Watchlist for the third seventh day in January

MDCE, ALTO, MHYS – Just reminders that pump quickly turns to dump and that buying these things is uber-risky. Too bad ALTO didn’t go up another day and I couldn’t find shares to short.




DEAR – Hmm, low-float beaten-down bank trading (even after its big run today on earnings news) at under 1/3 of net tangible asset value? This could keep moving. If I were a swing-trader I might buy some and hold for a week or two. Good thing I’m not!


CTZN – Buy buy buy (if it hits $0.70 with volume). I probably won’t play it due to lower volume.


TONE – Long on red/green or jump off consolidation.


HAFC – Way overdone move on rumors of another bank looking to buy a stake. I am short-biased but will play it small if I do short.


ACLS –  just off of 52 week highs.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Trade recap for January 20th

Not a bad day considering I spent most of the day working on an epic blog post at my blog.

Daily profit: $1536.35

Disclosure: Long 7000 PNGM that I intend to sell at the market open tomorrow. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Q&A: Commissions & fees at Interactive Brokers and stock promoters

I answer your questions in the video:

1. What are the cancel order and trade bust fees at Interactive Brokers?
2. What is the difference between bundled and unbundled commission structures at Interactive Brokers?
3. Where do I find out about different stock promoters (pumpers)?

Disclosure: I am a happy customer of Interactive Brokers. No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 20th

MDCE – Tim Sykes nailed the short of this today (and alerted his TimAlerts subscribers while there were still shares to short at IB) as its pump finally ended. I was too hesitant. That’s okay, I still beat him to the draw on ECOB and I made more on that than he did on this.


ALTO – This is the next MDCE. I am long 4400 shares that I will sell early tomorrow. It was first pumped by the cretins at Penny Stock Chaser all last week (don’t worry, I’ll be blogging about them soon; they were paid 400,000 free-trading shares for the pump). The funny thing is this this tanked the second and third days after they started pumping it on January 10th (the first day it went from $0.67 to $0.77). Over the weekend the lovable losers at BestDamnPennyStocks pumped this piece of crap too. Hopefully they get it up some more so I can short it.


MHYS – Another huge pump, by the same soulless stock promoters who brought you MDCE (I actually know of three different promoters that are behind this). It had its first pump day today and is being pumped a bunch overnight. I have 12,600 shares that I will probably sell early tomorrow.


SPU – More great moves; I refuse to trade this.


Normally I’d have some more Nasdaq stocks on watch, but the success of the pumpers and a lack of big catalysts for momentum stocks means there are many more OTC stocks that interest me.

Disclosure: Long 4400 ALTO and 12,600 MHYS. No positions in any other stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Join me in the all-new TimAlerts penny-stock chat

I started a penny stock chat room a couple weeks ago. So far it has been a success, with some good alerts in chat, helpful commentary from some good traders, and a large number of traders in chat (the high was over 90 and we have had more than 60 at most times!).

However, I have decided to leave my chat room. Simply put, Tim Sykes gave me an offer I could not refuse to moderate his TimAlerts Chat. Taking him up on the offer was an obvious choice, especially considering that I and many of the people in my chat trade the same stocks he does and thus want to discuss what he is doing. So as of tomorrow, that is where I will be during the trading day. This will make the TimAlerts chat a worthwhile place for traders to see what is moving in the markets and to learn from other traders. With my moderation there will no longer be distracting off-topic discussions. The addition of a moderated and thus more useful chat makes TimAlerts an even better deal. (I’m a lifetime TimAlerts member.) Frankly, I think the chat alone will be worth the price of TimAlerts.

I hope I see you in the new chat tomorrow. If you do come, make sure to read the rules below. Please note that the rules may change and the official rules will be on Tim Sykes’ website (I’ll link them when they are up).

Rules for TimAlerts Chat

1. Be polite.
2. Tickers are to be typed in CAPS. Stock chat abbreviations can be found below (and should never be in CAPS). There is also a list of general chat abbreviations below.
3. Stay on topic during the trading day; keep to stock alerts and brief discussion of potential trades. Feel free to chat about anything after trading hours. If you wish to discuss something random during the trading dayyou can create a new room in chat for that.
4. Colors, bold, and italics are reserved for the chat room administrator (Reaper) and Tim Sykes.
5. No pumping or promoting stocks or bashing stocks. If there is relevant news, research, or price movement, then post it. But do not say things like “Come on SIRI!” or “XXX is a fraud.”
6. No stocks under $0.10.
7. If you give an alert, give a reason; don’t just type the ticker. For example, instead of typing “ECOB!”, type “ECOB dropping like a rock!”
8. No stocks that aren’t moving or don’t have interesting charts. Avoid mentioning higher-priced stocks  (those over $15) unless they have a lot of momentum.
9. Please no random questions to Michael Goode (Reaper) or Tim Sykes (TimothySykes) during the trading day (i.e., “What brokerage do you use?”). Send an email or search their blogs. It is okay to ask their opinion about a stock.
10. Do not send sounds to chat during trading hours.
11. Anyone violating chat room rules or just being annoying will be gagged (anything they type will not be seen by others). Significant abuses can lead to completely banning a subscriber from the chatroom.
12. Ownership of and responsibility of the comments made in the chat room remains with those who type the comments. We (Bullship Press, Timothy Sykes, and Michael Goode) are not responsible for the statements of those who make comments in the chat room. We reserve the right to gag, kick, or ban anyone from the chat room for any reason whatsoever.
13. We (Bullship Press, Timothy Sykes, and Michael Goode) are not financial advisers. We do not give financial advice. We cannot tell you if you should make a trade. All traders need to make their own decisions about what and when to trade.

Helpful hints for using Parachat

1. To send someone a private message double click on their name.
2. To go to a different chat room (such as the offtopic chat room) click on “Roam” at the top of the chat box and then click on “Room List”.  If there are no other rooms, create a new room by clicking on “Roam” and then “Create Room.”

Stock chat abbreviations

adr – Average daily range of a stock over a number of days (the larger the number the more volatile the stock). Thi
b/o – Breakout
o/n – Overnight
e/r – Earnings release
ss – Short sell
hod – High of the day

nhod – New high of the day (used when a stock has broken above a previous high)
52s – 52 week highs
lod – Low of the day
nlod – New low of the day (used when a stock has broken below a previous low)
sup – Support
res – Resistance
red – A stock that is below its previous day’s close
green – A stock that is above its previous day’s close
r/g – A stock going from red to green
g/r – A stock going from green to red
pre – Pre-market trading
a/h – After-hours trading

Common chat abbreviations

afk – Away from keyboard
idk – I don’t know
iirc – If I remember correctly
imho / imo – In my (humble) opinion
ttyl – Talk to you later
bbl – Be back later
lol – Laughing out loud
pm – Private message
ty – Thank you
yw – You’re welcome

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. I will be paid to moderate TimAlerts chat based on the number of people in chat; see my terms of use for full details about my business relationships with Timothy Sykes.  This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Watchlist for January 19th

MDCE – This is the pump du jour, although it is still too cheap for me to be interested in shorting it. Please pump it up to at least $0.60!


PFSW – Had great news and a good run Friday (closing near its highs) after announcing a deal with Proctor & Gamble. It is still a tiny company and it is not trading much above book value, so it could run further. I might buy on red/green or as it breaks higher off of intra-day consolidation.


[edit 1/18/2010 to add the following stock] ALTO – The next big pump. Considering that all the big pumpers seem to be on this one, I think it has a decent chance of getting high enough for me to short it. As always, I do not recommend buying these.


Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Hide your order size by using iceberg orders at Interactive Brokers

When trading large blocks of shares, particularly in illiquid stocks, it helps to hide the number of shares in your order. You can do this with what is called an iceberg order. The video below shows how they work in Interactive Brokers Traders’ Workstation as I try to cover a large short position in an illiquid stock. You can learn more about all complex order types at IB by visiting their order type page.

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Saturday morning mailbag

In the video I answer a few questions:

1. How do I spot volume breakouts during the day?
2. How do I set alerts at IB?
3. How did I get an account at Goldman Sachs?
4. How do I find stocks moving in the pre-market?

If you send me an email your question or use my contact page to ask a question your question will likely be answered in the next installment of this (perhaps weekly) series.

Disclosure: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use and you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well; my full terms of use is incorporated by reference into this post.

Reaper Trades