Pennypic pumps explained

See the linked video (approximately 1900 x 1150).

Here is the current list of Pennypic-related pump websites. They are actually three separate people/entities but they tend to work in concert (I will explain that more in a future post):

Golden Dragon
Golden Dragon
Golden Dragon
Golden Dragon
Insiderslab  (This one I am actually unsure of whether it is run by FreePennyAlerts or Golden Dragon Media or Pudong. The design of the emails is like the Pudong emails and the language is almost identical with the other Golden Dragon Media websites.)

Boxing your shorts: Why I could short TNGS when almost no one else could

One of the problems with a lot of pump and dumps is that there are often not any shares to short when the stock is about to fall. However, there are often shares available to short days before, when the pump is just starting. For example, there were at least 5,000 shares per day of TNGS available to short at Interactive Brokers for many days prior to its big drop day. However, from January 19th (the day before its big drop) to January 21st (the 2nd big drop day) there were no shares available to short at Interactive Brokers. Below is a chart from Interactive brokers showing the share availability to short of TNGS.

So what can a short seller do? The simple answer is to box the shares (this is also referred to as simply boxing). Boxing originated as a tax technique designed to delay the realization of capital gains while eliminating the risk of holding a stock. So for example an investor who was long 1,000 shares of AAPL since 1990 would then go short against the box, selling short an equal number of shares either in the same account (some brokers let you do this) or in another account, if he believed the stock was temporarily overvalued. This eliminated the risk of holding AAPL stock and did not require realizing a huge taxable capital gain. This tax loophole was closed in 1997. Now the only reason to box shares is to lock up short shares.

What I do on many pumps (the ones I know I will want to short sell) is I short shares at Interactive Brokers while going long an equal number of shares at SpeedTrader. Sometimes I will already be long the stock as I do sometimes try to make money by buying pumps (but shorting is much easier). Other times I will scalp to open the boxed position (for example I might scalp short and then buy long in my other account to box, rather than covering). By boxing the shares I accomplish two things: (1) I can now short whenever I want by selling my long shares, even long after no new shares are available to short, and (2) I can get better fills when I do decide to short an OTC stock because Speedtrader has more direct-routing options than does IB.

So how did I implement this for pump TNGS? I shorted 3000 shares at Interactive Brokers at an average price of $2.51 on 1/14 (that I later covered at $2.096 on 1/20 and 1/21). The same day, I bought 3000 shares in my Speedtrader account (I think I actually ended up buying for poor scalps multiple times, which explains why my average buy price is so much higher than my average short, and why has the position size at 4900 shares).

To get net short on 1/19 when TNGS was looking weak and I thought it might drop, I sold my long shares at Speedtrader, and I rebought them when TNGS held up (again, I had partial fills and some scalping so shows more than 3000 shares). On 1/20, soon after the open, TNGS looked weak and actually went red on the day. I shorted then by selling my long shares and I bought them back for a loss. When it went red again just a little bit later I believed it was time for the death drop and I sold my long shares a final time (2500 at $2.83 and 500 at $2.85). To cover, later that day and the next day, I covered my short shares at IB. I covered 2,000 shares on 1/20 at an average price of about $2.16; IB bought in 800 of my remaining shares at 2.05 the next morning, and I covered the last 200 shares into the 2nd down day morning panic at $1.64. Overall I netted $1913.21 from my trades on TNGS. Even considering the total capital I needed to make these trades (6,000 shares * a maximum price of $2.89 = $17,340), my percentage return was nice (11.0%).

There are of course downsides  to boxing. It uses up capital (and if you aren’t careful you can generate a margin call in one account even though you are not losing money overall), generally requires multiple brokerage accounts, generates more commissions, and requires more planning than just shorting. That being said, as long as the net result is a profit on a stock that would not have been otherwise shortable when you wanted to short it, the end result makes the hassle worthwhile. The only risk to boxing is forced buy-ins of short positions. This actually happened to a couple traders I know who had boxed shares of TNGS in preparation for its big down day. One of those traders was forced by Interactive Brokers to cover his short shares right at the open on 1/20, just an hour before the stock dropped. However, being forced to cover part of a boxed position will only saddle a trader with the costs of commissions and slippage.

A note on the psychology of boxing: I have seen other traders refer to ‘making money’ on one side of a boxed position while ‘losing money’ on the other side. I do not think of it like that. If I am long the same number of shares I am short, I have no net position and no risk. I consider myself ‘flat’ and think about it as if I had no positions in the stock. I then consider myself to be shorting when I sell my long shares.

2nd Down day intraday 1-minute chart

Disclosure: Short 40,000 shares of CWNR at Interactive Brokers and long 40,000 shares of CWNR at SpeedTrader. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Some recent snail mail pump & dumps

Here are some charts of ongoing pump & dumps (I think these have all been pumped by mailers). I am currently short 1500 shares of ALME.

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of ALME (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of AMOK (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of COUGF (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of FCPG (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of HHWW (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of NENE (non-log scale and note that the stock has done a 1 for 3 reverse split since the original post):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of TNGS (non-log scale):

update 10/4/2011 –Here is the aftermath of WLOC (non-log scale – note that since the first post this had had a 4 for 1 forward split):

Disclosure: Short 1,500 shares of ALME. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

BestDamnTradeRecap dot Com!

Not a full trade recap, but just my recap of BestDamnPennyStocks (and all their other websites) re-pump of CWNR.

Profit on CWNR: $5,066.31 (my other trades netted me additional profit but I didn’t want to take the time to discuss them)

Disclosure: Short 2,000 shares of CWNR. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for the new year: Some lessons learned

A good start to the new year. I wanted to commemorate the CPOW chart and my thoughts on it; I am still on my blogcation so don’t expect this every day!

All trades today:

SLD 20,000 CPOW false Stock 0.330 USD SMART 09:30:23 33.00 null
+ SLD 20,000 CPOW false Stock .330 USD SMART 09:30:39 33.00 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.305 USD SMART 09:32:43 7.62 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.291 USD SMART 09:34:47 7.28 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.290 USD SMART 09:34:59 7.25 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.280 USD SMART 09:37:00 7.00 null
+ BOT 10,000 CPOW false Stock .279 USD SMART 09:37:55 13.94 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.279 USD SMART 09:37:55 6.98 null
+ BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock .280 USD SMART 09:40:01 6.99 null
SLD 10,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1425 USD SMART 09:50:52 7.12 null
+ SLD 11,427 MDMN false Stock .143 USD SMART 09:50:54 8.16 null
+ SLD 20,000 MDMN false Stock .142 USD SMART 09:50:54 14.20 null
BOT 11,427 MDMN false Stock 0.1276 USD SMART 09:53:27 7.29 null
BOT 5,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1320 USD SMART 09:58:11 3.30 null
+ BOT 10,000 MDMN false Stock .131 USD SMART 09:58:12 6.55 null
BOT 5,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1379 USD SMART 10:03:11 3.45 null
+ BOT 8,000 MDMN false Stock .136 USD SMART 10:03:13 5.43 null
BOT 2,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1379 USD SMART 10:03:13 1.38 null

10:41:48 ENHD B 0.6301 1000 SBSH

10:51:09 ENHD S 0.7401 1000 ARCA

14:26:08 CPOW B 0.2052 10000 UBSS

14:28:15 CPOW S 0.2099 6000 UBSS

14:28:33 CPOW S 0.2095 4000 NITE

14:52:40 CHGS SS 4.25 100 SMART

14:52:42 CHGS SS 4.25 500 SMART

14:52:42 CHGS SS 4.25 400 SMART

15:25:25 CHGS B 4.04 200 SMART

15:25:25 CHGS B 4.04 800 SMART

Daily profit: $2,334.01

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

I no longer recommend stock chat

My InvestorsUnderground affiliate link redirects to this page. I stopped using InvestorsUnderground stock chat in December 2010 and I stopped recommending the chat at the same time. I do not recommend products or services that I do not use. This should not be considered a recommendation against IU chat — I simply don’t know enough to have an opinion anymore.

My old affiliate link now redirects to this page.

[Post updated 7 November 2018]

Disclosure: I used to be an affiliate of InvestorsUnderground (IU) stock chat, for which I received 50% of a new subscriber’s first month’s payment and 25% on an ongoing basis. I have not received any affiliate payments from them since December 2010. I am no longer a member of InvestorsUnderground stock chat; my membership ended at the end of 2010. I had subscribed to IU since its inception at the beginning of 2009 and I paid the standard rate of membership for charter members, which was $99/quarter (I also was a member of the free predecessor chat, Green on the Screen, for 6 months starting in summer 2008). From 2009 through 2010, I received a total of $5,720.39 (net of Paypal fees) from Pietro Rossa Trading (the Nevada corporation through which Nate Michaud runs InvestorsUnderground). This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for December 21st: A missed bounce play

Nothing too exciting today except for a missed opportunity on a bounce play.

Daily profit: $176.32

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for December 20th: Why ISCO moved so much the last few days

Software problems were compounded by mental errors, leading to a bad day.

10:56:14    TNGS    B    1.91    2000    NITE
10:56:32    TNGS    S    1.85    100    NITE
10:56:37    TNGS    S    1.85    400    NITE
10:56:37    TNGS    S    1.85    500    NITE
10:56:44    TNGS    S    1.85    500    NITE
10:56:47    TNGS    S    1.85    500    NITE

+    SLD    5,000    ISCO    false    Stock    2.290    USD    SMART    09:35:59        25.00        null
SLD    500    ISCO    false    Stock    2.2960    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:36:03        2.50        null
BOT    1,500    ISCO    false    Stock    2.3000    USD    SMART    09:39:30        7.50        null
BOT    2,000    ISCO    false    Stock    2.3000    USD    SMART    09:39:30        10.00        null
BOT    2,000    ISCO    false    Stock    2.3000    USD    SMART    09:39:30        10.00        null

Daily profit: ($249.50)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.