Trade recap for May 21st

Daily profit: $292.05

Weekly profit: $1,903.17

Disclosure: Short 50,000 AMCG, long 41,000 AMCG, long 10,000 NTMG, short 2,500 AMEL. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for May 20th

14:13:44    EMWW    S    0.0201    50000    ETMM
14:11:56    EMWW    B    0.021    50000    PFSI
SLD    2,000    AMEL    false    Stock    1.0000    USD    SMART    09:44:26        10.00
+    BOT    1,000    HAUP    false    Stock    3.050    USD    SMART    09:50:42        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    HAUP    false    Stock    3.054    USD    ISLAND    09:51:30        5.00
+    BOT    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    .906    USD    SMART    10:49:03        4.53
BOT    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9200    USD    SMART    13:02:44        4.60
SLD    6,000    AMCG    false    Stock    0.1860    USD    SMART    13:20:41        5.58
SLD    1,500    AMCG    false    Stock    0.1850    USD    SMART    13:22:20        1.39
SLD    1,500    AMCG    false    Stock    0.1850    USD    SMART    13:23:09        1.39

Daily profit: $90.37

Disclosure: Short 9,000 AMCG. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trading R&D (and the May 19th trade recap)

Just one main trade today on ANTS and a small HAUP scalp. Mostly in the video I talk about trading research and development.

Daily profit: $1,452.00

BOT    1,000    ANTS    false    Stock    2.3500    USD    SMART    09:56:19        5.00
BOT    1,000    ANTS    false    Stock    2.1900    USD    SMART    10:06:41        5.00

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

My thoughts on various brokers

See the video for my thoughts on the various brokers I use. See also my first impressions of Speedtrader and my review of SogoElite. [Edit 6/21/2011 — Subsequent to me posting this video Sogotrade has changed hands (Genesis Securities sold it to Wang) and the borrows for shorts are not good there anymore. I recommend against using Sogotrade.]

Full resolution video

More posts on brokers:

How to borrow shares to short
An introduction to short selling at Interactive Brokers
Interactive Brokers brings the stock loan marketplace to the independent trader

HOD list: How to find stocks breaking out to new highs
My Interactive Brokers Traders Workstation configuration / workspace
How to scan for pre-market gainers using Interactive Brokers

Disclosure: Short 2,000 ANTS and 5,000 HAUP. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

May 13th trade recap

Trades today (except those at SogoElite):

09:31:26    KNDR    B    0.059    10000    NITE
09:32:59    KNDR    S    0.064    8000    NITE
09:32:59    KNDR    S    0.064    2000    NITE
10:36:08    USPS    B    0.16    10000    NITE  (This was a twitter pump; I somehow missed the earlier email pump; oops.)
10:36:09    USPS    B    0.16    10000    PFSI
10:36:10    USPS    B    0.16    10000    NITE
10:37:34    USPS    S    0.159    500    NITE
10:38:57    USPS    S    0.15    5000    NITE
10:45:09    USPS    S    0.14    5000    NITE
10:46:04    USPS    S    0.14    6500    ETMM
10:46:12    USPS    S    0.135    3500    ETMM
10:54:56    USPS    S    0.149    9500    NITE

+    SLD    5,000    DIVX    false    Stock    7.426    USD    BATS    09:33:17        25.00
+    BOT    2,500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.401    USD    BATS    09:36:47        12.50
+    BOT    2,500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.400    USD    SMART    09:37:00        12.50
+    SLD    5,000    SFMI    false    Stock    .380    USD    SMART    09:44:12        9.50
BOT    5,000    SFMI    false    Stock    0.4050    USD    SMART    09:59:51        10.12
+    SLD    3,933    DIVX    false    Stock    7.410    USD    SMART    10:31:54        19.66
+    BOT    3,933    DIVX    false    Stock    7.390    USD    SMART    10:36:08        19.66
SLD    5,000    SFMI    false    Stock    0.4020    USD    SMART    14:34:23        10.05
+    SLD    5,000    SFMI    false    Stock    .430    USD    SMART    15:04:21        10.75
+    SLD    500    HAUP    false    Stock    2.502    USD    ARCA    15:45:15        2.50
SLD    500    HAUP    false    Stock    2.9700    USD    ISLAND    16:03:10        2.50

Daily profit: ($265.67)

Disclosure: Short 10k SFMI and 1k HAUP. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for May 12th

Mentions of AEHI in chat:
[May 12, 2010 12:00:56 PM EDT]     JC      AEHI hod
[May 12, 2010 12:17:32 PM EDT]     JC    AEHI seems pumped hmm
[May 12, 2010 12:22:32 PM EDT]     JC    frigging… AEHI new hod
[May 12, 2010 12:24:59 PM EDT]     SteveS    AEHI how high will that go?!
[May 12, 2010 12:28:03 PM EDT]     Reaper    AEHI omg
[May 12, 2010 12:28:09 PM EDT]     JC    wtf…AEHI..
[May 12, 2010 12:30:28 PM EDT]     Reaper    shorting a bunch of AEHI … very risky
[May 12, 2010 12:30:46 PM EDT]     Reaper    short 3100 AEHI @ .97055

IFLG a nice short (in SogoElite, not shown below):
[May 12, 2010 2:57:57 PM EDT]     Reaper    shorted 1k IFLG @ 5.35 @ sogoelite … very tight 10 cent stop
[May 12, 2010 2:58:50 PM EDT]     Reaper    I like the big offers on IFLG @ 5.37 and 5.40
[May 12, 2010 3:05:59 PM EDT]     Reaper    covered 500 of my IFLG @ 5 still short 500
[May 12, 2010 3:09:42 PM EDT]     Reaper    out IFLG @ 5

My trades today (except those at SogoElite):
BOT    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    1.3100    USD    SMART    10:26:48        5.00
BOT    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    1.3100    USD    ARCAEDGE    10:27:22        5.00
SLD    2,000    AEHI    false    Stock    0.9300    USD    SMART    12:27:34        9.30
SLD    100    AEHI    false    Stock    1.3400    USD    SMART    12:28:53        1.00
+    SLD    1,000    AEHI    false    Stock    1.030    USD    SMART    12:30:22        5.00
BOT    1,500    AEHI    false    Stock    0.6000    USD    SMART    12:45:10        4.50
BOT    1,600    AEHI    false    Stock    0.6500    USD    SMART    12:58:53        5.20
+    BOT    5,000    DIVX    false    Stock    7.235    USD    SMART    15:48:17        25.00
+    SLD    2,500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.300    USD    ARCA    15:48:52        12.50
+    SLD    2,500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.400    USD    ISLAND    15:49:12        12.50
+    SLD    500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.510    USD    SMART    15:50:58        2.50
+    BOT    500    DIVX    false    Stock    7.550    USD    SMART    15:54:12        2.50

09:53:31    PRWP    B    0.8    1630    NITE
10:22:18    PRWP    S    0.83    1185    NITE
10:19:11    PRWP    S    0.83    445    NITE

Daily profit: $2,193.60

AEHI Intraday chart

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.