SEC Suspends trading in pump Press Ventures Inc $PVEN

Monday at the open (affiliated with promoted Press Ventures Inc (PVEN). About 30 minutes later (also affiliated with APS) joined the promotion. Subscribers of were quickly met with 50%+ losses as the stock dropped hard, but subscribers didn’t receive the pump emails until after the initial dump. PVEN had been rumored for months to be the next APS pump and it had numerous ties to other APS pumps. This is now the third Awesomepennystocks pump in a row that has had trading suspended by the SEC not long after the pump began. Most recently PCWT was suspended and PWEI was suspended prior to that.

SEC trading suspension release (pdf)
SEC trading suspension order (pdf)

The reason for the trading suspension:

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of PVEN because of concerns
regarding potentially manipulative transactions in PVEN’s common stock.


Related articles:

The End of John Babikian flees Canada
Has stock promoter retired?

I traded it horribly but ended up making over $7,000 in profits by shorting PVEN at Interactive Brokers and Centerpoint Securities. I covered my last shorts yesterday unfortunately.

Below are the charts of PWEI and PCWT before and after their trading suspensions. PVEN will very likely gap down in excess of 80% when it reopens in two weeks just as PWEI and PCWT did.



Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.


The End of John Babikian flees Canada

A year ago, when Infitialis wrote an article on PRTN on SeekingAlpha, they listed five people as being likely to be behind (APS) and its related stock promotion websites. SeekingAlpha was threatened with a libel lawsuit (pdf) so that article was revised and the names were removed. I found a copy of the earlier version of that article still online here. One of the people mentioned as likely to be behind APS was John Babikian.

Babikian was just featured in two articles in the Journal de Montreal (in French):
Les Américains s’intéressent aussi au mystérieux millionnaire – 2013-10-22 (free version)
Le fisc veut sa Bugatti Veyron – 2013-10-20 (English version at the Toronto Sun)

These articles discuss his enormous wealth and the taxes he has not paid. A source told me that there will be more articles to follow and that they will link Babikian to Awesomepennystocks and detail where exactly his money came from.

See my article from yesterday on retiring.

Here is an excerpt from the English version of the first article:

MONTREAL – Financial authorities in Canada and the U.S. are searching for John Babikian, a mysterious Montreal playboy who amassed a $100-million fortune in a few short years before moving to Monaco.

The 26-year-old entrepreneur left behind luxury items including a $2-million mansion north of Montreal, a 2008 Bugatti Veyron and 2010 Bentley Continental, QMI Agency has learned.

Revenue Quebec is now chasing the millionaire for back taxes.

Tax authorities allege $11.5 million in income was hidden from the government between 2008 and 2010. Babikian reported $47,677 in income in 2008, documents say.

Quebec’s AMF financial watchdog and its American counterpart, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC ), also want to know how Babikian earned his keep.

Here is a full translation (by me) of the second article:

The origin of the mysterious fortune of Montreal resident John Babikian, estimated at C$100 million, attracted not only the attention of the Quebec tax authorities but also of the American authorities.

The spokesperson for the AMF (l’Autorité des marchés financiers), Sylvain Theberge, indicated to our research bureau that his American counterpart, the SEC, had contacted the AMF about Babikian in 2011.

“The SEC was investigating this gentleman  and they asked us to help them identify him,” he said.

For its part, the SEC refused to confirm the existence of an investigation. “When we take action against someone it becomes public then,” said a spokesperson for the the SEC in New York.

Acorrding to documents prepared by a lawyer of the Bank of Montreal, John Babikian launched his business at the age of 19. He created a company specializing in internet marketing, J.B. Marketing.

Babikian became a specialist in spam. At the time the he opened a business account at the Bank of Montreal in 2006 he disclosed that he earned $24,000 per year, according to documents.

However, his company J.B. Marketing rapidly sent hundreds of thousands of dollars into his bank account. These sums came from nebulous and hard to trace sources.

In March 2010 the Bank of Montreal closed his bank accounts because Babikian, according to the bank, did not furnish satisfactory explanations of where the money was coming from.

[Edit 2013-10-30]: The wife of John Babikian (who just last month filed for divorce in Quebec), sued him in California for fraud for his actions to sell their properties in California while depriving her of her rightful share of the proceeds. See her legal complaint. Credit for finding that lawsuit goes to Infitialis.

The two properties that are discussed in that lawsuit are 1401 Londonderry Place, Los Angeles, CA and 642 North Laurel Avenue Los Angeles, CA (links are to Zillow). The Londonderry house was purchased in March 2012 for $6 million and is currently estimated to be worth $10.5 million by Zillow. The Laurel Avenue house was purchased in December 2010 for $2.2 million and is now estimated by Zillow to be worth $2.7 million. Babikian’s wife alleges that he fraudulently transferred the title of the Laurel Avenue house to Middlebay Trade Ltd., a Republic of Seychelles entity that he secretly controls. The transfer to Middlebay Trade Ltd. is shown by property records.

I also credit Infitialis with finding Babikian’s wife’s divorce suit in Quebec, even though the complaint has been sealed. After posting the lawsuit here I received a request from the lawyer representing Babikian’s wife requesting that I redact her client’s name. Because she asked nicely and admitted that the I was not prohibited by the law from disseminating the lawsuit (because US privacy laws are much looser than Canadian ones), and because her client’s divorce suit will likely help to send Babikian and his colleagues to prison, I have complied with her request and thus have the redacted copy of the lawsuit here (pdf). That redacted copy of the suit is at Promotion Stock Secrets’ website (see their excellent post on Babikian and

[Edit 2013-10-25] A third article has been posted on the Journal de Montreal: Une Fortune Cachee dans les Paradis Fiscaux. Below is my translation:

Passports from four countries, bank accounts in ten tax havens and an encrypted Blackberry destroyed each week, John Babikian, the mysterious 26 year old Montreal multimillionaire , took extreme measures to protect his money.

New information obtained by our research bureau shows that the the multitalented former student of La Dauversiere in the north of Montreal has built a veritable offshore empire. This portfolio has had repercussions in the United States with an investigation by the SEC.

The famous Bugatti Veyron worth $1.5m appeared in the Grand Prix of Montreal in June and is only the tip of the iceberg of an immense fortune for this businessman, according to the allegations in court documents that we consulted.

A wine collection worth $1m and two sculptures by New York sculptor Arturo di Modica worth $600,000 are among the belongings that Babikian has removed from Quebec over the last few months.

Babikian also owns nine condos win the Bahamas of which seven are owned in the name of a shell company according to our sources. He also bought a Pagani Huara in Italy, a luxury car that costs $1.1m.

No less than twenty bussinesses and so-called charities, most of which are completely empty shells in tax havens, help to hide other riches according to the documents we have consulted.

John Babikian has taken extreme measures to evade the watchful eyes of investigators.

“He runs his affairs solely with specially encrypted Blackberrys that he uses for a few days or weeks before he destroys and replaces them,” court documents allege.

After destroying each smartphone and breaking it into multiple pieces that he tosses into different garbage cans “so that it is absolutely impossible … to access the information that they hold”, according to those court documents.

John Babikian also has a special portable device from HSBC Bank in Hong Kong that lets him make international wire transfers from anywhere in the world.

From the infographic at the top of the article detailing some of Babikians holdings:

John Babikian travels in a private Gulfstream jet owned by NetJets. His account with NetJets is in the name of the shell charity “Vertical International Relief Fund”

Hong Kong – Babikian has bank accounts

Seychelles – Multiple shell companies (Middlebay Trade Ltd., Liner Investments Ltd., Intelligent Alliance Corp., Auorora Intour Ltd., Monolith Ventures)

Lebanon – Babikian is a citizen

Malta – Babikian has bank accounts

Monaco – Babikian has two bank acocunts

St. Kitts and Nevis – Babikian is a citizen, has shell companies, and owns real estate

Panama – Shell companies (Montblue Commerce, Nothingham Group, Normandia Capital)

British Virgin Islands – Shell companies (Arrow Import & Export Corporation, Antica Ventures)

Bahamas – Nine condos (seven of which are in the name of a shell company, John Jack Ventures), bank account, company (Kenora Overseas)

Quebec – Numbered companies (9264-5076 Quebec Inc, Bargainoo Est), charity (Tidal East Global Relief)

United States – Two houses in California worth $8.2m, a shell company (Oriwa Villas Ltd), shares of companies, charity organization

Belize – Bank accounts, companies (Antica Ventures Ltd., Mediasky Holdings Ltd., Beddington Marketing)

Guatemala – Diplomatic passport, had taken steps to start a private bank, shell company (One Berger Circle)


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Has stock promoter retired?

If you go to (APS) you are greeted with the message that they are retiring:


It is my belief (based on no evidence other than the above message and the fact that trading in their last two pumps, PWEI and PCWT, was suspended quickly by the SEC) that the SEC will soon announce an enforcement action against a few of the people and websites that have been involved in APS pumps. I also think it likely that a large number of people involved in APS will not be named in the enforcement action and that APS will continue to promote stocks using its other websites that have not displayed a retirement message:

I also think it likely that any future promotions by the above websites will be shorter-lived to minimize the risk of a trading suspension while the pump is still ongoing.


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned and I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trading in Pacific Clean Water Technologies $PCWT suspended by SEC

Less than a month ago the SEC suspended trading in PacWest Equities (PWEI). I speculated at length about the reason for the trading suspension. PWEI was suspended  by the SEC after only three days of promotion by although the stock had previously been promoted a year earlier by Victory Mark Corp. PWEI gapped down 90% when it reopened for trading on the grey sheets and since then it has dropped a further 90%.


Only a day after the SEC suspension of PWEI, Awesomepennystocks promoted Pacific Clean Water Technologies (PCWT). stopped promoting PCWT after October 8th and after that PCWT dropped and then bounced strongly Friday. After the close Friday the SEC announced a trading suspension.

Trading suspension release (pdf)
Trading suspension order (pdf)


To my knowledge he SEC has not previously suspended trading in stocks after the close — normally that happens before the market open. But with Monday being a bank and government holiday (but not a stock market holiday) it makes sense for the SEC to issue the suspension after the market close rather than wait until Tuesday morning. The end of the stock promotion, the huge drop in the stock, and PCWT hiring a securities law firm to investigate trading in its stock (announced Friday at the market open) indicate that insiders and promoters likely believed that an SEC enforcement action was coming.

With two consecutive SEC trading suspensions on penny stocks promoted by it appears increasingly likely that the SEC is not just investigating but is getting close to acting suing it.

Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

George Sharp, failed stock promoter

[For a much more in-depth look at George Sharp and why my opinion of him has changed recently, see my new post Reconsidering George Sharp: An Enigmatic penny stock crusader]

In early 2012 a pre-promotion stock trading service called First Microcap Report, run by Leslie Howard, advertised on Howard achieved some traction although his research wasn’t particularly good and while I followed him and he did sometimes have useful insights, I certainly didn’t go about recommending him. I suppose he didn’t find enough people interested in his pre-promotion trading service or he didn’t make enough money trading his alerts, because in late May 2012 he took money to promote Biostem Corp (HAIR). He continued to promote HAIR for months.

Below is a screenshot from my welcome email upon signing up to

Around the same time, Michael Osborne, a convicted felon and frequent target of litigious penny stock gadfly George Sharp, posted on the website allegations that Sharp not only ran but was also Leslie Howard. I did not post those allegations on my blog for a couple reasons: Sharp was only a minor figure in the penny stock world after suing a couple penny stock companies, and the evidence was circumstantial only. I was not surprised when Sharp won a libel lawsuit against Osborne and that appeared to vindicate my earlier decision.

Yesterday a poster on Investorshub pointed out a lawsuit filed in August by Market Broadcast LLC and George Sharp against HAIR and its executives (and others). This proved the earlier accusations that Osborne had made (although I do remember that he made a bunch of other allegations as well and those may have been false). I looked at the court docket and downloaded the initial complaint myself.

Sharp v. Hair initial complaint (pdf)

From the complaint:

1. At all times mentioned herein, Plaintiff Market Broadcast, LLC (“MARKET”)
was a Nevada Limited Liability Corporation with offices in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and La Jolla,
California. The Plaintiff is in the business of bringing investor awareness to public companies.

2. At all times mentioned, Plaintiff George Sharp (“SHARP”) was the managing
member of Plaintiff MARKET, and SHARP has become recognized internationally as a crusader
against penny stock fraud and has been loudly applauded for his efforts.

Later in the complaint, Sharp discloses the payment he agreed to receive for promoting HAIR; a copy of that stock promotion agreement is attached to the end of the complaint linked above.

The AGREEMENT required the Plaintiff SHARP to be paid 300,000 free-trading
shares at the time that the investor awareness program began. The shares issued to the plaintiff
did not become free-trading until July 10, 2012, when the shares were already trading at a 42%
discount from the high share price achieved during the investor awareness campaign.

Related to this lawsuit, some Biostem insiders and financiers were arrested by the FBI in February for conspiring to manipulate Biostem and other stocks. Sharp was not sued by the SEC nor was he arrested. I really don’t understand why he filed the lawsuit at all — his chance of recovering any money has to be very low with the Feds involved.

One of the more interesting things about this lawsuit is that First MicroCap Report LLC was always disclosed as the owner / publisher of, not Market Broadcast LLC. Yet the promotion contract with HAIR was with Market Broadcast LLC, not First Microcap Report LLC. I can think of no legitimate reason why Sharp used two different LLCs for his stock promotion business.

What should we conclude from this? Simple: don’t trust anyone, especially not in the penny stock world. Does this mean that Sharp’s lawsuits against various promoters and penny stocks will no longer affect the prices of those stocks? No. Does this make him much less likely to win his various lawsuits? Probably not. But anyone who held Sharp in high regard will be much less likely to do so now.


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Nutranomics $NNRX pump and dump (with emphasis on the dump) by “Brighton Markets”

Perhaps the most enigmatic stock promoters currently in business is the group known by traders as “Brighton Markets”. They bring huge volume to their promotions and their promotions last for weeks or months. Their two most recent promotions were of iTalk Systems (TALK) and Green Innovations Ltd (GNIN). Prior to these two promotions (their only promotions this year) Brighton Markets had been less successful and was best known for the epic dumps of their pumps. Despite the big moves up in TALK and GNIN, both had epic dumps as well. See my blog posts on prior Brighton Markets pumps GNIN and TALK.


Why is Brighton Markets the most enigmatic of current promoters? Well, the thing I find most interesting about them is that they appear to use their websites for only a brief period of time, two or three pumps, before abandoning them and adding new websites. While other promoters have added and shed lots of websites, the rapidity with which Brighton Markets abandons websites is far greater, more akin to the spam promoter “StockCastle” than to AwesomePennyStocks. Here is a current list of active Brighton Markets websites that I have discovered: note that only a few of these websites were also used for the TALK promotion.

Notice the IP addresses of the websites in the list below. Over the last year most traders of promoted stocks have become aware of the ease with which a person can run a reverse-IP search to see what other websites are on the same server and have the same IP as a promoter’s website. I guess the “Brighton Markets” folks thought they would make it a little harder by putting their websites on different IP addresses. Of course, because they are all hosted at, they have IP addresses that are very close and they share a domain name server. Once I figured that out it was easy to find their other functional websites (and many that are defunct).


Website IP Address

Here is a list of some of their defunct websites or websites that may not have ever been used:


Taking a page from the AwesomePennyStocks playbook, the Brighton Markets group has continued to send emails to the email lists of many now-defunct websites, including (email I received on 9/28 shown below):


But even more interesting is that the CANSPAM-required information of all of these emails shows the following image:



Clicking on the “Legal Disclaimer” or “Compliance Disclosures” links takes you to different pages on the website. Visiting that website is like taking the blue pill and going down the rabbit hole. Evidently, ECA stands for “Ethics, Compliance & Awareness”. I never imagined that I would ever see a stock promoter talking up their ethical credentials. Perhaps even more bizarre is that at the footer at the bottom of that web page indicates that the ECA Group is a self-policing professional organization and links are given to file complains about a member and to submit an official inquiry from a regulatory body. That all sounds very professional, but of course every single promotion website that is part of the ECA Group is owned by the same promotion group, promoting the same stocks, and run on the same server.



The cherry at the top of this absurdity sundae though has to be the WHOIS information on the website This “self-policing professional organization” has a website that was registered on 26 September 2013, after the promotion of NNRX had already begun.



[Edit 2013-12-12] There was an ‘analyst’ website setup to promote NNRX called A copy of their NNRX report is here.

Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Why trading in PacWest Equities $PWEI was suspended by the SEC

When I first wrote about PacWest Equities (PWEI) I thought it highly likely that the SEC would suspend trading in the stock. I was wrong. I then stopped following the company because it was no longer being promoted by high-profile stock promoters (Victory Mark Corp). Yet three days after a new promotion of the company by and Victory Mark Corp, the SEC suspended trading in Pacwest Equities’ stock. The SEC suspension, likely in reaction to recent press releases, led me to look back at what I had written about the company and what the company has done since then. I was surprised by how contradictory a number of the company’s press releases were.

My main problems with PacWest Equities were with its press releases about  deals with K. Hill Livestock and its press releases about its acquisition of PurGro Electronics LLC. First, I recap my research on K. Hill Livestock and then I show the blatant lies about PurGro Electronics.

K. Hill Livestock, about which PacWest Equities put out multiple press releases last year with regards to a purchase order and distribution agreement, does not appear to exist. I looked through phone listings, business registration listings, and did numerous web searches. No similarly named company exists with “Livestock” in its name. The only similar name that I could find was Kevin Hill Horseshoeing run (obviously) by Kevin Hill (I attached the Hawaii business record of that enterprise). There is only one Kevin Hill on the big island of Hawaii and a quick search of his name turned up a court filing made this summer indicating that he has almost no assets and no job and thus couldn’t have a meaningful business relationship with PacWest Equities’ subsidiary World Eco Source.

While K. Hill Livestock may exist, I doubt it, and no press releases or filings by Pac West Equities since last November have provided further evidence of a business relationship with K. Hill Livestock. There have been no revenues for the company over the last year from any source.

PacWest Equities, Inc. to Team With K. Hill Livestock for Distribution Rights for Hawaii in a Deal Worth up to $12 Million US in Annual Sales Marketwired (Mon, Nov 12)

World Eco Source Foods Corp. Unit of PacWest Equities, Inc. Announces Initial Purchase Order for up to 5 MobileFeed(R) Trailers in a Deal Worth Almost $1 Million USD Marketwired (Fri, Oct 19)

PacWest Equities, Inc. Announces Its Entry Into the $50 Billion a Year Organic Food Production Market Through Its Wholly Owned Subsidiary, World Eco Source Corp. Marketwired (Thu, Oct 11)

Even more damning than the likely lack of existence of a major customer/partner is the company’s contradictory filings and press releases about its acquisition of PurGro Electronics LLC of Georgia in October 2012. PacWest Equities put out three press releases about PurGro Electronics:

PacWest Equities, Inc. Announces 430% Increase in 3rd Quarter Sales Over 2011 Results for Wholly Owned Subsidiary, PurGro Electronics Marketwired (Mon, Nov 5)

PacWest Equities, Inc. Completes Acquisition of PurGro Electronics, LLC Including Approximately US$15 Million in Annual Sales and 11 Potential Revolutionary US Patents Marketwired (Mon, Oct 15)

PacWest Equities, Inc. Announces Letter of Intent to Acquire PurGro Electronics, LLC for Cash and Stock Valued at US$15M Marketwired (Wed, Oct 10)

Many statements in the press releases are false. The first press release describes a “Letter of Intent to purchase PurGro Electronics, LLC in exchange for cash and stock, in a deal valued at US$15M.” As of June 30, 2012 (per the company’s quarterly report filed with the company showed $0 in current assets so the acquisition could not have included a cash component.

More importantly, in its October 15, 2012 press release PacWest Equities stated, “through its wholly owned subsidiary, World EcoSource Corp., it has completed the acquisition of PurGro Electronics, LLC in exchange for cash and stock.” And in the November 5th press release PacWest Equities described PurGro Electronics as its “wholly owned subsidiary”. Yet no sales from PurGro ever showed up on PacWest Equities’ income statement and no shares were ever issued to pay for the acquisition; in fact, PurGro was never mentioned in any filings with and was never mentioned in a press release after November 5th. At the time of those press releases I contacted the member/manager of PurGro Electronics, Greg Richter, using the email address listed in the LLC’s registration documents and sought comment on the acquisition. He neither confirmed nor denied the acquisition.

Recent Press Releases

It is possible that the SEC took a look at PacWest Equities’ older press releases after the stock promotion began in earnest again on September 12, but I think it more likely that the suspension was due to the company’s two recent press releases prior to the suspension (a third press release came just after trading in the stock was suspended):

PacWest Equities, Inc. Announces Partnership With Two of Brazil’s Energy Companies, Itambe Energy and 3CO Energy Marketwired (Fri, Sep 13)

LAS VEGAS, NV–(Marketwired – Sep 13, 2013) – PacWest Equities, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: PWEI) today announced details of the recent partnership agreements with two of Brazil’s energy companies, Itambe Energy and 3CO Energy, both located in the Capital of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. The partnerships would give PacWest Equities an immediate foothold in the region to quickly deploy its Solar Manufacturing Line and help accelerate its plans to capture a large share of the estimated $US89 Billion Solar Market in South America by 2017.

The Solar Manufacturing Line, which costs over $100 Million to develop, with $67 Million going to Research and Development, $12 Million to build the prototype line, and $27 Million going to the actual production line now in physical possession of PacWest Equities, Inc., addresses the construction market’s need to replace typical tinted window panes in high-rise buildings with Solar Glass Panels that generate electricity at the same time as functioning as a window, a skylight, or any other type of building cover. This technology is designed to integrate with other technologies in the building market, but at the same time opening up huge surface areas for Solar Generation that previously were tinted, coated, and usually curtained to attempt to stop the transfer of heat and energy drain.

The above press release can be seen as misleading in that it describes the amount of money spent by Daystar (DSTI) to develop the (money-losing) product line that PacWest Equities bought, which is rather irrelevant, but I do not think it is blatant enough to warrant a trading suspension.

PacWest Equities, Inc. Secures 50 Million USD Financing Commitment From Euro Brazil Investments, SA in Exchange for a Minority Interest in PacWest Equities, Inc. Marketwired (Thu, Sep 12)


LAS VEGAS, NV–(Marketwired – Sep 12, 2013) – PacWest Equities, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: PWEI) announced today that it had secured a commitment for 50 Million USD in financing from Euro Brazil Investments, SA of Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Euro Brazil Investments, registered through the Brazilian Central Bank, will receive a minority interest in exchange for its investment in PacWest Equities, Inc., which plans to bring its recently acquired Solar Line of CIGS Manufacturing Technology and its proprietary Intellectual Property to Brazil.

The technology, which cost over $100 Million to develop, with $67 Million going to Research and Development, $12 Million to build the prototype line, and $27 Million going to the actual production line now in physical possession of PacWest Equities, Inc., addresses the construction market’s need to replace typical tinted window panes in high-rise buildings with Solar Glass Panels that generate electricity at the same time as functioning as a window, a skylight, or any other type of building cover. This technology is designed to integrate with other technologies in the building market, but at the same time opening up huge surface areas for Solar Generation that previously were tinted, coated, and usually curtained in an attempt to stop the transfer of heat and energy drain.

The above press release is likely the reason for the trading suspension. A $50 million financing commitment for a pinksheet stock with less than $13,000 in tangible assets as of June 30th is ludicrous. I did check the Luxembourg corporate registry and EuroBrazil Investments does exist. Eurobrazil Investments was founded in January 2012, but the corporate records don’t give any other useful details. See its public filings. It is possible that this financing commitment is in the form of discounted shares that can be immediately sold; if that is the case, not stating it would be misleading enough to warrant a trading suspension. Of course it is also possible that the financing commitment is a complete lie.

[Edit 2013-11-11]: Lucio Lopez, purporting to be the President of Euro Brazil Investments SA, contacted me to state that his company had never even been contacted by PacWest Equities and had no relationship whatsoever with them. I encouraged him to file a complaint with the SEC and assured him that I would update this blog post.

My articles on PacWest Equities on

Coverage initiated on PacWest Equities: Strong sell
Is PacWest Equities a bona fide company or is it being run for the purpose of selling shares?
More contempt for the investing public from PacWest Equities
Another K Hill press release from PacWest Equities

Other articles on PacWest Equities:

PacWest Equities’ connections to VLNX (
PacWest Equities: the $330 million pink sheet with no cash and 155 illegally issued shares (SeekingAlpha)


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. Some of the information in this post was submitted to the SEC Enforcement Division. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Blatant stock promoter lies $PCWT edition

Anyone who is not a complete idiot knows that stock promoters make a habit of being misleading and they frequently lie blatantly as well. This lie from on PCWT is among the more hilarious, however. Here is the quote from today’s promotional email (emphasis mine):

Walter Dale, who heads strategic water solutions for Halliburton, said water is the oldest and newest problem in the oil field and one that’s only going to get worse. He said, “the Bakken oil play (a huge potential source of oil) will demand 10 billion gallons of fresh water per year for fracking, while oil companies spend $8 per barrel to buy the water…That demand for water will continue for another 20 years, adding up to trillions of gallons of water, enough to create an overland flood in the oil patch if it all were collected on the surface.”

PCWT just recently saved almost 60M. gallons of water for one of their partner (Bolthouse Farms). If an oil giant was to buy that water it would be worth over $540M. USD

Clearly, the Company’s technology could soon save hundreds of millons for large oil companies making PCWT a very attractive technology.

Now here is the original quote from Dale (emphasis mine):

Walter Dale, who heads strategic water solutions for Halliburton, said water is the oldest and newest problem in the oil field and one that’s only going to get worse.

He said the Bakken oil play will demand 10 billion gallons of fresh water per year for fracking, while oil companies spend $8 per barrel to buy the water, have it trucked to and from the well, plus a disposal fee after it’s flowed back after fracking.

What a big difference a little ellipsis makes!


Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

SEC Suspends trading in PacWest Equities $PWEI

This is hardly breaking news as the SEC suspended trading in PacWest Equities (PWEI) yesterday morning, but I thought I would immortalize the trading suspension here and give a few thoughts on it.

Trading suspension release (pdf)
Trading suspension order (pdf)

Excerpt from the press release:

The Commission temporarily suspended trading in the securities of PacWest because of
questions that have been raised about the accuracy and adequacy of publicly disseminated
information concerning, among other things, the company’s business operations and assets.

PacWest is interesting because it is the first time any Awesomepennystocks pump was had trading suspended during the pump (actually quite early). PWEI was first promoted by APS on September 12th and was suspended in premarket yesterday after a few hundred thousand shares traded hands. However, PWEI had previously been promoted almost a year earlier by Victory Mark Corp, widely believed to be run by the same people as Awesomepennystocks (they both promoted PWEI and are currently promoting Pacific Clean Water Technologies, PCWT). Also, PWEI has the dubious distinction of being one of the more blatantly scammy pump companies. Eleven months ago Infitialis asserted convincingly on SeekingAlpha that most of PWEI’s shares were illegally free trading. In an article a month later I pointed out numerous red flags with the company that suggested the possibility of fraud. I believe it highly likely that the SEC will end up suing people involved with PWEI, although that could take another year.

I provided further red flags in follow-up posts on See:

Another K. Hill PR from PacWest — 12 November 2012
More contempt for the investing public from PacWest Equities — 7 November 2012
Is PacWest Equities a bona fide company? Or is it being run for the purpose of selling shares? — 5 November 2012 (this is the article my SeekingAlpha was based on but some of the best stuff was cut to placate SA editors)
Coverage initiated on PacWest Equities — 16 October 2012

Previous articles on SEC trading suspensions of pump and dumps:

Hutech21 (CLGZF)
Norstra Energy (NORX)
Biozoom (BIZM)
iTrackr Systems (IRYS)
Polar Petroleum (POLR)
Face Up Entertainment (FUEG)

Disclaimer: I have no position in any stock mentioned. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Amarium Technologies $AMMG is a top potential short after big move up from low-budget promotion is a relatively new stock promoter that I only signed up to last March. That website’s first promotion after I signed up was of PacWest Equities (PWEI) that started over the weekend prior to March 25th. PWEI had previously been pumped by Victory Mark Corp and I wrote about the company at SeekingAlpha. The stock promotion page is still online at As you can see from the chart below, buyers did quite poorly:


Here is the disclaimer for the PWEI pump:



On Sunday, August 18, sent subscribers an email promoting their next pump, Amarium Technologies (AMMG). Since then they have continued to send emails promoting the stock almost daily. Since then the stock price has more than doubled from $0.22 to $0.45. The online stock promotion page can be found at


The disclosed compensation was the same $25,000 as it had been for PWEI:


Since I first saw AMMG pump I have run across a couple more online promotion websites, including, which is similar to The Financier Times or the Chicago Financial Times — it is a fake news website. See the promotion of AMMG on that website on this page: and this page:

AMMG currently has 498,778,578 shares outstanding which gives the company a market capitalization of $224 million as of yesterday’s close at $0.45. The company’s financials, while better than plenty of pump and dumps in that they actually have some assets, show that AMMG has under $5 million in total assets and no revenues.

Disclosed budget: $25,000

Promoter: (owned by Amerada Corp)

Paying party: Laluna Inc.

Shares outstanding: 498,778,578
Previous closing price: $0.45
Market capitalization: $224 million

[Edit 2013-9-6 4pm]: also promoted ETEK back in February. The ETEK promotion web page is still online at See a chart below. I mentioned that pump when I blogged about a repump of ETEK in July. The disclaimer for ETEK was the same as for PWEI and AMMG: is operated by Amerada Corp (AC). Currently AC expects to be compensated $25,000.00 (Twenty Five Thousand United States Dollars) from Laluna, Inc. for this ETEK advertising and promotion.


Disclaimer: [Edit 2013-9-6 4pm; I am now short 13,000 shares of AMMG] I am short 5,000 shares of AMMG and will likely short more shares in the near future. I have no relationship with any parties mentioned above. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.