Trade recap for June 3rd

My only trade today was shorting the HotOTC pump MCTH. HotOTC pumps usually gap and crap. Unfortunately I missed the open by a few minutes do to a long dentist appointment so I missed out on filling my shorts at .42. Ouch. Even worse, the dentist told me I need a crown.

+    SLD    832    MCTH    false    Stock    .419    USD    SMART    09:47:52        1.74        null
+    SLD    9,600    MCTH    false    Stock    .400    USD    SMART    09:47:57        19.20        null
+    SLD    1,400    MCTH    false    Stock    .390    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:50:07        2.73        null
+    SLD    10,000    MCTH    false    Stock    .399    USD    SMART    09:58:47        19.94        null
+    SLD    5,000    MCTH    false    Stock    .400    USD    SMART    10:04:34        10.00        null
+    BOT    5,200    MCTH    false    Stock    .380    USD    SMART    10:51:05        9.89        null
+    BOT    18,600    MCTH    false    Stock    .390    USD    SMART    11:16:13        36.27        null
BOT    1,850    MCTH    false    Stock    0.3701    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:35:23        3.42        null

Daily profit: $0.00 (Because I still have 1,182 shares short I will count the whole trade as ending tomorrow to simplify my accounting.)

Disclosure: Short 1182 MCTH. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

A few links to help with pump & dump research

I read these messageboards without fail. All these messageboards are active and have optional RSS feeds.

SI Paid Mailers
iHub Franklin, Andrews, Kramer, and Edelstein (FAKE)
iHub DD Support board and Fraud Research Team
ihub Spam and Scam
The Penny Stock Bar (Cheers)

Websites / Blogs
These are the best blogs that cover pump and dumps.

The Financial Investigator (Roddy Boyd)
The Street Sweeper
David Baines at the Vancouver (BC) Sun
TheWorm_06 – Roberto aka TheWorm_06 has unmasked numerous frauds on his blog.
ShareSleuth – Financed by Mark Cuban.
Citron Research – Short seller Andrew Left has unmasked many penny stock frauds. (has nice details on big promotions) (owned by a stock promoter) (owned by a stock promoter)

Disclosure: No links to the above message boards except that I do poste on the iHub DD Fraud Research board. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 2nd

Daily profit: ($469.75)

+    SLD    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    1.002    USD    SMART    09:32:10        12.50        null
BOT    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9601    USD    SMART    09:37:05        12.00        null
+    SLD    5,000    JSDA    false    Stock    1.950    USD    ARCA    12:12:12        25.00        null
BOT    5,000    JSDA    false    Stock    2.0500    USD    DRCTEDGE    13:07:40        25.00        null

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 1st


BOT    200    HAUP    false    Stock    2.8300    USD    SMART    09:38:48        1.00        null
SLD    200    HAUP    false    Stock    2.8700    USD    ISLAND    09:39:22        1.00        null
BOT    15,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0900    USD    SMART    09:41:59        6.75        null
BOT    15,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0900    USD    SMART    09:41:59        6.75        null
BOT    7,400    MINED    false    Stock    0.0711    USD    SMART    10:29:52        2.63        null
+    BOT    62,600    MINED    false    Stock    .070    USD    SMART    10:32:12        22.01        null
+    SLD    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    1.010    USD    ARCAEDGE    11:04:49        12.50        null
BOT    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9710    USD    SMART    13:37:48        12.14        null
SLD    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9900    USD    SMART    14:27:27        12.38        null
BOT    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9800    USD    SMART    15:14:03        12.25        null

09:44:07    MINED    S    0.0919    25000    NITE
09:42:47    MINED    S    0.0918    5000    NITE
09:41:59    MINED    B    0.09    30000    NITE
09:40:37    MINED    S    0.089    10000    NITE
09:40:31    MINED    S    0.09    20000    NITE
10:31:50    MINED    S    0.072    62600    ETMM
10:27:06    MINED    S    0.076    6050    ETMM
09:55:50    MINED    S    0.0896    750    NITE
09:55:48    MINED    S    0.0896    600    NITE

Daily profit: $114.10

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

SEC sues alleged stock manipulators behind BlueFire Ethanol (BFRE) and other pump & dumps

BlueFire was one of the first pump and dumps I observed. Below is the chart. Guess where the pump and dump occurred.


Here is the summary from the SEC’s litigation release:

The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed a complaint against Blake Williams of Dallas, Texas, and registered representative Derek Lopez, of Torrance, California, and numerous entities that they controlled, alleging that they committed securities fraud by manipulating the markets of numerous microcap stocks from 2006 to 2008. The Commission alleges that the defendants sold stock in unregistered offerings and that their subsequent manipulation led to artificially high prices and volume, which allowed the defendants and others to sell their holdings for substantial gains. The complaint also alleges that Williams acted as an unregistered broker-dealer when he solicited purchases of stock and traded on behalf of investors who bought stock from him.

The Commission’s complaint alleges that Williams, using five entities that he controlled, and Lopez, using the entity Da Big Kahuna, LLC, engaged in a number of manipulative practices, including:

  • engaging in “bid support” by placing orders for shares at prices below the inside (highest) bid to absorb sell orders and create an artificial floor for the stocks;
  • trading in multiple accounts through multiple brokers to give the false impression that there was greater demand for the stocks than truly existed;
  • coordinating trading among a group of individuals for the purpose of maintaining stock prices; and
  • obtaining securities in unlawful, unregistered offerings and then selling the securities to investors and into the markets in similarly unregistered and unlawful transactions

Here are some details on which companies were affected, from the SEC’s legal complaint (pdf):

53. Williams and the Williams Entities participated in the manipulation of the stocks of at least a dozen issuers (Advanced Growing, Axium, Bluefire, Datascension, Interlink, Medirect Latino, National Automation, Packaged Home, Pet Ecology, Remote Surveillance, Riverdale, and Straight Up).
54. Lopez and Da Big Kahuna participated in the manipulation of at least eight stocks (Axium, Bluefire, Interlink, Packaged Home, Pet Ecology, Straight Up, National Automation, and Remote Surveillance).
The defendants used a variety of methods to manipulate the markets for the targeted stocks including, “bid support,” controlling the float, coordinated trading, and trading in multiple accounts.

I find the details of how the alleged manipulation took place to be especially enlightening:

A. Bid Support
56. The defendants and others engaged in what they referred to as “bid support.” This conduct involved layering orders at or near the best bid and ask prices with the intent to stabilize or increase share prices.
57. The defendants placed buy orders for stock at prices immediately below the “inside,” or highest, bid price posted by the market makers. For example, if the highest bid posted by a market maker was $1.50, the defendants might place orders at $1.45, $1.40, and $1.35, often for small amounts of stock.
58. These orders had two purposes. First, the defendants intended to create an artificial floor price for the stock when there was increased selling in the market; the defendants expected that the supporting orders would absorb some of the sell orders so that the stock prices would not fall dramatically. Second, the defendants placed the orders through different brokerage firms so that market participants would see a substantial number of bids and conclude that there was greater demand for the stocks than truly existed.
B. Controlling the Float and Coordinating Trading
59. The overall manipulation strategy relied upon controlling the “float”—the total shares available for investors to trade for a particular stock. As part of the scheme to distribute shares in unregistered offerings, the defendants and others ensured that the majority of shares without restrictive legends were controlled by the group.
60. The defendants and other participants in the scheme controlled the float so that shares would not be “dumped” into the market indiscriminately while they were selling their shares into the market.
61. As described above, the individuals who bought shares from the Williams
Entities had their shares pooled for some initial period (typically 30 to 60 days) and Williams traded their shares during this lock-up period.
62. The defendants and others engaged in coordinated trading to deceive the markets and extract profits from artificially high stock prices. This was accomplished by, among other things, selling in times of increased volume and price and not selling in times of low prices and/or volume.
C. Trading in Multiple Accounts
63. The defendants traded through several different brokerage firms using multiple accounts. This practice gave the impression of market depth to those looking at the market on a “Level II” or “Level III” screen, which identifies the market makers that are originating bids. Additionally, trading spread over many brokerage firms might avoid “red flags” with brokerage houses if large amounts of stock were deposited via stock certificates, thus concealing the fraud.
64. Williams traded stock on behalf of the Williams Entities and in his own name through accounts at multiple brokerage firms. Williams often deposited shares across the numerous accounts to avoid scrutiny and purportedly to ease the “clearing process.”
65. For instance, in the case of Axium, Williams directed the transfer agent to issue stock certificates to TBeck Capital, Victoria Financial, Valek Investments, Warren Street, and himself. An email from another individual to Williams said, “distribute free trading stock to 3 brokerage firms. Remember that the small cert[ificate]s go out first. Don’t send Lampost [Brokerage] any Victoria shares since they think I am on too many accounts.” Valek Investments’ one million Axium shares were issued in twenty certificates of 50,000 shares each. As part of depositing these numerous certificates across all of the accounts, Williams told one of his brokers, “I thought I would deposit one 50,000 share cert[ificate] into each account to make sure y’all are comfortable before I drop the bigger ones in.”
66. Similarly, Lopez traded securities at both his employer and “away” from his employer (in accounts at other firms), and traded in both his own name and in the name of Da Big Kahuna. Lopez made efforts to hide his activities on behalf of Da Big Kahuna from his employer by not properly designating them as “related” accounts. Moreover, the accounts for Da Big Kahuna are listed in the name of one of Lopez’s relatives even though Lopez controlled the trading in those accounts.

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for May 27th

Uggh. Here is the big intraday chart of MINED.

+    BOT    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    .106    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:55:10        42.37
+    BOT    10,000    MINED    false    Stock    .106    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:05:28        8.45
+    SLD    60,000    MINED    false    Stock    .092    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:31:36        27.45
+    BOT    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    .101    USD    ARCAEDGE    11:06:33        38.96
SLD    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0990    USD    SMART    11:11:09        24.75
09:33:34    MINED    S    0.0996    25000    NITE
09:33:34    MINED    S    0.0996    25000    NITE
11:11:37    MINED    B    0.099    50000    NITE
11:17:26    MINED    S    0.0984    2200    NITE
11:26:56    MINED    S    0.0961    25000    NITE
11:27:13    MINED    S    0.0961    5000    NITE
11:27:13    MINED    S    0.0961    17800    NITE

Daily profit: ($1,378.41)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for May 26th

The reason I bought MINED at IB this morning rather than at SpeedTrader is because IB’s fees for removing liquidity on ArcaEdge are 0.3% of the trade value, versus $0.003 per share at SpeedTrader.


15:41:03    MINED    B    0.1009    25000    NITE
15:35:50    MINED    B    0.101    25000    NITE
+    BOT    50,000    MINED    false    Stock    .066    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:32:28        26.38
+    BOT    30,000    MINED    false    Stock    .067    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:37:48        16.06
+    BOT    20,000    MINED    false    Stock    .067    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:38:12        10.70
SLD    20,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0759    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:10        7.59
SLD    20,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0779    USD    SMART    09:31:25        7.79
SLD    20,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0779    USD    SMART    09:33:10        7.79
SLD    20,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0838    USD    SMART    09:36:14        8.38
SLD    20,000    MINED    false    Stock    0.0926    USD    SMART    09:48:06        9.26
+    BOT    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    1.020    USD    ARCAEDGE    14:33:51        12.50

Daily profit: $1,191.31

Disclosure: Long 50,000 MINED. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for May 25th

BOT    6,050    AMCG    false    Stock    0.1311    USD    SMART    09:52:16        3.97
SLD    10,000    SFMI    false    Stock    0.3300    USD    SMART    14:33:36        16.50
BOT    5,000    SFMI    false    Stock    0.3120    USD    SMART    14:48:30        7.80
BOT    5,000    SFMI    false    Stock    0.3320    USD    SMART    15:23:54        8.30
09:31:00    ECOB    S    0.4    2500    ARCA
09:31:00    ECOB    S    0.4    1500    ARCA
09:12:29    LMCO    S    2.148    1000    ARCA
08:01:32    ECOB    B    0.391    4000    ARCA
08:00:20    LMCO    B    1.99    1000    ARCA

Daily profit: $506.95

Disclosure: Short 2,500 AMEL. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.