Trade recap for October 11th

Fat fingers never felt so good … I meant to buy 1k AUMN on Timothy Sykes’ PennyStocking Silver IM alert but bought 5k. Because my position was so large I sold quickly, realizing some nice dollar gains. VIDA, the tale is old and often told: I should have held longer.


All trades today:
BOT    7,500    VIDA    false    Stock    0.0762    USD    SMART    09:40:27        2.86        null
BOT    7,500    VIDA    false    Stock    0.0761    USD    SMART    09:44:11        2.85        null
SLD    2,000    BULM    false    Stock    1.4500    USD    SMART    09:56:02        10.00        null
BOT    2,000    BULM    false    Stock    1.4600    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:56:14        10.00        null
+    BOT    5,000    AUMN    false    Stock    23.420    USD    SMART    15:40:46        25.00        null
SLD    5,000    AUMN    false    Stock    23.85    USD    SMART    15:41:08        25.00        null
SLD    500    AUMN    false    Stock    23.98    USD    BATS    15:43:34        2.50        null
BOT    500    AUMN    false    Stock    24.30    USD    AMEX    15:59:36        2.50        null
13:38:21    GETA    B    0.1165    5000    SEAB
13:42:50    GETA    S    0.1199    5000    SEAB

Daily profit: $2,009.31

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for October 8th

Just one pump short today that I will likely cover Monday.

SLD    7,500    VIDA    false    Stock    0.0860    USD    SMART    12:04:33        3.22        null
+    SLD    7,500    VIDA    false    Stock    .083    USD    SMART    12:05:55        3.11        null


Daily profit: $0

Weekly profit: $1,173.09

Disclosure: Short 15,000 shares of VIDA. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for October 7th


Daily profit: $339.64

All trades today (at the prop firm I use):
09:30:32    CWNR    SS    0.5795    100    ATD
09:30:39    CWNR    SS    0.579    4365    ATD
09:35:26    CWNR    B    0.472    4465    ATD
09:36:21    CWNR    SS    0.4919    5500    ATD
09:39:07    CWNR    B    0.52    812    ATD
09:52:36    SNRY    SS    0.1649    500    ATD
09:59:51    SNRY    B    0.16    500    ATD
10:03:53    CWNR    B    0.5    3000    ATD
10:03:55    CWNR    B    0.505    1688    ATD
12:30:44    SNRY    SS    0.1801    10000    ATD
12:32:43    SNRY    SS    0.1801    125    ATD
12:32:47    SNRY    SS    0.1801    1000    ATD
12:33:52    SNRY    SS    0.1801    5000    ATD
12:34:19    SNRY    SS    0.1801    6000    ATD
12:34:50    SNRY    SS    0.1801    2875    ATD
12:42:18    SNRY    SS    0.183    5000    ATD
14:18:01    SNRY    B    0.1805    30000    ATD

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for October 6th

Not much today as I was busy finishing my presentation for the November 14th-15th Pennystocking seminar (sign up here).

Daily profit: $175.00

Today’s trades:
09:36:58    CWNR    B    0.76    2500    NITE
09:37:07    CWNR    B    0.76    2500    NITE
09:40:23    CWNR    S    0.839    2500    NITE
09:41:16    CWNR    S    0.76    2500    NITE

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for October 5th

Not a bad day today.


All trades today:
09:30:49    SPBU    B    0.1341    30000    NITE
10:09:52    SPBU    S    0.1449    1000    NITE
10:10:18    SPBU    S    0.1449    16000    NITE
10:50:07    SPBU    S    0.1419    5000    NITE
10:50:08    SPBU    S    0.1419    8000    NITE
BOT    15,000    SPBU    false    Stock    0.1341    USD    SMART    09:30:49        10.06        null
BOT    15,000    SPBU    false    Stock    0.1350    USD    SMART    09:31:11        10.12        null
+    BOT    15,000    SPBU    false    Stock    .135    USD    SMART    09:31:26        10.12        null
+    SLD    15,000    SPBU    false    Stock    .143    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:37:05        10.72        null
BOT    6,000    FLPC    false    Stock    0.4400    USD    SMART    09:39:47        13.20        null
+    BOT    6,000    FLPC    false    Stock    .430    USD    SMART    10:18:14        12.90        null
+    BOT    17,000    SPBU    false    Stock    .142    USD    SMART    10:19:20        12.03        null
+    BOT    6,000    FLPC    false    Stock    .430    USD    SMART    10:42:54        12.90        null
BOT    13,000    SPBU    false    Stock    0.1420    USD    SMART    11:12:10        9.23        null
SLD    2,000    VHC    false    Stock    17.90    USD    SMART    13:34:35        10.00        null
+    BOT    2,000    VHC    false    Stock    17.816    USD    DRCTEDGE    13:35:12        10.00        null

Daily profit: $534.14

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Come hear me speak at the Las Vegas Pennystocking Seminar on November 14th and 15th

For those of you who are not yet aware, my mentor Tim Sykes has had a penny stock trading seminar in Las Vegas each autumn for the last two years. This year’s seminar will be the biggest yet and by far the best. Tim has an impressive array of guest speakers lined up, including me (for a one hour time slot).

If you have considered purchasing some of Tim’s DVDs I urge you to sign up for the seminar instead. It is a better value and you will get the chance to not only hear Tim speak, but to hear such successful penny stock traders such as Gordon Eckler (Geckler on Twitter), John Welsh (johnwelshtrades on twitter), Nate Michaud (InvestorsLive, who runs the InvestorsUnderground stock chat), and successful part-time stock trader Tim Bohen. Also, Michael Covel (author of The Complete Turtle Trader and other trading books), stock promoter “The Dean”, penny stock investigative journalist Melissa Davis of The Street Sweeper, convicted stock fraudster Hunter Adams, and newsletter writer CJ Thornton of BuySellShort.

Now I mentioned that I thought the seminar was a good value. I truly believe that. But because you are my loyal readers you don’t even have to pay full price. If you wish to view the live video feed from your own home, use coupon code WEB2010 you can save $700! If you wish to attend in person, use coupon code VEGAS2010 and save $500! And for your $1000 (or $800 if you watch via web video feed), not only do you get two full days of great speakers telling all they know about penny stocks, you get the following bonuses:

  • You get your choice of any one of Tim Syke’s DVDs that you will receive before the seminar so that you can be prepared (I recommend PennyStocking Part Deux, a $497 value)
  • You get a 200+ seminar manual and when it is done, a DVD recording of the seminar (Tim Sykes sells the DVD of last year’s seminar for $797)

The seminar will be at the Mandalay Bay on the Las Vegas strip and food will be provided! Breakfast and lunch will be provided both days. If you wish to save money, I suggest staying at The Excalibur (not too far away and very cheap; this is where I will be staying).

Hurry and sign up … spots are filling up quickly. This truly is a great opportunity to learn a lot about trading and meet a bunch of successful traders.


Note – I will not be able to make the first day of the seminar (November 14th) but I will arrive in Las Vegas that evening and I will not leave until Wednesday around noon. I look forward to meeting and chatting with any of my readers who come to the seminar.

This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well. I am an affiliate of Tim Sykes and I receive a commission for anyone who signs up to the seminar after clicking my link. I paid full price to attend the last two penny stocking seminars in Las Vegas but am not paying (nor being paid by Sykes, except for the free food and maybe a DVD copy of the seminar) this year.

Trade recap for October 4th

Not much today. I just shorted two HotOTC pumps that I remain short overnight.

All trades today:
+    SLD    35,000    SPBU    false    Stock    .138    USD    SMART    09:32:44        24.15        null
+    SLD    16,800    SPBU    false    Stock    .139    USD    SMART    09:36:16        11.67        null
+    SLD    5,700    FLPC    false    Stock    .420    USD    SMART    09:41:46        11.97        null
+    SLD    18,200    SPBU    false    Stock    .140    USD    SMART    09:55:54        12.73        null
SLD    6,000    SPBU    false    Stock    0.1439    USD    SMART    10:30:14        4.32        null
+    SLD    6,300    FLPC    false    Stock    .450    USD    SMART    10:31:44        14.17        null
SLD    6,000    FLPC    false    Stock    0.4500    USD    SMART    15:59:24        13.50        null
+    BOT    16,000    SPBU    false    Stock    .130    USD    SMART    15:59:44        10.41        null

Daily profit: $124.31

Disclosure: Short 18,000 FLPC and 60,000 SPBU. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for October 1st

Just one small trade today, a scalp of REDF. I missed what would have been a great short on MRES even though I was watching it. I just didn’t pull the trigger. It had been pumped.



Daily profit: $55.00

Weekly profit: $2297.62

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for September 29th

For those who don’t yet know, I will be speaking on the second day at Tim Sykes’ Pennystocking Seminar (which runs from November 14th to 15th in Las Vegas). I really think the seminar is a good deal compared with Sykes’ other offerings. For the $1500 price you get two full days of instruction (including notable guest speakers such as Nate Michaud aka InvestorsLive, Gordon Eckler aka Geckler, and John Welsh aka johnwelshtrades) plus your choice of any one of Tim Sykes’ DVDs that you will receive before the seminar. If you cannot attend in person, you can watch it streamed online (if this interests you, contact me, and I can help you save money on it!). Sign up today!

I should have gotten short RMDT again … nice example of how even HotOTC’s ‘successful’ pumps die within a couple days.


Daily profit: $1320.08

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well. I am an affiliate of Tim Sykes and I receive a commission for anyone who signs up to the seminar after clicking my link. I paid to attend the last two penny stocking seminars in Las Vegas but am not paying (nor being paid by Sykes) this year.

Figuring out what pumpers are pumping ahead of time

This relates to a pump of a Nasdaq stock, IRSN, today. See the video page (or just download the mp4 video). This was pumped by some Beacon Equity websites. Pumpers will occasionally pump stocks for which they have not been compensated if they think it is a decent trade that can make them look smart.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.