Hide your order size by using iceberg orders at Interactive Brokers

When trading large blocks of shares, particularly in illiquid stocks, it helps to hide the number of shares in your order. You can do this with what is called an iceberg order. The video below shows how they work in Interactive Brokers Traders’ Workstation as I try to cover a large short position in an illiquid stock. You can learn more about all complex order types at IB by visiting their order type page.

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Saturday morning mailbag

In the video I answer a few questions:

1. How do I spot volume breakouts during the day?
2. How do I set alerts at IB?
3. How did I get an account at Goldman Sachs?
4. How do I find stocks moving in the pre-market?

If you send me an email your question or use my contact page to ask a question your question will likely be answered in the next installment of this (perhaps weekly) series.

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Reaper Trades

Update on trading like Tim Sykes: $120,000+ in profits

Below is a chart of my cumulative profits from trading Tim Sykes’ pennystocking strategy. If you are impressed, why not take a look at his DVDs and learn the strategy for yourself? I recommend and own Pennystocking Part Deux and TimFundamentals Part Deux.

Check out my last update on my Sykes-related trading profits. Also, for detailed trade statistics, check out my trading profits page. If you are not familiar with how my story intersects with Tim Sykes’ story, read my article The truth about Tim Sykes from a former critic.

Click the chart for a bigger version.

While I like Sykes his strategies are not the only trading strategies I use. This chart only includes those trades that I made using his strategies or my interpretations thereof. Please note that my “watchlist longs” profits are not included in the chart even though I consider that trading strategy to be purely derived from Sykes’ teachings. I have had about $2,000 in such profit in 2009 and 2010.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned in this post. I receive a commission for every DVD bought through my affiliate link to Sykes’ web store. To see more details on my relationship with Sykes, please see my disclosures. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 15th

VLYF – Another airport security play. Lower volume and OTC though. Short on weakness.


MDCE – Pumped stock. I’ve made $835.49 in realized profits by buying this stock so far. I would much prefer to short it, however. Hopefully it has a huge up day or two left so I can short at a high price (even $0.80 would make me happy). Now it is too cheap for me to want to short. I have a small long position I will sell tomorrow (likely right after the open).


Disclosure: Long 6400 MDCE. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for January 14th: Dump day for pump & dump ECOB

See video trade recap. Today was the dump day of pump & dump ECOB. I banked on that short despite covering a bit early and I also made $350 on the pumped stocks I held overnight and sold today (I’m now down to a $4200 loss for those this year). I did make a few trades after recording the trade recap; see below for details.


Daily profit: $7320.93

SLD    3,500    GAZU    false    Stock    0.5600    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:05        9.80
SLD    6,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.2930    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:04        8.79
BOT    2,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.7100    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:22        7.10
SLD    5,000    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3200    USD    SMART    09:32:22        8.00
+    SLD    3,500    GAZU    false    Stock    .530    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:25        10.06
BOT    5,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.7100    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:44        17.75
SLD    5,000    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3200    USD    SMART    09:33:17        8.00
BOT    5,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.6700    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:33:59        16.75
BOT    5,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.6800    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:08        17.00
+    BOT    5,000    ECOB    false    Stock    .640    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:54        16.00
BOT    5,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.6700    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:37:40        16.75
SLD    3,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.3190    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:40:47        4.78
SLD    3,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.2950    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:42:19        7.08
+    SLD    5,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.000    USD    ISE    10:20:14        25.00
+    BOT    5,000    PEIX    false    Stock    1.940    USD    ISLAND    10:21:30        25.00
BOT    5,000    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3700    USD    SMART    10:26:42        9.25
BOT    4,000    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3700    USD    SMART    10:27:33        7.40
SLD    4,500    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3900    USD    SMART    11:40:57        8.78
+    SLD    4,500    ISPI    false    Stock    .350    USD    SMART    11:55:10        7.88
+    SLD    10,000    IDN    false    Stock    3.643    USD    BATS    13:31:21        50.00
+    BOT    200    IDN    false    Stock    3.630    USD    SMART    14:02:12        1.00
+    BOT    200    IDN    false    Stock    3.630    USD    ARCA    14:04:34        1.00
+    BOT    1,500    IDN    false    Stock    3.630    USD    ARCA    14:15:04        7.50
+    BOT    1,600    IDN    false    Stock    3.620    USD    ISLAND    14:15:20        8.00
+    BOT    1,100    IDN    false    Stock    3.630    USD    SMART    14:22:47        5.50
+    BOT    1,400    IDN    false    Stock    3.620    USD    ARCA    14:33:11        7.00
+    BOT    2,000    IDN    false    Stock    3.620    USD    SMART    15:02:47        10.00
+    BOT    2,000    IDN    false    Stock    3.620    USD    ARCA    15:02:49        10.00
BOT    10,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.3250    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:18:43        16.25
SLD    5,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.3160    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:36:29        7.90
SLD    5,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.3160    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:36:33        7.90
+    BOT    2,000    IDN    false    Stock    3.855    USD    AMEX    15:44:22        10.00
+    SLD    2,000    IDN    false    Stock    3.800    USD    SMART    15:45:20        10.00
BOT    10,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.3300    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:49:29        16.50
SLD    3,600    MDCE    false    Stock    0.3400    USD    ARCAEDGE    16:00:35        6.12

Disclosure: Long 6400 MDCE. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 14th

ECOB – The end is near and daily fluffy PRs cannot save this stock. I expect another big down day tomorrow and if that is the case I will likely cover my short position.


PEIX – Still on short watch. It will likely have another down day tomorrow.


ROSG – Big gainer, but no easy play now that they did a stock offering after hours.


Disclosure: Short 27,000 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for January 13th: Beware of forced buy-ins

I didn’t suffer a forced buy-in but I explain them in the trade recap. I will look to cover ECOB in the next couple days and I will certainly sell my other positions soon after the market open tomorrow.

Daily profit: $171.82

Trades at IB:
SLD    2,500    BPAC    false    Stock    0.6070    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:17        12.14
+    SLD    2,500    BPAC    false    Stock    .630    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:34:34        7.88
BOT    1,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.8250    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:04:10        4.12
BOT    1,000    ECOB    false    Stock    0.8400    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:27:12        5.00
+    SLD    7,235    PEIX    false    Stock    2.210    USD    BATS    13:12:44        36.18
BOT    5,000    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3000    USD    SMART    13:23:06        7.50
BOT    5,000    ISPI    false    Stock    0.3000    USD    SMART    14:28:06        7.50
BOT    3,000    GAZU    false    Stock    0.5500    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:29:38        8.25
+    BOT    7,235    PEIX    false    Stock    2.219    USD    DRCTEDGE    14:30:12        36.18
+    BOT    3,000    GAZU    false    Stock    .560    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:36:21        8.40
+    BOT    1,000    ECOB    false    Stock    .810    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:27:36        4.05
BOT    12,000    MDCE    false    Stock    0.2650    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:49:04        15.90
BOT    1,000    GAZU    false    Stock    0.5120    USD    SMART    15:52:02        2.56

Disclosure: Short 27,000 ECOB, long 10,000 ISPI, long 7,000 GAZU, and long 12,000 MDCE. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 13th

Nothing too exciting to add.

NEXM – Big spike on drug news. Too cheap to excite me.


PEIX – I had a nice short of this today but it closed green. Tomorrow may be the big down day or it could pull an NLST/IDN and just gyrate sideways for the next week or two.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap: N’attendez plus tant

Horrible day today. I should have listened to Nana Mouskouri’s advice to not wait too long, but I didn’t. I waited too long to take profits in WTKN and a $4.2k unrealized gain yesterday turned into a $6.3k loss. See the video trade recap for some other lessons and trades.

Advice for nubile women and traders:

Trade recap

Trades at IB:
+    SLD    10,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.062    USD    ARCA    08:10:23        50.00
BOT    4,550    PEIX    false    Stock    2.0600    USD    ISLAND    08:12:23        22.75
+    BOT    1,450    PEIX    false    Stock    2.040    USD    ISLAND    08:18:14        7.25
BOT    1,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.0400    USD    DRCTEDGE    08:18:56        5.00
BOT    1,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.0400    USD    ISLAND    08:19:47        5.00
BOT    2,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.0400    USD    ISLAND    08:26:26        10.00
+    SLD    10,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.497    USD    SMART    10:26:26        50.00
+    BOT    1,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.290    USD    SMART    12:25:30        5.00
+    BOT    3,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.290    USD    SMART    12:41:07        15.00
+    BOT    3,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.300    USD    ISE    12:41:29        15.00
+    BOT    3,000    PEIX    false    Stock    2.310    USD    SMART    12:41:37        15.00
BOT    2,500    BPAC    false    Stock    0.6110    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:56:37        7.64
BOT    2,500    BPAC    false    Stock    0.6120    USD    ARCAEDGE    15:57:02        7.65

Daily profit: ($3856.30)

Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB and long 5,000 BPAC. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.