Watchlist for Friday: A time to dump

Why is tomorrow red Friday? Because I think the blood will flow on several big pump & dumps. The pump & dumps tomorrow are so interesting that I won’t list many other stocks. Here they are, in order of goodness:

EcoBlu Products, Inc.  (Public, OTC:ECOB) – The previous BestDamnPennystocks pump, SMCE, had three big up days (although they weren’t as clean as ECOB’s three up days) followed by a day where it  gapged up, had a huge run, and then tanked. That red day was followed by four straight red days, at the end of which the stock was 47% below its intraday peak. I think ECOB could have a similar run. Hopefully there will be shares to short. I believe there might be because this thing has gotten great volume and the stock has been around for awhile. I know I will look to short this with size if I can get shares.


Previous BDPS pump SMCE:

American Lithium Minerals Inc  (Public, OTC:AMLME) – This stock has not been pumped as blatantly as ECOB, but it is being pumped. The move from $0.52 to $1.29 in three days is due to end. I am actually long 2300 shares of this from late this afternoon and will look to sell after early tomorrow morning; I anticipate it gapping up and running a bit. After that I will look for momentum to fade and then look to short.


Jayhawk Energy Inc  (Public, OTC:JYHW) – Tim Sykes is short this from this morning. It is another pump and dump, but choppier and it has had a longer-term pump. I have found that these pumps do not tank as quickly and convincingly as pumps that run straight up.


Non pumps

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.  (Public, NASDAQ:CYCC) – Two words: “cancer cure.” Every trader who hears that drools and then promptly buys. The move is probably overdone, but I anticipate more gains tomorrow. I saw it hit $3.15 in after-market trading.


Bakers Footwear Group, Inc.  (Public, NASDAQ:BKRS) – Good sales and an out-of-this-world earnings forecast propelled this low-float stock today. I anticipate another good move up tomorrow.


Other notables (no charts):

SOMX – Gap filling time?

MTLQQ – Short-biased for obvious reasons. Shares are easy to borrow at IB.

Disclosure: Long 2300 AMLME. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Momentum stocks on watch for January 7th

ECOB – This is the BestDamnPennyStocks pump and it has been a competent pump so far, from $0.50 to $0.84 in two days. I am long 3,200 shares of this and intend to sell soon after the open tomorrow. If it goes up a couple more days I’ll get excited about the potential for shorting it.


CDII – Hype! No reason for this to be up from $1.25 to $2.10 in three days. I will look to short aggressively on weakness.


ICXT – Expect more volatility either way, like NLST after its first big move.


IDN – This should be a nice long as it crosses $4. It could go either way, though.


Disclosure: Long 3,200 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 6th

Americas Energy Company (AENY.OB) – I’m short this horrid pump & dump overnight. I shorted twice today, with realized profits of $916.50. I remain short 2,000 shares from $4.60. I expect a small gap down and a morning panic. Because this is a true pump and dump it could fall very far. That being said, I will close my position quickly, like I always do.


JayHawk Energy, Inc. (JYHW.OB) – This is it! America’s next top pump & dump. I am long 1,200 shares overnight expecting another gap up tomorrow. Because this is a pump I will sell quickly, but I believe it has more to run before the dump. Hopefully it is pumped past $2.00 and then I will get excited about shorting it.


UAUA, LUV, AMR, DAL, & LCC – Airlines up big for some reason. I don’t play these, but if you like to play hot sectors, take a look at these.


JASO & SOLF & YGE – Solars are doing well. Both are at nice breakout points and has a history of multi-day runs.


MNI, GCI, NYT – Newspapers are hot, too!


Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc. (IDN) & ICx Technologies, Inc. (ICXT) – These are annoying. They should’ve died by now, but are stubbornly holding onto most of their gains. After consolidation today I am long-biased.



On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTIV) – Contract win! Could move more tomorrow, who knows, but will move some which way.


New Energy Technologies, Inc. (NENE.OB) – An old Lebed pump, looks like it is getting re-pumped.


Mindspeed Technologies Inc. (MSPD) – This was a beautiful breakout today, called in chat as it approached $5.00


Las Vegas Sands Corp. (LVS) – Short biased if it goes green/red.


Westport Innovations Inc. (WPRT) – Nearing its 52-week highs. I’d like this as a long on red/green.


Disclosure: Short 2,000 AENY and long 1,200 JYHW. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 5th

China Direct Industries, Inc. (CDII) – Big move today on increased guidance. Probably overdone and I’m not looking to buy this here, but I wouldn’t short either.


Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc. (IDN) – Still on watch, looking for a second down day tomorrow.


ICx Technologies, Inc. (ICXT) – Still on watch, same as IDN. I really should have played this and IDN better (I didn’t trade ICXT at all today and it was down 20% by the close).


Kandi Technologies, Corp (KNDI) – Nice move! $6.20 would be a dandy breakout.


Voltaire Limited (VOLT) Brigham Exploration Co. (BEXP) – Nice breakouts to 52-week highs.



Americas Energy Company (AENY.OB) – A pumped piece of garbage. ALFFS!


STEC, Inc. (STEC) – Time for more gap-filling, perhaps?


ION Geophysical Corporation (IO) – $6.56 would be a 52-week high.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for the 4th day of the new year

A couple big runners on short watch. These have been profiled previously. They are up big on security / airline /terrorist fears.

Intellicheck Mobilisa, Inc. (IDN) – Nice big move, steady in the morning and then faded into the close. I’m looking for a short on red.


ICx Technologies, Inc. (ICXT) – Small black candle with big wicks at both ends. I’m looking to short aggressively on red or the break of Thursday’s support at $9.30.


A few others to consider:

eOn Communications Corp. (EONC) – Had a first red day after an 80% move on seven straight white candles. I would look for it to fall more but this thing has a low float and has been stubborn in the past. I will likely not look to short it.


Implant Sciences Corp. (IMSC.OB) – Low-priced; up over 1000% in four days, this has to be pump. Hopefully it doubles again … then I would look to short. This is also up on hype related to airport security.


Americas Energy Company (AENY.OB) – Was a great breakout, now over-extended. This thing is pumpish and has been pumped before. Hopefully it has another great day and then I would look to short after that, on weakness.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for the Kuumba, the sixth day of Kwanzaa

Kuumba means creativity … something I’m a fan of, particularly in trading.

Stocks from yesterday’s watchlist that did what I expected were CBAK and AENY. AENY had a huge gain today, while CBAK gapped down a bunch after its rumors turned out to be false. There are a couple really nice stocks for tomorrow.

PIP – I’m short-biased here. This thing was a day-trader’s dream today, up 120% at one point on no news.  While it faded hugely, it still has more downside.


ICXT – This is an airport security play that has been hot due to the Detroit underwear bomber incident. I will look to short aggressively on fading price action or a huge vertical spike. I expect a huge spike in the morning considering that this hit $10 towards the close of after-hours trading.


IDN – Similar chart and similar story as ICXT. Much lower volume, though.


RAE – Nice move, maybe more will come?


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Nia, the fifth day of Kwanzaa

“Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.” – from Wikipedia

CBAK – I am looking to short this on red. It was up 60% today on rumors that its batteries will power the new Google smartphone.


SPNC – Up big on news that it will pay $5m to end a federal probe. I like this for more strength and I might buy on red/green.


AENY – OTC BB stock, but that sure is a bullish chart.


IVAN – Similar chart to AENY.


PSUN – A similar chart, $4.00 would be an important point of resistance.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Ujamaa, the fourth day of Kwanzaa

Ujamaa represents cooperative economics, building enterprises together from which we all can profit. That sounds good to me!

PSID – Yay for terrorists! This has some people talking about it as a terror play, but my cursory investigation of the company says they do RFID stuff. Still, it is on watch for continued upward movement … let’s see how far upward the morons push it.


ATHX – A short? Maybe. The last few days it has wicked up and down big but the actual candles are tiny. Potential short on red.


LMLP – Up 40% in two days and 60% in four days on no news. Short on red.


EONC – You know it, you love it. I’ve said before that low-float stocks can run big on no news. No clear play here.


CGEN – What a tricksy little stock; it likes to gap a bunch. No clear play, but I’m short-biased.


SRZ – Fill dat gap! Long on continued strength.


CIIC – This seems to want to go higher, but I would not mind shorting either. Long on green, short on red.


IFNY – I am short-biased. This is over-extended. Too low of volume, though.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for the third day of Kwanzaa: Ujima

Ujima is the principle of collective work and responsibility. Some of the readers of this blog already understand this principle well, making useful contributions in comments.

I will be a bit hesitant to trade tomorrow as I have not done a lot of trading recently and the previous trading day was only a half day.

PLG – Nice breakout. Could be nice on red/green or $2 cross as a long.


CAMT – Big move on big relative volume (though low absolute volume). Short on red. I will not play it due to the low volume.


ATHX, NVLT, PSDV, CGEN – All drug news runners that are a couple days after the news. They are less predictable now.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for Christmas Eve

An abbreviated and late watchlist today.

AHD, CIIC, SNS, CGEN, PSDV, ATHX are all potential shorts on weakness. ATHX and CGEN are probably the best setups. SNS is the dark-horse.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.