Trade recap for June 29th: Video trade recaps are back!

Daily profit: $662.19

09:28:15    NTMG    B    0.51    2500    ARCA
09:28:15    NTMG    B    0.51    2500    ARCA
09:30:50    NTMG    S    0.545    500    NITE
09:30:50    NTMG    S    0.545    2000    NITE
09:31:16    NTMG    S    0.5349    2500    NITE
SLD    2,700    NTMG    false    Stock    0.545    USD    SMART    09:30:49        7.36        null
+    SLD    2,700    NTMG    false    Stock    .545    USD    SMART    09:30:50        7.36        null
SLD    2,700    NTMG    false    Stock    0.520    USD    SMART    09:31:18        7.02        null
+    SLD    10,000    MINE    false    Stock    .041    USD    SMART    09:32:38        2.03        null
BOT    2,700    NTMG    false    Stock    0.505    USD    SMART    09:32:39        6.82        null
BOT    2,700    NTMG    false    Stock    0.450    USD    SMART    09:34:43        6.08        null
BOT    2,700    NTMG    false    Stock    0.449    USD    SMART    09:38:06        6.06        null
BOT    10,000    MINE    false    Stock    0.0387    USD    SMART    09:38:54        1.94        null
SLD    5,000    VIDA    false    Stock    0.1600    USD    SMART    09:42:37        4.00        null
SLD    5,000    VIDA    false    Stock    0.1639    USD    SMART    09:44:27        4.10        null
BOT    5,000    VIDA    false    Stock    0.1601    USD    SMART    09:46:14        4.00        null
BOT    5,000    VIDA    false    Stock    0.1601    USD    SMART    09:48:14        4.00        null

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

SEC charges couple behind with “fraudulently touting penny stocks”

Below is the full text of the SEC press release (see also the Quebec securities regulators’ press release in French):

SEC Charges Two Canadians With Fraudulently Touting Penny Stocks on a Website, Facebook and Twitter

Washington, D.C., June 29, 2010 — The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that it has obtained an emergency asset freeze against a Canadian couple who fraudulently touted penny stocks through their website, Facebook and Twitter. The SEC also charged two companies the couple control and obtained an asset freeze against them.

According to the SEC’s complaint, the defendants profited by selling penny stocks at or around the same time that they were touting them on The website invites investors to sign up for daily stock alerts through email, text messages, Facebook and Twitter.

The SEC alleges that since at least April 2009, Carol McKeown and Daniel F. Ryan, a couple residing in Montreal, Canada, have touted U.S. microcap companies. According to the SEC’s complaint, McKeown and Ryan received millions of shares of touted companies through their two corporations, defendants Downshire Capital Inc., and Meadow Vista Financial Corp., as compensation for their touting. McKeown and Ryan sold the shares on the open market while PennyStockChaser simultaneously predicted massive price increases for the issuers, a practice known as “scalping.”

“As alleged in our complaint, McKeown and Ryan used all the modern methods to communicate with investors including the PennyStockChaser website, e-mail, text messages, Facebook, and Twitter yet failed to adequately communicate that their rosy predictions for touted stocks were accompanied by their sales of those very same stocks.” said Eric I. Bustillo, Director of the SEC’s Miami Regional Office.

The SEC’s complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, also alleges McKeown, Ryan and one of their corporations failed to disclose the full amount of the compensation they received for touting stocks on PennyStockChaser. The SEC alleges that McKeown, Ryan and their corporations have realized at least $2.4 million in sales proceeds from their scalping scheme.

The SEC’s complaint charges McKeown, Ryan, Downshire Capital Inc. and Meadow Vista Financial Corp. with violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The SEC’s complaint also charges McKeown, Ryan and Meadow Vista Financial Corp. with violating Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933. In addition to the emergency relief already granted by the U.S. District Court the Commission also seeks a preliminary injunction and permanent injunction, along with disgorgement of ill-gotten gains plus prejudgment interest and the imposition of a financial penalty, penny stock bars against the individuals and the repatriation of assets to the United States.

In the course of its investigation, the SEC worked with the Quebec Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), which was also investigating this matter. As a result of both ongoing investigations, the AMF obtained an emergency order freezing assets and a cease trade order against McKeown, Ryan, Downshire Capital Inc. and Meadow Vista Financial Corp. The SEC appreciates the collaboration with the AMF.

The SEC’s case was investigated by Michael L. Riedlinger, Timothy J. Galdencio and Eric R. Busto of the Miami Regional Office. The SEC’s litigation effort will be led by Christine Nestor, Amie R. Berlin and Robert K. Levenson. The SEC’s investigation is continuing.

# # #

For more information regarding this enforcement action, contact:

Eric I. Bustillo
Regional Director, SEC’s Miami Regional Office
(305) 982-6300

Glenn S. Gordon
Associate Regional Director, SEC’s Miami Regional Office
(305) 982-6300

Disclosure: No connection to PennyStockChaser. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 28th

MINE was a poor trade on my part; I should have gotten in bigger, earlier, and stayed in longer; or at least done one of those three.

Daily profit: $276.28

+    BOT    50,000    MINE    false    Stock    .032    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:34:34        12.59        null
SLD    100    HUSA    false    Stock    12.00    USD    ISLAND    08:57:11        1.00        null
BOT    100    HUSA    false    Stock    11.50    USD    ARCA    09:00:00        1.00        null
SLD    50,000    MINE    false    Stock    0.0365    USD    SMART    09:31:07        9.12        null

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 25th

Daily profit: $628.88

15:07:33    VYOG    S    4.125    500    NITE
15:03:32    VYOG    B    4.05    500    NITE
+    BOT    19,333    HELI    false    Stock    .125    USD    SMART    10:04:07        12.08        null    IB
+    BOT    8,480    HELI    false    Stock    .130    USD    SMART    12:59:46        5.51        null    IB
+    BOT    20,667    HELI    false    Stock    .135    USD    SMART    13:03:12        13.92        null    IB
BOT    11,520    HELI    false    Stock    0.1350    USD    SMART    13:04:09        7.78        null    IB
BOT    20,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.1350    USD    SMART    13:05:47        13.50        null    IB
BOT    4,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.8511    USD    SMART    15:04:01        19.15        null    IB

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 24th

I will have a video and more details tomorrow afternoon. Due to moving (all moved, time for unpacking and cleaning) I am not able to do a video tonight.

09:33:42    BSOM    S    0.0791    10000    NITE
09:31:48    BSOM    B    0.074    10000    VERT

BOT    16,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.0900    USD    ARCAEDGE    08:03:12        11.52        null    IB
BOT    10,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.1081    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:38:39        5.40        null    IB
+    BOT    3,000    AMEL    false    Stock    .860    USD    SMART    09:38:42        12.90        null    IB
BOT    10,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.1086    USD    SMART    10:03:14        5.43        null    IB
BOT    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.8601    USD    SMART    12:00:37        10.75        null    IB

Daily profit: $1,565.79

Disclosure: Short 4,500 shares of AMEL and 80,000 shares of HELI. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 23

Root canal today, moving tomorrow … I’ll recap HELI over the weekend with some video. I am short HELI with an average of $0.13713.

HELI was an easy short call right at the open:

[Jun 23, 2010 9:29:31 AM EDT] Reaper fyi, I’ll be hitting HELI short hard out of gate … not a play unless u have a huge account though

I don’t often make predictions about price action, but my call on HELI was spot on (HELI was at .127 when I wrote this):

[Jun 23, 2010 12:57:42 PM EDT] Reaper HELI still boring sideways action … imo it does nothing until late day and then a tank to nlods, probably closing around .1183

Everything below .11 on HELI was just one huge block trade, trade-through. The bid was never lower than $0.11.

+    SLD    30,000    HELI    false    Stock    .140    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:32:28        21.01        null
+    SLD    20,000    HELI    false    Stock    .139    USD    SMART    09:32:34        13.90        null
SLD    20,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.1399    USD    SMART    09:32:42        13.99        null
+    SLD    20,000    HELI    false    Stock    .136    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:33:14        13.56        null
SLD    6,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.1355    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:33:40        4.06        null
SLD    20,000    HELI    false    Stock    0.1341    USD    SMART    09:36:30        13.41        null
+    SLD    1,500    AMEL    false    Stock    .970    USD    SMART    09:53:57        7.28        null
SLD    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9699    USD    SMART    09:58:08        12.12        null

Daily profit: $0

Disclosure: Short 10,000 shares of AMEL and 116,000 shares of HELI. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 22nd

Not much to say. ULU was a non-compensated Beacon/StockPreacher pump of an Amex stock.




+    SLD    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    .891    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:23:26        13.20        null
+    SLD    10,000    ULU    false    Stock    .120    USD    ARCA    10:05:15        5.98        null
+    BOT    10,000    ULU    false    Stock    .129    USD    ARCA    10:08:42        6.60        null
SLD    1,000    AMEL    false    Stock    0.9500    USD    SMART    13:17:06        4.75        null

Daily profit: ($106.58)

Disclosure: Short 6000 AMEL. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 21st

My one big regret from today was missing CLWRR short. Evidently it is a warrant that was expiring today (for CLWR). It dropped 89% today. There were at least 95,000 shares to short of this all day at IB and 300,000 before 2pm EST.


+    SLD    10,000    AMCG    false    Stock    .110    USD    SMART    11:26:21        5.50        null
+    SLD    2,500    AMEL    false    Stock    .836    USD    SMART    14:22:18        10.45        null

+    BOT    10,000    AMCG    false    Stock    .107    USD    SMART    15:24:44        5.82        null

My trades at Speedtrader are not shown (I am having trouble logging in right now).

Daily profit: ($47.21)

Disclosure: Short 2500 AMEL. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for June 17th

Just a quick bounce play on NMTI that didn’t work … I think I’ll stick with OTC stocks for my bounce plays. At least I used a tight stop.


15:46:03    NMTI    S    0.82    1000    SMART
15:45:44    NMTI    B    0.85    1000    SMART
SLD    1,000    VSTNQ    false    Stock    0.600    USD    SMART    11:34:45        3.00        null
BOT    1,000    VSTNQ    false    Stock    0.595    USD    SMART    11:35:36        2.98        null

Daily profit: ($44.98)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.