Watchlist for Monday

DEAR, HAFC – Both are beaten down banks that spiked and had a first down day on Friday. Expect them to drop more but there is no easy play.



IDN – I like this as a long squeeze play if it can hold $3.00 tomorrow. That being said, if it fails $3 it will likely drop far. It is unlikely that I will trade it either way.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 22nd

The massacre on the Street today killed most potential setups. Almost all the 8%+ gainers today were small banks that do not interest me.

HAFC – I’m still short-biased.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for the third seventh day in January

MDCE, ALTO, MHYS – Just reminders that pump quickly turns to dump and that buying these things is uber-risky. Too bad ALTO didn’t go up another day and I couldn’t find shares to short.




DEAR – Hmm, low-float beaten-down bank trading (even after its big run today on earnings news) at under 1/3 of net tangible asset value? This could keep moving. If I were a swing-trader I might buy some and hold for a week or two. Good thing I’m not!


CTZN – Buy buy buy (if it hits $0.70 with volume). I probably won’t play it due to lower volume.


TONE – Long on red/green or jump off consolidation.


HAFC – Way overdone move on rumors of another bank looking to buy a stake. I am short-biased but will play it small if I do short.


ACLS –  just off of 52 week highs.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 20th

MDCE – Tim Sykes nailed the short of this today (and alerted his TimAlerts subscribers while there were still shares to short at IB) as its pump finally ended. I was too hesitant. That’s okay, I still beat him to the draw on ECOB and I made more on that than he did on this.


ALTO – This is the next MDCE. I am long 4400 shares that I will sell early tomorrow. It was first pumped by the cretins at Penny Stock Chaser all last week (don’t worry, I’ll be blogging about them soon; they were paid 400,000 free-trading shares for the pump). The funny thing is this this tanked the second and third days after they started pumping it on January 10th (the first day it went from $0.67 to $0.77). Over the weekend the lovable losers at BestDamnPennyStocks pumped this piece of crap too. Hopefully they get it up some more so I can short it.


MHYS – Another huge pump, by the same soulless stock promoters who brought you MDCE (I actually know of three different promoters that are behind this). It had its first pump day today and is being pumped a bunch overnight. I have 12,600 shares that I will probably sell early tomorrow.


SPU – More great moves; I refuse to trade this.


Normally I’d have some more Nasdaq stocks on watch, but the success of the pumpers and a lack of big catalysts for momentum stocks means there are many more OTC stocks that interest me.

Disclosure: Long 4400 ALTO and 12,600 MHYS. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 19th

MDCE – This is the pump du jour, although it is still too cheap for me to be interested in shorting it. Please pump it up to at least $0.60!


PFSW – Had great news and a good run Friday (closing near its highs) after announcing a deal with Proctor & Gamble. It is still a tiny company and it is not trading much above book value, so it could run further. I might buy on red/green or as it breaks higher off of intra-day consolidation.


[edit 1/18/2010 to add the following stock] ALTO – The next big pump. Considering that all the big pumpers seem to be on this one, I think it has a decent chance of getting high enough for me to short it. As always, I do not recommend buying these.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 15th

VLYF – Another airport security play. Lower volume and OTC though. Short on weakness.


MDCE – Pumped stock. I’ve made $835.49 in realized profits by buying this stock so far. I would much prefer to short it, however. Hopefully it has a huge up day or two left so I can short at a high price (even $0.80 would make me happy). Now it is too cheap for me to want to short. I have a small long position I will sell tomorrow (likely right after the open).


Disclosure: Long 6400 MDCE. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 14th

ECOB – The end is near and daily fluffy PRs cannot save this stock. I expect another big down day tomorrow and if that is the case I will likely cover my short position.


PEIX – Still on short watch. It will likely have another down day tomorrow.


ROSG – Big gainer, but no easy play now that they did a stock offering after hours.


Disclosure: Short 27,000 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 13th

Nothing too exciting to add.

NEXM – Big spike on drug news. Too cheap to excite me.


PEIX – I had a nice short of this today but it closed green. Tomorrow may be the big down day or it could pull an NLST/IDN and just gyrate sideways for the next week or two.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 12th

ZLC – Good move today, maybe it can keep working on filling the gap?


PEIX – Huge move today. I will look to short on weakness if I can find shares to short.


BIOF – Nice breakout on what appears to be no news.


ECOB – I’m still short after a slight up-day today as a couple fluffy press releases were released. While I wish this would collapse quicker the volume is drying up and the price will likely drop soon. Pure pump & dumps like this do not keep their gains.


Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

My best stock watchlist ever!

Some nice setups for Monday.

EcoBlu Products, Inc. (Public, OTC:ECOB) – I am short 30,000 shares from Friday. The pump is over and the main pumper, (which was promised $250,000 in cash to pump the stock) wrote in an email today, “To all my long time members I want to congratulate everyone on a sweet win to start the new year. With that said I believe ECOB has hit some resistance and is now done!” It is a no-brainer that the stock will fall more over the next couple days and I will look to cover during that time period. IB looks like it will have more shares to short Monday and if the stock does not gap down too much it would be possible to get short ECOB at a price not much worse than my $0.93 entry price.


American Lithium Minerals Inc (Public, OTC:AMLME) – Closed up just a couple cents Friday … I would probably have shorted it then if I had not been busy watching every tick of ECOB. This is a re-pump and it is up 100% in just four days so there is plenty of room to fall.


Bergamo Acquisition Corp (Public, OTC:BGMO) – Previously pumped carcass of a company looking like it had its first pump day Friday. I bought 10,000 shares near the end of the day at $0.2814 and sold 3,000 right before close at $0.34. I will look to sell into a likely gap up. I wouldn’t recommend buying this Monday … I just want to illustrate that the only two reliable ways to make money on pump & dumps are to buy very early in the pump or to short sell as the pump starts to fade.


ALKANE INC (Public, PINK:ALKN) – Screw paraffins! This is another pump. Some people I know at the Investors Underground chat (sign up using my link to save 15% per quarter!) are holding it over the weekend and they made money holding it the last few days. But from $0.03 to $0.38 in four days? If this shows weakness and there are borrows I will look to short. Hopefully it has another big up day first.


Luna Innovations Incorporated (Public, NASDAQ:LUNA) – Awesome breakout Friday. This is what happens when a $30m company (now $50m market cap) inks a huge deal with a huge company and it is meaningful. Notice the quote from ISRG in the press release. Also notice the huge breakout over LUNA’s September high of $3.29. Tim Sykes bought the stock at $3.36 right after the breakout. His TimAlert subscribers could have bought following the alert at $3.75 or so (I bought at $3.72 but sold quickly); LUNA went up to $4.90 in after-hours trading. I expect a huge gap and maybe some more of a run Monday.


Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Public, NASDAQ:CYCC) – Still two words, “cancer cure.” A small black candle Friday may not be the end of this company with some nice drug results and the possibility for lots of hype (and no, I don’t believe the hype). Might be nice to buy on red/green and $3.00 cross.


Pacific Ethanol Inc (Public, NASDAQ:PEIX) – Up 60% on rather fluffy news? I’m short-biased but probably won’t touch it due to other plays being better.


Motors Liquidation Company (Public, OTC:MTLQQ) – Up some more Friday, having now moved from $0.50 to $0.85 in a week … I’m still short-biased if it shows weakness.


Heartland Payment Systems, Inc. (Public, NYSE:HPY)– Good move Friday after it settled legal claims regarding a data security breach. $60m ain’t cheap but it won’t kill the company. A break above $15.15 would be huge.


SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc. (Public, AMEX:SPU) – There is seriously a company called SkyPeople Fruit Juice?!?!?


Disclosure: Short 30,000 ECOB and long 7,000 BGMO. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.