Watchlist for the day before Christmas Eve

AHD – A double on no news but an upgrade? Short on red. I have fond memories of the last NYSE MLP I shorted, USS (from back in July 2008).


ATHX – Whoa, Momma! Unsupportable move, but hey, I’m long-biased now. This thing was a no-brainer buy on the break of the high today. I’d consider buying it on green tomorrow. ATHX is the new NLST! Could also be a good short on red.


CIIC – Yeah, baby! A 90% move on no news? I’m eager to short this crappy China stock. I’d consider longing it on green, too, but my bet is it falls 20% tomorrow.


NVLT – Nice move, less interesting to me than the stocks above, especially considering it is an OTC BB stock.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 22nd

Not much here. I hope someone profited from MTEX as a short today, from yesterday’s watchlist. It was down 20% today, fading gradually throughout the day.

AMFI – Short hard on red, potential long on red/green. This thing is still likely to go bankrupt and even after a 100% run in two days it remains priced for bankruptcy.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Monday

PCBC – Nice move Friday on strong volume; this has a history of multi-day runs. I would consider going long on red/green. CPF has a similar chart, though not as good a history of multi-day runs.


SMOD – Nice breakout, at longer-term resistance. Good volume Friday. It was up on earnings, so it may keep going.


MTEX – I’m always short-biased on this MLM firm. Hopefully it has a third big up day to set up a better potential short.


IFNY – Breakout, but on low volume. Tim Sykes is long this. I would not buy this here because it is a pink sheet stock and the volume is anemic.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 18th

PIR – New 52-week high today and nice breakout.


SNIC – Big breakout today.


MEDG – Goodbye, pumped piece o’ crap! I just missed a fill on a short order right at the open this morning at $0.80.


MILL – On short watch following big two-day move on a slightly misleading press release. It is misleading in that it uses for the headline number the NPV of not just the proved reserves but also the probable reserves. Sorry boys, you shouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t really want to short this unless it has another big up day.


EXAS – Nice breakout, lower volume.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Thursday

LLFH – Tim Sykes bought this today. It is a nice breakout, but it is OTC and the volume was only 622,000. I bet it will go up a little tomorrow and then be choppy. I will not buy.


RXII – I think I’ve written before that stocks on short watch can make nice buys. This was a nice buy today. Still on short watch.


MTSN – Nice breakout to 52 week highs.


BZH & HOV – A couple homies that are doing nicely in the last couple days.

FMNTQ – If you like bankrupt pinkies, this is a beautiful breakout and it has done well on past breakouts.


TSYS – Nice breakout; some resistance from early 2009.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 16th

JBII & BGEM are pumps and I would love to short, but no shares.

RXII on short watch.

A bunch of oil E&P companies have breakout charts, but largely in response to the XTO buyout by Exxon, so uninteresting and unlikely to continue.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 15th

A video watchlist! The video unfortunately cuts off before I was finished. It does show many interesting stocks and gives a feel for how I scan.

Potential longs: AEN, ZSTN, TSTC, MGPI

Potential shorts: SNSS, CYCC

Disclosure: Long 300 BHWX. No positions in anything else mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 14th

SNSS – Top watch, heavily short-biased. Hopefully you are familiar with this stock after its crazy moves the last couple days.

SNSS 2-day chart
SNSS 2-day chart


NVLT – Nice breakout chart, too bad it is an OTC BB stock.


CYCC – Like a mini-SNSS, it too moved a couple days after its good drug-related news. Short on red, but not a ton of downside.


NEP – Nice breakout, decent volume, but it is an oil stock. Could still be decent on green.


EVC – Another beautiful breakout, but with plenty of longer-term resistance around $3 to $3.50.


AA – A chart similar to EVC. This of course is Alcoa, and considering it is a big, real company, I won’t be too interested in trading it.


LCC, UAUA, AMR – All these airlines spiked Friday.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Friday the 11th

Just two stocks on watch tonight, but they are two good stocks! Heck, who needs me for these watchlists? Preston already mentioned these an hour ago!

SNSS – Okay, news was two days ago, and yet it waited until today to really run. I’m short biased, but it could have another big day. This is my top watch (and probably is for everyone else, too).


AKNS – Is news of selling their product at Lowes really worth a 50% gain? I will take my cue from the black candle and short with abandon on red! As always, I will not look to short if it gaps down.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for a blizzardly Thursday

AAU – Hmm, looks nice a nice breakout, but no volume today. Pass.


AFFX – First really big up day with volume since the stock’s crash in late October. It might have more.


LIWA – Now that is a breakout!


GGWPQ – Keeps going. No clear play IMHO but it will continue to be volatile.


IMGN – Up on breast cancer drug news today, chart looks decent.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.