Watchlist for March 1st

I do not see any ideal plays. VSTNQ is my top watch.

IFLG – Still on short watch, but it would have to break some support for me really to get excited about shorting. A potential long as well. Basically, unless it moves a bunch, I won’t play it.


VSTNQ – Long on strength or red/green, short on weakness or green/red.


BRYN – PennystockChaser re-pump Friday … I would love for them to get it up a bunch more so I can short. I won’t even consider playing this long. HSCO is another stock they are re-pumping.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

How to learn to trade penny stocks

This is my motivational / instructional video on how to learn to trade.

The keys to success:

1. Don’t be lazy. Trading is hard work.
2. Look it up. Use Google and Investopedia and other resources. Read trading books at your local library. I have suggested a few good ones.
3. Don’t believe it unless there is proof. Lots of people lie about trading success. Look for proof that a strategy works before using it.
4. Don’t waste my time (or the time of any other decent trader) with stupid questions … I’m quite willing to help if you have a novel or worthwhile question but I will ignore you if you show that you have not put forth any effort.
5. Anyone who is serious about learning to trade penny stocks should read every single blog post I have written, as well as every post by Timothy Sykes, Tim Bohen, James Krieger, and probably every post by Pradeep Bond. To do less is laziness. A couple other traders who have  blogs that might be worthwhile are BigT and JohnC.
6. If you value your time more than your money, I recommend buying Tim Sykes DVDs (Pennystocking Part Deux & TimFundamentals Part Deux are the best and I own both).

I should note that @investorslive did not say he made $50k on VSTNQ … I was exaggerating. His Twitter feed is annoyingly promotional, though, as he mainly uses it to promote his subscription stock chat. So while he will have great calls like “$VSTNQ is on watch today” before the market opened and it quintupled, there is plenty of “chat is on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” type tweets. I subscribe to his pay stock chat room, InvestorsUnderground. If you sign up using my affiliate link you can save up to 15%.

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. Thinkorswim is one of my brokers. I am an affiliate of Tim Sykes and Investorsunderground. For more details on those relationships, see the terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Q&A: What is an over-extended stock and what do the new SEC short selling rules mean for traders?

Two questions this week:

1. What do you mean when you say a stock is over-extended?
2. What do the new SEC short selling rules mean for traders, particularly short-biased penny-stock traders? I give my opinion of what it means to me. Check out this WSJ blog post explaining the rule and this more-detailed Bloomberg article.

Disclosure: Long 8,000 STTN. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

My Interactive Brokers Trader’s Workstation workspace / configuration

Like how my workspace on Interactive Brokers Traders Workstation (IB TWS) looks? Why not download it and try it out yourself? This includes all my settings including order defaults and display setting. Keep in mind that I have optimized it for my trading style and my monitor size (22″, 1900 x 1280). Let me know what you think if you give it a try. Also, please be aware that I have certain order presets (such as discretionary amount) that are not suitable to most traders. Please use this workspace only to see how I have it configured and to get ideas for your own workspace. Do not just load it and trade with it, not knowing all the presets I have. One preset I have is to have a ‘discretionary’ amount of 3 cents, such that the software will try to fill any limit orders 3 cents beyond the limit. Due to changes in IB’s software I do not think it is now possible to remove that setting.

GoodeTWS3-5-2012.xml (1.2 megabyte configuration file; Right click and save the file to your desktop, then in TWS go to File -> Restore Settings and select this file)

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap: I am still an efficient scalper!

I am an efficient scalper again (link is to the mp3 you know and love)! Not much exciting today except for some scalping. Too bad I missed buying (or shorting at $0.42) VSTNQ.

Daily profit: $405.03

Weekly profit: $7,108.08

IB Trades today:
+    BOT    500    IFLG    false    Stock    8.100    USD    SMART    09:30:09        2.50
+    SLD    500    IFLG    false    Stock    8.200    USD    SMART    09:38:14        2.50
+    BOT    10,000    MCGC    false    Stock    5.210    USD    ARCA    14:31:39        50.00
+    SLD    10,000    MCGC    false    Stock    5.260    USD    SMART    14:32:46        50.00
+    SLD    1,000    MCGC    false    Stock    5.330    USD    SMART    14:34:28        5.00
BOT    1,000    MCGC    false    Stock    5.32    USD    ISLAND    14:37:07        5.00
+    BOT    1,000    MCGC    false    Stock    5.210    USD    BATS    14:45:59        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    MCGC    false    Stock    5.240    USD    SMART    14:58:01        5.00
BOT    225    IFLG    false    Stock    8.5100    USD    ARCA    15:33:07        1.12
BOT    275    IFLG    false    Stock    8.5100    USD    ISLAND    15:34:30        1.38
BOT    5,000    STTN    false    Stock    0.4800    USD    SMART    15:47:47        12.00
+    SLD    500    IFLG    false    Stock    8.400    USD    ARCA    15:54:48        2.50
+    BOT    3,000    STTN    false    Stock    .480    USD    SMART    15:59:36        7.20

Disclosure: Long 8,000 STTN. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Watchlist for February 25th

IFLG – Awesome supernova. I have misplayed it horribly and still made $4k or so on it (realized profit). I am short 3,000 shares overnight. Tim Sykes has made somewhere north of $15k on it in the last two days (why not buy his Pennystocking Part Deux DVD that I own and recommend?)



AMOK – The new NXTH? Pumper Jarret Wollstein (who has pumped NXTH, AENY, and JYHW in the last six months) is doing his darnedest to make this horrific reverse-merged company the next big pump. Here is his disclaimer:

“The distribution costs of this report to new subscribers, one hundred thirty thousand dollars, were funded by Benchmark Media Ltd. in an effort to create investor awareness of Amarok Resources, Inc. Benchmark Media Ltd. is neither a broker-dealer nor investment advisor, but is a shareholder in Amarok Resources, Inc., holding 1.5 million shares of Amarok Resources, Inc. stock which can be publicly traded (sold) at any time by Benchmark Media Ltd. group. It is anticipated that this report will generate new subscriptions for Intelligent Investor Report and expect to receive an unknown amount of revenue from new subscriptions from the subscription offer contained herein. Jarret Wollstein, the reviewer [or analyst], has been paid twenty-five thousand dollars in compensation for research, preparing and publishing this report and other publishing venues. “

I bought 2,200 shares of AMOK today and will see how far up the pump I will ride them. I will sell them sooner rather than later, though. Buying pumps is very risky and I do not recommend it.


NVLT – Down 80% on FDA news. Had a tiny bounce in it today, maybe more tomorrow. I am bad at these plays though.


VPHM – This higher-priced earnings runner could continue.


Disclosure: Long 2200 AMOK and short 3000 IFLG. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for February 24th

Tim Sykes nailed his shorts on IFLG today and subscribers to his TimAlerts trade alert service did well too. I messed it up, of course, but still profited. I remain short 3000 shares of IFLG overnight.

Daily profit: $2,879.54

Disclosure: Long 2200 AMOK and short 3000 IFLG. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for February 23rd & watchlist

Not a bad day, helped make up for yesterday.

Daily profit (total yesterday & today): $2121.86

On watch:

CIMT – Big earnings runner today. Potential long on r/g or off consolidation.


IFLG – Potential short after crazy move. ALFSS!

IFLG 2-day chart

RCYT – Pump! I played it long today and have 16,000 shares I am holding overnight and will sell soon after the open.


RCYT 1-day chart


Disclosure: Long 16,000 RCYT that I intend to sell soon after the open tomorrow. I have offsetting long and short positions in IFLG (and thus no net exposure). No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Watchlist for the last happy prime numbered day in February!

What is a happy prime number? Ask Wikipedia. Where’s my trade recap? I was busy and I did not want to give away one particular position so I will recap today’s mostly execrable trades tomorrow.

IFLG – Big move on no particular news other than them talking at some conference. I am short biased but I will watch price action to determine my move.


RCYT – I have counted three separate pumpers that pumped this tonight. One pumper was compensated 2,475,000 free trading shares; one was compensated 2,325,000 free trading shares; a third pumper did not disclose getting compensated. I have no idea how much this will move, so I certainly would not recommend buying. This will, however, be worth watching. Hopefully they can pump it up to $0.80 or more and shares become available to short.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.