-pumped.


Mindspeed Technologies Inc. (MSPD) – This was a beautiful breakout today, called in chat as it approached $5.00


Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVS) – Short biased if it goes green/red.


Westport Innovations Inc. (WPRT) – Nearing its 52-week highs. I’d like this as a long on red/green.


Disclosure: Short 2,000 AENY and long 1,200 JYHW. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.