SEC Suspends trading in Far Vista Petroleum $FVSTA

The string of suspensions of promoted stocks during the promotion or soon after continues with the SEC suspending trading in Far Vista Petroleum Corp (FVSTA) today. FVSTA was most recently promoted on October 31st by (with no compensation disclosed) and on October 23rd by for which they were compensated $25,000. It is pretty obvious that the reason for the trading suspension is the rather silly press releases put out by the company recently. The mysterious buyout offers for over ten times the market price of the shares are certainly the press releases that got them suspended but I also appreciate their “monstrous oil discovery” press release. See them below:



Kudos to Nate Michaud for predicting the trading suspension.


From the trading suspension release:

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of FVSTA because of questions
that have been raised about the accuracy and adequacy of publicly disseminated information
concerning, among other things, FVSTA’s business prospects, operations, and control.


SEC trading suspension release (pdf)
SEC trading suspension order (pdf)

[Edit 2013-11-11]: Lukoil made a statement today disavowing any relationship with FVSTA:

In response to numerous queries, the OAO LUKOIL Press Service would  like to report that the company is not holding any talks with Far Vista  Petroleum Corp. regarding joint projects, nor has it given Far Vista Petroleum  any information on the results of its production activity.

LUKOIL shall not be liable for any possible negative implications  of investment decisions taken in relation to publications of Far Vista Petroleum  Corp


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

SEC Suspends trading in ARX Gold Corp $DUCP

This is another late post on an SEC trading suspension of a promoted stock. My apologies for that. ARX Gold was most recently promoted back in April 2013. Amusingly, penny stock pump and dump shill analyst Ron Goldman gave the company a $0.30 price target back then. For the record in case he removes the report from his website, here is a copy of Goldman’s report (pdf) on DUCP. Goldman was paid $8,000 to write the report on DUCP. The company was promoted by numerous F-list stock promoters back in April besides Goldman.

Unlike with most trading suspensions, the SEC was quite detailed in explaining why it suspended trading in DUCP:

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of ARX Gold because of questions regarding the authorship of, and accuracy of information contained in, an exhibit, dated June 15, 2012 and entitled “Feasibility Study ARX Springs & ARX Pacific Properties For Mining Project Located in Wide Bay Burnett Region, Queensland, Australia,” to ARX Gold’s Form 10-K filed on September 4, 2013 and an exhibit, dated May 7, 2012 and entitled “Definitive Feasibility Study on the ARX Springs and ARX Pacific Properties located in Wide Bay Burnett Region, Queensland, Australia,” to its Form 8-K filed on May 30, 2012. On October 3, 2013, ARX Gold filed an amended Form 10-K purporting “to delete an exhibit which
was erroneously filed” with the 10-K filed on September 4, 2013 (emphasis added) without explicitly identifying or explaining that the Feasibility Study was the exhibit it sought to delete. ARX Gold has not amended its May 2012 Form 8-K and its October 2013 amendment to the Form 10-K does not disclaim the purported facts described in the earlier Feasibility Study filed with the Commission.

SEC trading suspension release (pdf)
SEC trading suspension order (pdf)



Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

SEC Suspends trading in Crown Alliance Capital $CACL

This post is over a week late but I thought it important to post for the record. The SEC has continued to suspend trading in pump and dumps much more frequently and earlier in the pump than it has in past years. This is now an unmistakable trend. Crown Alliance Capital (CACL) was suspended on October 22nd, a day after it traded 491,000 shares as it was promoted again (it had been promoted back in July as well).

SEC trading suspension press release (pdf)
SEC trading suspension order (pdf)

The reason for the suspension:

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of Crown Alliance because of questions regarding the accuracy of assertions in Crown Alliance’s public filings concerning the company’s assets and shareholders and because of potentially manipulative conduct in the trading of Crown Alliance’s shares.

The day of the trading suspension, prior to the suspension, I received this email (pdf) promoting CACL.


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Life Stem Genetics $LIFS pays to promote itself

This morning I received emails promoting Life Stem Genetics and linking to


Disclosed budget: $300,000

Promoter: Contrarian Press

Paying party: Life Stem Genetics (the company being promoted)

Shares outstanding:  44,537,500
Previous closing price: $1.09
Market capitalization: $48 million




Excerpt from disclaimer:

The publisher, Contrarian Press, has been engaged by Life Stem Genetics to assist with the identification of potential market participants who may be interested in learning more about the company and its securities. The total budget for costs associated with that endeavor is $300,000 and the publisher will retain the excess, if any, after all costs are paid.


IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: This publication is not, and should not be construed to be, an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. This publication, its publisher, and its editor
do not purport to provide a complete analysis of any company’s financial position. The publisher, Contrarian Press, has been engaged by Life Stem Genetics to assist with the identification of potential
market participants who may be interested in learning more about the company and its securities. The total budget for costs associated with that endeavor is $300,000 and the publisher will retain the
excess, if any, after all costs are paid. The publisher and editor are not, and do not purport to be, broker-dealers or registered investment advisors. Any investment should be made only after consulting
a professional investment advisor and only after reviewing the financial statements and other pertinent corporate information about the company. Investing in securities is speculative and carries a high
degree of risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This publication is based exclusively on information generally available to the public and does not contain any material, non-public
information. The information on which it is based is believed to be reliable. Nevertheless, the publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. This publication contains
forward-looking statements, including statements regarding expected continual growth of the featured company and/or industry. The publisher notes that statements contained herein that look forward
in time, which include everything other than historical information, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect the company’s actual results of operations. Factors that could cause actual results to differ
include the size and growth of the market for the company’s products and services, the ultimate degree of success in the company’s research and development, the company’s ability to fund its capital
requirements in the near term and long term, pricing pressures, etc. Natural Contrarian and Contrarian Press are trademarks of Scott S. Fraser and Natural Contrarian, Inc. All other trademarks used in this
publication are the property of their respective trademark holders. Natural Contrarian, Inc., Scott S. Fraser, and Contrarian Press are not affiliated, connected, or associated with, and are not sponsored,
approved, or originated by, the trademark holders unless otherwise stated. No claim is made by Natural Contrarian, Inc., Scott S. Fraser or the Contrarian Press to any rights in any third-party trademarks.

PDF copy of promotion website.



[Edit 2013-11-4]: I received a promotional email on LIFS this morning that linked to the following website: Oddly, there is no compensation listed on that website:

This publication is based exclusively on information generally available to the public and does not contain any material, non-public information. Information is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but the information cannot be guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. The publisher is not, and does not purport to be, a registered investment adviser and did not accept compensation in return for this commentary. The objective of this newsletter is to present Situational Analysis and to provide progressive implementation of the author’s proprietary Situational Strategy Templates. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, shall be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities mentioned. Readers should not view this publication as offering personalized investment advice, and must individually determine the suitability of investments discussed for inclusion in their own portfolio. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Reprints or redistribution of this copyrighted material is allowed only by written permission from Contrarian Press LLC.

PDF copy of pump page.

[Edit 2013-11-18]: A promotion email this morning linked to the Andrew and Lynn Carpenter / Wall Street Revelator promotion page at



PDF copy of pump page

Excerpt from disclaimer:

Eclipse Media Group. has paid a total production budget of $1,789,000 for this advertising efforts. Andrew Carpenter’s Wall Street Revelator Advisor is paid seven thousand five hundred dollars as an editorial fee from Eclipse Media Group.

Full disclaimer:

IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: Andrew Carpenter’s Wall Street Revelator Advisory (WSR), does not purport to provide an analysis of any company’s financial position, operations or prospects and this is not to be construed as a recommendation by WSR or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Eclipse Media Group. has used outside research and writers using public information to create the advertisement coming from WSR about Life stem Genetics, Inc. Although the information contained in this advertisement is believed to be reliable, WSR and Eclipse Media Group, make no warranties as to the accuracy of any of the content herein and accept no liability for how readers may choose to utilize the content. The opinions expressed in this advertisement and special report are solely those of WSR, unless otherwise referenced. Readers should perform their own due diligence, including consulting with a licensed, qualified investment professional or analyst. Further, readers are strongly urged to independently verify all statements made in this Special Report and perform extensive due diligence on this or any other mentioned company. Eclipse Meda Group. and WSR or affiliates are not offering securities for sale. An offer to buy or sell can be made only with accompanying disclosure documents and only in the states and provinces for which they are approved. Many states have established rules requiring the approval of a security by a state security administrator. Check with or call your state security administrator to determine whether a particular security is licensed for sale in your state. Many companies have information filed with state securities regulators and many will supply investors with additional information on request. Eclipse Media Group. has paid a total production budget of $1,789,000 for this advertising efforts. Andrew Carpenter’s Wall Street Revelator Advisor is paid seven thousand five hundred dollars as an editorial fee from Eclipse Media Group.. *More information can be received from Life Stem Genetics investor relations firm, or at Life Stem Genetics website Further specific information, filings and disclosures as well as general investor information about publicly traded companies like Life Stem Genetics., advice to investors and other investor resources are available at the Securities and Exchange Commission website and Any investment should be made only after consulting with a qualified investment advisor and after reviewing the publicly available financial statements of and other information about the company and verifying that the investment is appropriate and suitable. Investing in securities is highly speculative and carries a great deal of risk especially as to new companies with limited operations and no history of earnings. The information contained herein contains forward-looking information within the meaning of section 27a of the Securities Act of 1993, as amended, and section 21e of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding expected growth of the featured company. In accordance with the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, Life Stem genetics. notes that statements contained herein that look forward in time, which include everything other than historical information, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect the Company’s actual results of operations. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include the size and growth of the market, the Company’s ability to fund its capital requirements in the near term and in the long term; pricing pressures, technology issues, etc. Product names, logos, brands, and other trademarks featured or referred to within this report are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with WSR.

Disclaimer: [Edit 2013-11-18: I am short LIFS and intend to remain short for awhile.] I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

SEC Suspends trading in pump Press Ventures Inc $PVEN

Monday at the open (affiliated with promoted Press Ventures Inc (PVEN). About 30 minutes later (also affiliated with APS) joined the promotion. Subscribers of were quickly met with 50%+ losses as the stock dropped hard, but subscribers didn’t receive the pump emails until after the initial dump. PVEN had been rumored for months to be the next APS pump and it had numerous ties to other APS pumps. This is now the third Awesomepennystocks pump in a row that has had trading suspended by the SEC not long after the pump began. Most recently PCWT was suspended and PWEI was suspended prior to that.

SEC trading suspension release (pdf)
SEC trading suspension order (pdf)

The reason for the trading suspension:

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of PVEN because of concerns
regarding potentially manipulative transactions in PVEN’s common stock.


Related articles:

The End of John Babikian flees Canada
Has stock promoter retired?

I traded it horribly but ended up making over $7,000 in profits by shorting PVEN at Interactive Brokers and Centerpoint Securities. I covered my last shorts yesterday unfortunately.

Below are the charts of PWEI and PCWT before and after their trading suspensions. PVEN will very likely gap down in excess of 80% when it reopens in two weeks just as PWEI and PCWT did.



Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.


Bison Petroleum Corp $BISN gets pumped

This morning I received emails promoting Bison Petroleum (BISN) and linking to the promotion website at

Disclosed budget: $500,000

Promoter: Basic Resources LLC

Paying party: Chennai Media Ltd

Shares outstanding:  39,366,667
Previous closing price: $1.21
Market capitalization: $47 million




Excerpt from disclaimer:

Chennai Media Ltd paid the publisher, Basic Resources, LLC, five hundred thousand dollars in consideration. This total production budget was applied towards costs associated with creating, printing and distributing this report.



PDF copy of promotion website.



Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

The End of John Babikian flees Canada

A year ago, when Infitialis wrote an article on PRTN on SeekingAlpha, they listed five people as being likely to be behind (APS) and its related stock promotion websites. SeekingAlpha was threatened with a libel lawsuit (pdf) so that article was revised and the names were removed. I found a copy of the earlier version of that article still online here. One of the people mentioned as likely to be behind APS was John Babikian.

Babikian was just featured in two articles in the Journal de Montreal (in French):
Les Américains s’intéressent aussi au mystérieux millionnaire – 2013-10-22 (free version)
Le fisc veut sa Bugatti Veyron – 2013-10-20 (English version at the Toronto Sun)

These articles discuss his enormous wealth and the taxes he has not paid. A source told me that there will be more articles to follow and that they will link Babikian to Awesomepennystocks and detail where exactly his money came from.

See my article from yesterday on retiring.

Here is an excerpt from the English version of the first article:

MONTREAL – Financial authorities in Canada and the U.S. are searching for John Babikian, a mysterious Montreal playboy who amassed a $100-million fortune in a few short years before moving to Monaco.

The 26-year-old entrepreneur left behind luxury items including a $2-million mansion north of Montreal, a 2008 Bugatti Veyron and 2010 Bentley Continental, QMI Agency has learned.

Revenue Quebec is now chasing the millionaire for back taxes.

Tax authorities allege $11.5 million in income was hidden from the government between 2008 and 2010. Babikian reported $47,677 in income in 2008, documents say.

Quebec’s AMF financial watchdog and its American counterpart, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC ), also want to know how Babikian earned his keep.

Here is a full translation (by me) of the second article:

The origin of the mysterious fortune of Montreal resident John Babikian, estimated at C$100 million, attracted not only the attention of the Quebec tax authorities but also of the American authorities.

The spokesperson for the AMF (l’Autorité des marchés financiers), Sylvain Theberge, indicated to our research bureau that his American counterpart, the SEC, had contacted the AMF about Babikian in 2011.

“The SEC was investigating this gentleman  and they asked us to help them identify him,” he said.

For its part, the SEC refused to confirm the existence of an investigation. “When we take action against someone it becomes public then,” said a spokesperson for the the SEC in New York.

Acorrding to documents prepared by a lawyer of the Bank of Montreal, John Babikian launched his business at the age of 19. He created a company specializing in internet marketing, J.B. Marketing.

Babikian became a specialist in spam. At the time the he opened a business account at the Bank of Montreal in 2006 he disclosed that he earned $24,000 per year, according to documents.

However, his company J.B. Marketing rapidly sent hundreds of thousands of dollars into his bank account. These sums came from nebulous and hard to trace sources.

In March 2010 the Bank of Montreal closed his bank accounts because Babikian, according to the bank, did not furnish satisfactory explanations of where the money was coming from.

[Edit 2013-10-30]: The wife of John Babikian (who just last month filed for divorce in Quebec), sued him in California for fraud for his actions to sell their properties in California while depriving her of her rightful share of the proceeds. See her legal complaint. Credit for finding that lawsuit goes to Infitialis.

The two properties that are discussed in that lawsuit are 1401 Londonderry Place, Los Angeles, CA and 642 North Laurel Avenue Los Angeles, CA (links are to Zillow). The Londonderry house was purchased in March 2012 for $6 million and is currently estimated to be worth $10.5 million by Zillow. The Laurel Avenue house was purchased in December 2010 for $2.2 million and is now estimated by Zillow to be worth $2.7 million. Babikian’s wife alleges that he fraudulently transferred the title of the Laurel Avenue house to Middlebay Trade Ltd., a Republic of Seychelles entity that he secretly controls. The transfer to Middlebay Trade Ltd. is shown by property records.

I also credit Infitialis with finding Babikian’s wife’s divorce suit in Quebec, even though the complaint has been sealed. After posting the lawsuit here I received a request from the lawyer representing Babikian’s wife requesting that I redact her client’s name. Because she asked nicely and admitted that the I was not prohibited by the law from disseminating the lawsuit (because US privacy laws are much looser than Canadian ones), and because her client’s divorce suit will likely help to send Babikian and his colleagues to prison, I have complied with her request and thus have the redacted copy of the lawsuit here (pdf). That redacted copy of the suit is at Promotion Stock Secrets’ website (see their excellent post on Babikian and

[Edit 2013-10-25] A third article has been posted on the Journal de Montreal: Une Fortune Cachee dans les Paradis Fiscaux. Below is my translation:

Passports from four countries, bank accounts in ten tax havens and an encrypted Blackberry destroyed each week, John Babikian, the mysterious 26 year old Montreal multimillionaire , took extreme measures to protect his money.

New information obtained by our research bureau shows that the the multitalented former student of La Dauversiere in the north of Montreal has built a veritable offshore empire. This portfolio has had repercussions in the United States with an investigation by the SEC.

The famous Bugatti Veyron worth $1.5m appeared in the Grand Prix of Montreal in June and is only the tip of the iceberg of an immense fortune for this businessman, according to the allegations in court documents that we consulted.

A wine collection worth $1m and two sculptures by New York sculptor Arturo di Modica worth $600,000 are among the belongings that Babikian has removed from Quebec over the last few months.

Babikian also owns nine condos win the Bahamas of which seven are owned in the name of a shell company according to our sources. He also bought a Pagani Huara in Italy, a luxury car that costs $1.1m.

No less than twenty bussinesses and so-called charities, most of which are completely empty shells in tax havens, help to hide other riches according to the documents we have consulted.

John Babikian has taken extreme measures to evade the watchful eyes of investigators.

“He runs his affairs solely with specially encrypted Blackberrys that he uses for a few days or weeks before he destroys and replaces them,” court documents allege.

After destroying each smartphone and breaking it into multiple pieces that he tosses into different garbage cans “so that it is absolutely impossible … to access the information that they hold”, according to those court documents.

John Babikian also has a special portable device from HSBC Bank in Hong Kong that lets him make international wire transfers from anywhere in the world.

From the infographic at the top of the article detailing some of Babikians holdings:

John Babikian travels in a private Gulfstream jet owned by NetJets. His account with NetJets is in the name of the shell charity “Vertical International Relief Fund”

Hong Kong – Babikian has bank accounts

Seychelles – Multiple shell companies (Middlebay Trade Ltd., Liner Investments Ltd., Intelligent Alliance Corp., Auorora Intour Ltd., Monolith Ventures)

Lebanon – Babikian is a citizen

Malta – Babikian has bank accounts

Monaco – Babikian has two bank acocunts

St. Kitts and Nevis – Babikian is a citizen, has shell companies, and owns real estate

Panama – Shell companies (Montblue Commerce, Nothingham Group, Normandia Capital)

British Virgin Islands – Shell companies (Arrow Import & Export Corporation, Antica Ventures)

Bahamas – Nine condos (seven of which are in the name of a shell company, John Jack Ventures), bank account, company (Kenora Overseas)

Quebec – Numbered companies (9264-5076 Quebec Inc, Bargainoo Est), charity (Tidal East Global Relief)

United States – Two houses in California worth $8.2m, a shell company (Oriwa Villas Ltd), shares of companies, charity organization

Belize – Bank accounts, companies (Antica Ventures Ltd., Mediasky Holdings Ltd., Beddington Marketing)

Guatemala – Diplomatic passport, had taken steps to start a private bank, shell company (One Berger Circle)


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Has stock promoter retired?

If you go to (APS) you are greeted with the message that they are retiring:


It is my belief (based on no evidence other than the above message and the fact that trading in their last two pumps, PWEI and PCWT, was suspended quickly by the SEC) that the SEC will soon announce an enforcement action against a few of the people and websites that have been involved in APS pumps. I also think it likely that a large number of people involved in APS will not be named in the enforcement action and that APS will continue to promote stocks using its other websites that have not displayed a retirement message:

I also think it likely that any future promotions by the above websites will be shorter-lived to minimize the risk of a trading suspension while the pump is still ongoing.


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Endeavor IP Inc $ENIP gets pumped by $NHUR / $SANB pumpers

This morning / / sent teaser emails about an upcoming stock promotion. Yesterday Endeavor IP Inc (ENIP) traded a significant volume of shares for the first time. After being informed of that trading by Ivan, I did a quick Twitter search where I found a link from a paid promoter to a video promoting ENIP at Later today I was alerted to the fact that Financier Times now has an article online promoting ENIP and linking to the promotion video at The most recent promotion by these promoters was SANB. Prior to that they promoted NHUR.

From a trading perspective, this company is interesting in that it has a smaller market cap but a higher price than their prior promotions. Considering how ugly SANB was I am not tempted to buy ENIP (I did buy it at the open today and sold it for no gain as it started to drop). I do hope that it goes up so it can be a worthwhile short.

Disclosed budget: $1,000,000

Promoter: / / / / C America Marketing.

Paying party: MaxMind Marketing

Shares outstanding:  42,800,002
Previous closing price: $0.85
Market capitalization: $35 million




Excerpt from disclaimer:

: A one million dollar investor relations budget is being managed by C America Marketing. Any funds leftover after expenses for research, overhead, advert- ising and public relations related to Endeavor IP will be considered profit. C America Marketing and/or entities related to C America Marketing hold a large amount of shares in ENIP and intend to sell those shares.


This release/advertorial is a commercial advertisement and is for general information purposes only. We are engaged in the business of marketing and advertising companies for monetary compensation. Never invest in any stock featured on our site or emails unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. It is possible that a viewer’s entire investment may be lost or impaired due to the speculative nature of the compa- nies profiled. Remember, never invest in any security of a company profiled or discussed on this website unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. Also, investing in small-cap and micro-cap securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk. This website makes no recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled or discussed on this website should be purchased, sold or held by viewers that learn of the profiled companies through our website. Compensation: A one million dollar investor relations budget is being managed by C America Marketing. Any funds leftover after expenses for research, overhead, advert- ising and public relations related to Endeavor IP will be considered profit. C America Marketing and/or entities related to C America Marketing hold a large amount of shares in ENIP and intend to sell those shares. Ours and their sales of ENIP common stock will affect the value of your shares (negatively). This should be considered a direct conflict of interest. Please review all investment decisions with a licensed investment advisor. Please also note Financier Times is a news aggregator of third-party RSS feeds and the above is a paid for advertorial. The Financier Times is in no way related to The Financial Times of London (FT o Pearson PLC). C America Marketing was hired by MaxMind Marketing for the above mentioned advertising budget.

Here is the chart of SANB, which shows what will eventually happen to ENIP:



[Edit 2013-12-18]: Another email list was sent the ENIP pump yesterday prior to the open. There is also a new landing page online at PDF copyof pump page.



Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trading in Pacific Clean Water Technologies $PCWT suspended by SEC

Less than a month ago the SEC suspended trading in PacWest Equities (PWEI). I speculated at length about the reason for the trading suspension. PWEI was suspended  by the SEC after only three days of promotion by although the stock had previously been promoted a year earlier by Victory Mark Corp. PWEI gapped down 90% when it reopened for trading on the grey sheets and since then it has dropped a further 90%.


Only a day after the SEC suspension of PWEI, Awesomepennystocks promoted Pacific Clean Water Technologies (PCWT). stopped promoting PCWT after October 8th and after that PCWT dropped and then bounced strongly Friday. After the close Friday the SEC announced a trading suspension.

Trading suspension release (pdf)
Trading suspension order (pdf)


To my knowledge he SEC has not previously suspended trading in stocks after the close — normally that happens before the market open. But with Monday being a bank and government holiday (but not a stock market holiday) it makes sense for the SEC to issue the suspension after the market close rather than wait until Tuesday morning. The end of the stock promotion, the huge drop in the stock, and PCWT hiring a securities law firm to investigate trading in its stock (announced Friday at the market open) indicate that insiders and promoters likely believed that an SEC enforcement action was coming.

With two consecutive SEC trading suspensions on penny stocks promoted by it appears increasingly likely that the SEC is not just investigating but is getting close to acting suing it.

Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.