Trade recap for December 4th

A nicely  profitable day, but nothing too exciting. I had a great 14% profit shorting IFNY but I only got 1,500 shares of it before IB ran out.

IFNY 3-day, 15-minute candlestick chartifny

+    SLD    500    IFNY    false    Stock    1.676    USD    SMART    09:39:22        2.50
SLD    1,000    IFNY    false    Stock    1.65    USD    SMART    09:39:48        5.00
BOT    500    IFNY    false    Stock    1.47    USD    SMART    11:06:26        2.50
BOT    300    IFNY    false    Stock    1.37    USD    SMART    11:07:16        1.50
BOT    300    IFNY    false    Stock    1.39    USD    SMART    11:08:25        1.50
BOT    400    IFNY    false    Stock    1.39    USD    SMART    11:12:16        2.00
SLD    200    STE    false    Stock    28.90    USD    ISLAND    11:47:27        1.00
+    BOT    200    STE    false    Stock    28.870    USD    DRCTEDGE    11:48:42        1.00
+    SLD    3,000    BIOF    false    Stock    2.850    USD    DRCTEDGE    14:56:14        15.00
+    BOT    3,000    BIOF    false    Stock    2.800    USD    SMART    14:56:59        15.00

Daily profit: $450.75

Weekly profit: ($0.45)

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 4th

AAPH  is interesting, but a little low-priced for my taste.

CCRT jumped big today on news of a dividend and a spinoff plan. It might have another move in it tomorrow.

GGWPQ had a nice breakout today. This is one of the 5% of bankrupt companies that will re-emerge from bankruptcy with shareholders intact. I see no easy play now though.

LZB is nearing a nice breakout at $10.

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap: Nothing interesting, move along

No interesting trades today, hence no video trade recap. Shorted 3k BIOF @ $3.084 at SogoElite shortly before the market close. My Twitter followers found out about that trade shortly after it executed.

Disclosure: Short 3,000 BIOF. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap: The suck, day two (and one stock on watch)

See the last minute of the trade recap video for my brief rant about the ratio of the DJIA to gold.

+    BOT    1,000    SNTS    false    Stock    5.620    USD    ISLAND    09:32:11        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    SNTS    false    Stock    5.600    USD    DRCTEDGE    09:33:52        5.00
+    BOT    3,800    EGHT    false    Stock    1.413    USD    SMART    09:39:01        19.00
+    SLD    2,600    EGHT    false    Stock    1.380    USD    SMART    09:44:07        13.00
+    SLD    1,200    EGHT    false    Stock    1.388    USD    ISLAND    09:44:27        6.00
+    BOT    400    GTI    false    Stock    15.890    USD    SMART    09:58:34        2.00
SLD    400    GTI    false    Stock    16.12    USD    BATS    10:38:27        2.00
+    SLD    5,000    GSIT    false    Stock    4.282    USD    SMART    13:08:08        25.00
+    BOT    5,000    GSIT    false    Stock    4.430    USD    SMART    13:40:33        25.00
SLD    1,000    CLWT    false    Stock    3.51    USD    ARCA    14:23:53        5.00
+    SLD    5,000    CLWT    false    Stock    3.510    USD    SMART    14:24:00        25.00
+    SLD    5,000    CLWT    false    Stock    3.513    USD    ISLAND    14:24:05        25.00
+    SLD    5,000    CLWT    false    Stock    3.481    USD    DRCTEDGE    14:24:12        25.00
+    BOT    7,700    CLWT    false    Stock    3.388    USD    ISLAND    14:24:51        38.50
+    BOT    4,801    CLWT    false    Stock    3.480    USD    DRCTEDGE    14:26:07        24.01
+    BOT    3,499    CLWT    false    Stock    3.440    USD    ARCA    14:27:51        17.50
+    BOT    5,000    CLWT    false    Stock    3.084    USD    ARCA    15:19:29        25.00
+    SLD    5,000    CLWT    false    Stock    3.039    USD    ISLAND    15:20:20        25.00

Daily profit: ($126.06)

GRH on watch for short or long.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for December 2nd

PEIX  more than doubled in three days on news of restarting a plant. Overdone move, short on weakness.


SNTS  was up in after-hours trading on FDA approval. I’ll buy if it shows further strength.


DYAX also went up big after hours due to FDA approval news.


EGHT had a nice breakout today on huge volume. I’m long if it looks like it can continue.


GSIT is up on NLST-type news. After today’s black candle I’m looking to short on green/red action.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap: Welcome to the suck

Lesson from today: never ever go afk without an alarm on all open positions. I’ll let you guess which of my trades dropped way below my mental stop while I stepped away for two minutes. No video for today …

+    BOT    400    SEED    false    Stock    14.160    USD    ISLAND    08:30:01        2.00
+    SLD    400    SEED    false    Stock    13.932    USD    DRCTEDGE    09:19:38        2.50
BOT    1,000    GSIT    false    Stock    5.74    USD    ISLAND    09:30:38        5.00
SLD    1,000    GSIT    false    Stock    5.61    USD    SMART    09:31:44        5.00
+    SLD    5,000    GRO    false    Stock    3.580    USD    ARCA    09:32:01        25.00
+    BOT    5,000    GRO    false    Stock    3.560    USD    ISLAND    09:42:38        25.00
BOT    80    GSIT    false    Stock    5.78    USD    ARCA    09:45:36        1.00
+    BOT    1,000    GSIT    false    Stock    5.800    USD    BATS    09:45:43        5.00
+    SLD    1,080    GSIT    false    Stock    5.930    USD    BATS    09:48:51        5.40
+    BOT    1,000    NLST    false    Stock    5.820    USD    DRCTEDGE    10:31:20        5.00
SLD    1,000    NLST    false    Stock    5.7000    USD    SMART    10:42:51        5.00
BOT    10,000    RBTI    false    Stock    0.0770    USD    SMART    13:28:47        3.85
BOT    10,000    RBTI    false    Stock    0.0750    USD    SMART    13:33:21        3.75
+    SLD    20,000    RBTI    false    Stock    .056    USD    SMART    14:17:41        5.65
+    SLD    3,000    NLST    false    Stock    5.320    USD    EDGEA    15:08:05        15.00
+    BOT    1,500    NLST    false    Stock    5.247    USD    BATS    15:36:12        7.50
BOT    1,500    NLST    false    Stock    5.3100    USD    SMART    15:37:24        7.50

Daily profit: ($493.14)

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for 11/30 and a watchlist

Watchlist in the video.

+    BOT    500    SEED    false    Stock    11.950    USD    SMART    NOV 30 09:30:40        2.50
SLD    500    SEED    false    Stock    12.12    USD    ARCA    NOV 30 09:33:37        2.50
+    BOT    800    NLST    false    Stock    6.080    USD    SMART    NOV 30 09:54:57        4.00
+    SLD    800    NLST    false    Stock    6.200    USD    ISLAND    NOV 30 10:05:46        4.00

Daily profit: $168

Disclosure: Long 400 SEED in a position I intend to close out within a couple hours. No positions in any other stocks mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

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Watchlist for November 30th

Wow, this all looks so familiar! Remember dear readers that stocks on watch for short sells can be good buys if they show strength or fail to break down, and stocks on watch for longs can be good shorts if they fail to breakout or show weakness. Don’t fixate on only trading one way.

BRYN – Pump & dump. Its weakness has been revealed. Search and destroy, but with all due caution.


SEED – A great example of why I don’t short on large gaps down, this was a nice little long for me Friday. I’m short-biased, but not with any conviction.


TAMB – Short on green/red. This move is over-done.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for Black Friday

No big trades today, although a few decent little ones. SEED was nice on the long side on the second cross of $10, after it consolidated a bit. I got it long late on red/green. QLTI was a nice breakout and I got stopped out too early. DRAM was a nice long from $3.90, but I got it on the $4 cross.

+    BOT    1,000    QLTI    false    Stock    4.550    USD    SMART    09:32:24        5.00
+    SLD    1,000    QLTI    false    Stock    4.660    USD    SMART    09:40:49        5.00
+    BOT    400    DRAM    false    Stock    4.000    USD    SMART    09:54:45        2.00
+    SLD    400    DRAM    false    Stock    4.090    USD    SMART    09:59:39        2.00
+    BOT    500    SEED    false    Stock    10.410    USD    SMART    11:01:42        2.50
+    SLD    500    SEED    false    Stock    10.760    USD    SMART    11:11:05        2.50

Daily profit: $302.00

Weekly profit: $1,459.09

Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for black Friday

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American confreres! Gobble Gobble! Tomorrow is only a half-day in the stock market. I don’t like to trade much on half days. Here are a couple stocks to watch:

SEED – Was down slightly yesterday, and it deserves to fall more. I like it as a short on the break of $10.


BRYN – Horrid pink sheet pump. Short on weakness. ALFSS.


Disclosure: No positions in anything mentioned in this post. I have a disclosure policy and you can find all my disclaimers there as well; those disclosure & disclaimers are incorporated by reference into this post.