Oh what fun when stock promoters fight

Following is the text of an email I received from PennyStockProphet.com today:

Dear PSP Members, Free Trial Members and Affiliates of PennyStockProphet.com,    It is with a heavy heart that I write this email to you. I am the James formally behind pennystockprophet.com. My last name is not Connolly we changed the name to protect my identity my true name is James Edington. I am writing this email to let all of you know that I am currently in litigation with my partner who I started the website with. You see the site is owned by a California LLC (Galaxy LLC). Two partners, me and a guy named Jeff Edwards and more recently added a guy named David Gill. The Galaxy LLC also owns secretstockpromoter.com, www.stockonion.com, secretstockpromo.com, and pennypickfinders.com.

Galaxy also has about 32 other urls owned but I don’t believe they have any sites attached to them. Now I can vouch for about 90% of theses sites content is made up or taken from other sites (I did not write any of the content) my job was to pick stocks in the beginning before we where getting paid to send you advertisements. So basically what these lists are, isyou the consumer are paying for us to advertise company’s that are paying us to advertise to you. I know that does not make sense but that’s what these list are. I will also warn you about David Gill’s brother, I will not mention his name but he operates a couple sites like this and you may start receiving emails from them after I send this email out. If you do, I will send an email warning you what they are. I currently have no control of the content that is being put out or any of the company’s day-to-day operations. This is why we are in litigation.

I thought it was only fair that you should know that if you belong to a site that used my likeness and story you should know that I am no longer making decisions in regards to the messages you are receiving. I would also at this point like to make sure you have read the entire disclaimer. You will read in there about the last name change, you will also read that the testimonials on the home page are all fake as well. We also at one time had a limited spaces available ploy on our site to get you to buy our product. You will read in there where it says, “from time to time we are compensated for the alerts we release”. I can tell you that we have not purposely done any picks in the last 2 years that we where not paid for by a third party to release to you.

You may also read on every email that has been sent to you the amount in which we where paid. I will be going back to picking stock the way I used to on the bigger boards, and I will invite all of you to that list for free once I have the website up. I have attached a copy of the disclaimer and a copy of the email highlighting what I have written about in this email.

Galaxy LLC (The Owners of the PSP list) is being ran buy two men Jeff Edwards and David Gill. Below you will also find contact information for Galaxy LLC (the owner of the PSP site) and their legal council in case you had any questions.   PS. One more odd fact we all own a cupcake shop together.Don’t ask how that happened but here is a great story about it. See if you can guess who is who.    http://cottageinthemaking.blogspot.com/2011/01/for-goodness-cakes.html

Thank You, James “Connolly” Edington edingtonhj@yahoo.com  Galaxy LLC Office 18071 Fitch Suite 215 Irvine CA 92620  Jeff Edwards Jeff.edwards@galaxyllcpartners.com  David Gill David.gill@galaxyllcpartners.com  Galaxy Legal Council Larry Cron lcron@hclaw.biz 949-540-6540!

Disclosure: No positions and no connection to any of the men/entities mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

2011 Pump recap of the big 3 email pumpers: Every one of their pumps, with details

Crazy Penny Stocks Pumps

CrazyPenny has six websites that they use that I am aware of, in addition to numerous websites they no longer use and two websites that I have linked to them that are new but they have not used them for pumps yet. They also have two German pump websites that I am aware of: LoveforStocks.com and SmallCapSpecialists.com. Crazypenny usually discloses $10,000 or $15,000 (Canadian) in compensation for their pumps but their pumps move much more than such small compensation would indicate. For that reason I do not indicate the compensation disclosed for each pump below.

Click on chart images to see a larger chart.

CPOW – Crazypennystocks.com. This was actually pumped by Free Penny Alerts / Golden Dragon Media / Pudong LLC starting mid-morning on December 27th, 2010. The Crazypenny pump started on the evening of December 20th, 2010.

EARH – Crazypennystocks.com

CXLT – Crazypennystocks.com (The ticker has since changed to NSAV). This was pumped first in March in the repumped at the beginning of August.

CEYY – Crazypennystocks.com

WRIT – Pumped in March by Free Penny Alerts & friends, pumped for two days in May by Crazypenny.

HDSI – Crazypennystocks.com

POTG – Crazypennystocks.com — pumped twice. See large chart of both pumps. The first time was the longest period of continued pumping I have ever seen by Crazypenny (just look at the volume). The second time was after a 10 for 1 forward split (the stock chart did not adjust for that), giving the company 4.4 billion shares.

AMWI – Crazypennystocks.com. This went sideways for a long time before the pumpers got it to break out. The breakout day was a big up day but it actually gapped down the next day.

NSRS – This was first pumped by Crazypenny before there was even an offer. All the traders just sat around and waited for a few minutes until an offer appeared and the stock dropped from .20 to about .14 before upticking. Pennypic joined with a $600,000 compensation in the morning of day 5 of the pump and then the pumpers just kept promoting it every single day.

Pennypic.com disclaimer:

Please be advised that P ennyPic.com’s affiliate free penny alerts has been paid six hundred thousand dollars by a non affiliate third party nahualate s a [sic] for a one month profile of north springs resources corp. [NSRS]

Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc Pumps

CPOW – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. See above under Crazypenny pumps — Crazypenny started the pump on the evening of December 20th, 2010. The Free Penny Alerts group joined mid-morning on December 27th. I think that they were paid a total of $300,000 for the pump (adding up the compensation disclosed by each of the three legal entities), but because of how they disclose the compensation by website and not by legal entity they could have been paid much more or as little as $100,000.

“Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $100,000.00 by Hefin International Inc. party to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Clean Power Concepts, Inc. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning CPOW.”

“Please be advised that PennyPic.com has been paid one hundred thousand dollars by Hefin international inc this is for marketing and advertising services for a one week profile of Clean Power Concepts which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning cpow.”

“Please be advised that an affiliate of Insiderslab.com, Golden Dragon Media Inc. has entered into an agreement with Hefin International Inc which calls for payment of $100,000 cash  to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Clean Power Concepts Inc. (OTCBB:CPOW) which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning  CPOW.”

DIAAF – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. Please note that unlike the other stock charts on this page, the chart below is not log scale, to make seeing the price action during the pumps easier to see. Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $500,000.00 by Demyan Trading, Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Diamant Art Corp. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning DIAAF.”

KRMC – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. This one was pumped first by InsidersLab.com in the evening on February 24th but none of their other pump websites pumped it until the market open on May 2nd (after which it promptly tanked). Please note that unlike the other stock charts on this page, the chart below is not log scale, to make seeing the price action during the pumps easier to see. Disclaimer: “Please be advised that KillerPennyStocks.com has been paid $350,000.00 by Nguyet Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Kurrant Mobile Catering, Inc. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning KRMC.”

WRIT – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. They pumped it in March; the spike in May was due to a two-day Crazypenny pump. Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $500,000.00 by Demyan Trading Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one Month profile of Writers Group Film Corp.which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning WRIT.”

ALZM – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. This also had a big budget mailer out on it too (see the pump website) and Crazypenny. The FreePennyAlerts pump began after the close on March 31st. Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $800,000.00 by Blithesome Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one Month profile of Allezoe Medical Holdings which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning ALZM.”

Disclaimer from the main mailer pump: “CFM has received and managed a total production budget of $2,600,000 for this advertising effort and will retain any amounts over and above the cost of production, copywriting services, mailing and other distribution expenses, as a fee for its services. Breakaway Stocks is paid $3,000 as an editorial fee from CFM and also expects to receive new subscriber revenue as a result of this advertising effort.”

GGRI – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. This was set to be pumped on June 6th but the pump was delayed because traders had figured out that this was the stock that was going to be pumped. The stock promptly tanked. Once the pump began on June 27th it was quite successful. Disclaimer: “Please be advised that PremierePennyStocks.com has been paid $1,000,000.00 by Anahera Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Greenwood Gold Resources, Inc. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning GGRI.”

WTFS – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. This also had a big budget mailer out on it too ($2m budget — see it on on the SI Paid Mailer message board). Free Penny Alerts started the pump on the first big volume day in (June 16th, right after the open). Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $800,000.00 by Red Panda Investments Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one week profile of Xinde Technology Company which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning WTFS.”

CDOI – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. These guys really killed their subscribers even more than usual on this one. Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $1,000,000 by Roamata Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of Cardio Infrared Technologies Inc. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning CDOI.”

CRWV – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. These guys really killed their subscribers even more than usual on this one. The first pump email I received was at 2:06pm on 8/22/2011 from VictoryStocks.com followed a minute later by RumbleStocks.com. No other websites pumped it the rest of the day or prior to the next open. Five minutes after the open the next day more pump emails started to trickle out, first from PennyStockAlley.com. The last pump email came at 9:21am on 8/31/2011. There was a one-day repump on 9/12/2011 with the first emails coming at 10:38am from ExplicitPennyPicks.com and KillerPennyStocks.com. A few of their other websites trickled out pump emails the rest of the morning and then repumped it that night but the last emails came that night at 6:34pm.

Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $1,000,000 by Chantrea Trading Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of Crowne Ventures Inc which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning CRWV.” and “Please be advised that P ennyPic.com has been paid five hundred and twenty five thousand dollars by a non affiliate third party chantrea trading inc for marketing and advertising services for a two week profile of crown venture inc.” and “Please be advised that Insiderslab.com has been paid $30,000.00 by Third Party to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of Crowne Ventures Inc.” and “Please be advised that Monsterstox.com has been paid $425,000 by chantrea trading inc to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of Crown Ventures Inc.”

CSOC – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. These guys really killed their subscribers even more than usual on this one. Oh wait nevermind — they usually kill their subscribers. That is the point. The first pump email I received was from Penny Stock Alley at 9:53am on 9/19/2011. No other websites sent pump emails until InsidersLab sent one at 9:36am the next morning, followed by a gradual trickling out of other pump emails from other websites. The last CSOC pump email I received was on 9/22/2011 at 7:06am.

Disclaimers: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $1,300,000 by Fridaus inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one Month profile of Caduceus Software Systems Corp which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning CSOC.”” and “Please be advised that Insiderslab.com has been paid $30,000 by Free PennyAlerts LLC to perform promotional and advertising services for a one monthprofile of Caduceus Software Systems Corp.”

CSOC was repumped in November. The disclosed compensation did not change. The first repump email arrived from Insane Stocks at 9:33am on 11/7/2011 and the last pump email arrived at 11:24am on 11/11/2011.

AERN – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. I received the first pump email at 9:41am on 10/3/2011 and the last one at 9:37am on 10/17/2011.  Disclaimer: “Please be advised that FreePennyAlerts.com has been paid $1,300,000 by Sanaz Trading Inc. to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of AER Energy Ressources Inc. which services include the issuance of this release and the other opinions that we release concerning AERN.” and “Please be advised that Insiderslab.com has been paid $30,000 by Free Penny Alerts LLC to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of AER Energy Ressources Inc.”

AERN was repumped in the middle of the day on 10/26/2011 and then the last pump email during this stretch of pump came 24 minutes before the end of trading on 10/28/2011.

ABOT – Free Penny Alerts LLC / Pudong LLC / Golden Dragon Media Inc. The first email hit on 12/16/2011 at 9:30am. I think the compensation is $1.6m and one of the two disclaimers posted next is a typo: “Please be advised that P ennyPic.com’s affiliate free penny alerts has been paid one million five hundred thousand dollars dollars by a non affiliate third party bahadur investments inc for marketing and advertising services for a one month profile of abot mining co.” and “Please be advised that an affiliate of monsterstox.com, free penny alerts llc has been paid $1,600,000 by Bahadur Investments Inc to perform promotional and advertising services for a one month profile of ABOT”


Best Damn Penny Stocks.com Pumps

BestDamnPennyStocks.com has about 16 functional websites that I am aware of, controlled by four different legal entities (I can tell because they disclose different compensation amounts). To simplify below I only show the disclaimer from the main website. The total compensation is higher.

CWNR – BestDamnPennyStocks.com. Disclaimer: “BestDamnPennyStocks.com has been compensated $300,000 Cash From A Third Party International Resource Holding Ltd. For A CWNR Investor Relations Service. BestDamnPennyStocks.com expects an additional $400,000 cash from the same third party for a CWNR Investor Awarness Program extension.”

RAPT – BestDamnPennyStocks.com. Disclaimer: “BestDamnPennyStocks.com expects to be compensated $400,000 cash from a third party International Resource Holdings Ltd For A RAPT Investor Relations Service.”

GDGI – BestDamnPennyStocks.com. Disclaimer: “BestDamnPennyStocks.com expects to be compensated $500,000 cash from a third party EZenglish Inc. for a GDGI Investor Relations service.”

GDGI was repumped on September 13th: “BestDamnPennyStocks.com has been Compensated $400,000 Cash from a third party Ezenglish Inc for a GDGI investor relations service which has expired.  BestDamnPennyStocks.com Expects To Be Compensated $400,000 Cash from a third party Ezenglish Inc for a GDGI investor relations service extension.”

MDFI – This was horribly front-ran as many traders figured out it was the BestDamnPennyStocks pump before they pumped it. The large gap and drop day was the day it was pumped by BDPS right after the open. Disclaimer: “BestDamnPennyStocks.com expects to be compensated $500,000 cash from a third party Grand Palm Ltd. for an MDFI investor relations service. We have recieved $250,000 cash to date.”

HPGS – The June 8th spike was BestDamnPennyStocks.com. Disclaimer: “BestDamnPennyStocks has been compensated $300,000 cash from a third party International Resource Holdings Ltd for a highplains oil and gas investor relations service. We have been rehired and has revieved $50,000 cash and expects an additional $400,000 cash for an HPGS investor Relations Service.”

EVGI – The October 19th spike was BestDamnPennyStocks.com. I received the first pump email at 1:30pm EST. Disclaimer: “BestDamnPennyStocks.com expects to be compensated a total of $400,000 cash from a third party International Resource Holdings Ltd For A EVGI Investor Relations Service.”

GDGI – Repumped in mid-November.

“BestDamnPennyStocks.com has been Compensated $500,000 Cash from a third party Ezenglish Inc for a GDGI investor relations service which has expired. ”

POWT – All the BDPS websites were supposed to have a new pump that they had teased but only two websites, BlingBlingPennystocks.com and ThePennyStockJerk.com right after the open on December 14th. The other websites said they had technical issues and delayed the pick, pumping SPAH a week later before coming back to POWT after that.

“BlingBlingPennyStocks.com expects to be compensated $30,000 from a non-controlling party for POWT Investor Relation Services. ”

“BestDamnPennyStocks.com expects to be compensated $500,000 Cash from a non controlling 3rd party for a POWT Investor Relations Service. ”

SPAH – BestdamnPennystocks.com and substantially all of their other websites pumped this.

“Siri.biz expects to be compensated $500,000 Cash from a non controlling 3rd party for a SPAH Investor Relations Service”

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of usethat is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Two more weeks to give

First, thank you to the 10 people who have donated. I appreciate your generosity — no matter how much you gave.

Due to a pathetic response (only 10 donations) I am extending my 2011 Red Kettle Challenge, where I match every single online donation you make (up to a maximum of $10,000). My target was extremely ambitious, but I should hope that I can get at least another few donations. I have already matched the $1975 in donations that have been made.

Donate now

See the original post

This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

The ReaperTrades 2011 Red Kettle Challenge

I ask you to join me in raising money for The Salvation Army; the money will be used in Detroit, a city that needs not just money but also love. I will match any gifts through my donation link 100% through December 15th, up to a maximum of $10,000. So if readers of this blog donate $8,000 by December 1st using my link, I will match that with my own $8,000 gift. So if you have benefited from this blog, please consider donating some of the money I have either saved you or helped you make.

Donate Now

I am far from the greatest trader or the richest trader in the world. But I still make much more money than I need, even after accounting for the absurd sums I sometimes spend on fancy restaurants. I do not feel that I need to apologize for my success. I do not feel like I took from anyone so I do not owe anyone anything. That being said, I have compassion for those who truly need and those who truly suffer, the poorest among us. If I cannot find it within myself to give out of my abundance, then I certainly do not love others.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

Why the Salvation Army? I am familiar with their work and have given to them in the past and I know they are an effective organization helping some of the neediest people in the United States and throughout the world. For further details of why to give to the Salvation Army I defer to my favorite personal finance blogger, FreeMoneyFinance, whose $5k red kettle challenge was the inspiration for mine:

I’ve worked with and gotten to know Salvation Army people and organizations all across America. I’ve talked to the people who are part of the organization and the people they are helping (and I’m talking about real-life “needy” people on the streets of Grand Rapids, Atlanta, Detroit, and so on). So I know they are making a HUGE difference. Because I’ve seen their work first-hand, the Salvation Army is an organization I know I can fully support.

Now some of you will object to the fact that the Salvation Army is a Christian-based organization. If your personal convictions make you want to not give for those reasons, I respect that and I hope you give generously to the charity of your choice. But if you’ve read FMF for more than two seconds I think it’s pretty apparent that I have no problem giving to a charity that’s Christian-based. Plus the fact that I’ve seen their work in person makes the Salvation Army a no-brainer choice for me.

Others may be concerned that the Salvation Army spends the bulk (or even a large part) of their money on proselytizing people or only on those of their faith. I can say with 100% certainty that this is not the case. Yes, it’s because of their faith that they help others, but they do not push their beliefs or force recipients to become Christians to get aid. They simply want to “do the most good” (their slogan) and that in and of itself is their reward. And as I’ve said, I’ve talked to many people they’ve helped and know they are doing good, selfless work to those who need the help most.

Others may wonder about the Salvation Army’s impact as an organization. Charity Watch gives them an “A-“, a pretty good grade (FYI, St. Jude’s and the Susan G. Komen Search for the Cure get B+, MDA and Livestrong get an A-). Again, I have no problems giving to them based on this measure either.

Disclaimer: Much of the above description of The Salvation Army was taken from the FreeMoneyFinance blog post on his kettle challenge and I found it better written than I could do on short notice. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

The new uptick rule (also known as the short sale restriction or SSR)

After the SEC reinstated a new version of the uptick rule following the 2008 financial crisis, there has been very little information available online. If you search for “uptick rule” most of the info you will find is on the old uptick rule. The current version isn’t really an uptick rule at all, but rather an upbid rule. This new version was first put into effect in November 2010.

Simply put, shares of a stock cannot be sold short at or below the best bid when the rule is in effect. The short seller must sell on the offer and wait for a buyer to fill his offer. The rule goes into effect when a stock’s price decreases by 10% or more from its previous day’s close. Once a stock has dropped 10% from its previous day’s close (even if just briefly dropping that far) the rule will then be in effect for the rest of the day and the next trading day. The rule can only be triggered during regular trading hours although if it is triggered it remains in force during after-hours and pre-market trading.

For those who use Interactive Brokers’ TWS platform, a little red circle will appear to the right of the stock description when the uptick rule is in effect. If you mouse over the red circle it will say “Short sale restriction is in effect from [date] to [date].”

In the screenshot below, IB TWS indicates that the uptick rule is in effect for PRGN with a little red circle to the right of the ticker.


There are some exemptions to the upbid rule but they do not apply to small traders. See this broker’s description of the exceptions.

The complete uptick rule can be found in this March 10th 2011 amendment to Regulation SHO (pdf).

I encourage reading the NYSE’s statement (pdf) about how it will enforce the uptick rule.

Disclaimer: No positions in any stock mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

2011 Super-mega-ultra pump and dump recap

I haven’t done any posts like this so far this year so I am going pretty far back. Please remind me in the comments of any big pumps I forget  and I’ll add them. See my last pump and dump recap from January to see some mailer pumps from the very beginning of the year.

Mailer Pumps

SPLM – $400k snail mail pump. See an image of the disclaimer here. The last part of the disclaimer is the most interesting: “”In order to enhance public awareness of Sentry Petroleum Ltd., and other companies profiled by WER [World Energy Report] through the distribution of this report, ECA [Energy Capital Advisors] paid WER four hundred thousand dollars. These funds were applied towards costs associated with creating, printing, and distributing this report. ECA will pay no additional sums. WER, ECA, and those associated with them may own shares and effect transactions in securities of Sentry Petroleum Ltd and other companies mentioned in this publication the sale of which could adversely affect the share price. The owner of ECA owns approximately zero point two six (0.36) percent of the outstanding shares Sentry Petroleum Ltd [sic] and will not sell any of those shares within ninety days of the date of this mailing.” [emphasis mine]



KNKT – $800k pump from Capital Financial Media (CFM). See post here (unfortunately the pump website is offline).

UTOG – $2.5m mailer pump. Trading was suspended by the SEC for two weeks at the beginning of June (a rare case where the SEC suspended trading in an active pump & dump). See website www.AmericanEnergyReport.com Disclaimer: “AmericanEnergyReport.com has been retained by an unrelated third party to perform promotional and advertising services intended to increase investor awareness of UnionTown Energy Inc. (UTOG). To date, AmericanEnergyReport.com has received two million five hundred thousand US dollars from an unrelated third party for performing these services. The services performed have included profiling the company on the AmericanEnergyReport.com website and issuing opinions concerning UTOG in newsletters and press releases. AmericanEnergyReport.com has received this amount as a production budget for advertising efforts and will retain amounts over and above the cost of production, copywriting services, mailing and other distribution expenses as a fee for our services. In addition AmericanEnergyReport.com expects to receive an additional two million dollars cash in future compensation for the continuation of the marketing program for an additional 3 months and to cover marketing vendors to pay for the costs of creating and distributing this report online in an effort to build market awareness, and AmericanEnergyReport.com will disclose any future compensation.”


LEXG – The greatest pump I have ever seen and probably one of the best ever. Note not just the price movement but the incredible volume — the value of stock traded on its last big up day exceeded $100m. This had a $3.29m budget disclaimed on these two websites: http://www.smauthority.com/video and http://www.thestockdetective.com/lexg/

Disclaimer: “Lithium Exploration Group, (LEXG), the company featured in this issue, appears as paid advertising, paid by Gekko Industries to provide public awareness for LEXG. … CM [Circuit Media] has received and managed a total production budget of $3,296,800 for this advertising effort and will retain any amounts over and above the cost of production, copywriting services, mailing and other distribution expenses, as a fee for its services. TSD [TheStockDetective] is paid $50,000 as an editorial fee from CM and also expects to receive new subscribers as a result of this advertising effort.”

Please note that unlike most of the stock charts on this page, the chart below is not log scale, to make seeing the price action during the pumps easier to see.

JAMN – An incredibly successful pump, the second most successful pump I have ever seen, after LEXG. This was pumped by HackTheStockMarket.com; see the pump page here (or here or here). The name and address information required by the CAN-SPAM law from this pumper changed multiple times, which leads me to believe it was all fake. HackTheStockMarket disclosed only $15,500 in payment for the promotion. The disclaimer was an image that is shown below.

Please note that unlike most of the stock charts on this page, the chart below is not log scale, to make seeing the price action during the pumps easier to see.

AVVC – $1.8m budget disclosed on this mailer pump. Lots of speculators / traders / idiots lost big going long on this stock — it was the first big pump failure following a string of very successful pumps early this year. Disclaimer: “CFM has received and managed a total production budget of $1,800,000 for this online advertising effort and will retain any amounts over and above the cost of production, copywriting services, mailing and other distribution expenses, as a fee for its services. Breakaway Stocks is paid $5,000 as an editorial fee from CFM and also expects to receive new subscriber revenue as a result of this advertising effort.” from this website.

LOGL – $1.275m mailer pump — see the SI pump mailer message board.

TBBC –  This was a large pump from multiple sources with over $800,000 in compensation. Following are those that I can find:

“Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter received forty thousand dollars, as an editorial fee, from Creative Direct Marketing Group, Inc., which it received from the featured Company. This company was chosen to be profiled after Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter completed due diligence on the company. Charles Payne’s Common Sense Newsletter expects to generate revenue and new newsletter subscribers and valuable exposure, the amount of which is unknown at this time, resulting from the distribution of this report. Creative Direct Marketing Group, Inc. received fifteen thousand, eight hundred dollars from the Company, for the costs of creating and distributing this report in an effort to build investor awareness.” from this pump website

“StockMarketLife.com has been retained by an unrelated third party whose principal is a shareholder of the featured company, The Brainy Brands Company Inc. (TBBC), to perform promotional and advertising services intended to increase investor awareness of TBBC. StockMarketLife.com expects to receive up to six hundred thousand US dollars from the unrelated third party for performing these services. The services performed have included profiling the company on the StockMarketLife.com website and issuing opinions, including Charles Payne’s report, concerning TBBC on this website, online marketing, in newsletters and press releases. StockMarketLife.com has received this amount as a production budget for advertising efforts and will retain amounts over and above the cost of the production, copywriting services, mailing, media buying and other online distribution expenses as a fee for our services.” This disclaimer was also in emails from GreenGainers.com and PowerPennyStocks.com, which all appear to be run by the same person/company.

“PennyStockRewards.com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Asset Development Strategies Corp.  Currently Asset Development Strategies Corp. has been compensated $50000.00 for this advertising program from a non-affiliated third party shareholder who will be selling stock in TBBC.”

WallStreetPennyStockAdvisors.com received $200,000


RYUN – I am not sure of the details of this pump.

AAGC – $1.26m budget disclosed. Absolute destruction. Michael Williams Market Movers was paid $20,000 by Citiglory Consultants Ltd and Citiglory paid $1,265,178 for the cost of the promotion — due to website troubles I lost my copy of the disclaimer (the bastards had it as an image that I had saved). See the online version of the mailer (no longer working).

TKDN – $1.4m budget disclosed. Absolute destruction. Disclaimer: “CFM has received and managed a total production budget of $1,400,000 for this online advertising effort and will retain any amounts over and above the cost of production, copywriting services, mailing and other distribution expenses, as a fee for its services. M3 Profit Accelerator is paid $3,000 as an editorial fee from CFM and also expects to receive new subscriber revenue as a result of this advertising effort.” (CFM = Capital Financial Media). See the online version of the mailer at SmallCapFortunes

TKDN is an even more impressive dump when considered over nine months (hardly the long-term!) it dropped from a high of about $1.34 to a low of $0.006 — a drop of 99.55%.

Note: on 12/19/2011 the pumps in this post run by the big three email pumpers were removed to a GoodeTrades Premium post and more info on those pumps was added.

Disclaimer: No positions. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.


How to tell when a twitter user is an automated pump account

These were all tweeted one minute after the close today. These pumpers (that I had not heard of prior to today) disclaimed $179,999 in compensation for pumping AAGC (see the image of their disclaimer here). I am currently long 4000 shares of AAGC that I intend to sell within a few days.

Links to those tweets are below:


Disclaimer: Long 4000 shares of AAGC that I intend to sell within a few days. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Some facts about how stock promoters Golden Dragon Media & Pudong LLC work

All of the following is quoted from documents filed in this case stemming from the alleged misappropriation of some stock promoters’ email lists: OTC Solutions LLC , Golden Dragon Media Inc, and Pudong LLC v. John Does 1-50 (link to Justia summary).

First, check out the original complaint from June 29th, 2010.

Each Plaintiff has numerous lists (“Subscriber Lists”), comprising anywhere from 25,000 to 65,000 subscribers. Each list has grown as a result of significant marketing efforts by Plaintiffs, which includes Internet-based advertising costs in excess of $30,000 per day. Each Plaintiff has numerous lists (“Subscriber Lists”), comprisinganywhere from 25,000 to 65,000 subscribers. Each list has grown as a result ofsignificant marketing efforts by Plaintiffs, which includes Internet-based advertising costs in excess of $30,000 per day.
That is a pretty impressive list size, and by my count the pumpers named above have 20 different websites between them that are currently functioning (I am sure they have others that I am not aware of). Advertising costs of $30,000 per day translates to $10.95 million per year. That number seems high relative to the amount of compensation disclosed in these pumpers’ emails.

I will blog more on this lawsuit. Please leave a comment if you have any clue what happened to it though. The most recent update in PACER was from last December and nothing was filed to close the case in any way. Please check out most of the important filings on this case, which have been uploaded to Scribd.

The problem with front-running the likely pump & dump of EVGI

The problem is the most effective pumpers, if their pump is being front-run by speculators, will just delay the pump or even cancel it. Pennypic (Pudong LLC) canceled their pump of WTKN in January 2010. BestDamnPennystocks has delayed a couple pumps over the last year. Golden Dragon Media / Pudong LLC / Free Penny Alerts LLC delayed their pump of GGRI from June 6th of this year until June 27th after people started front-running it.

Everyone and their mother believes that EVGI will be the next BestDamnPennyStocks pump & dump … and that makes it more likely that those speculators trying to front-run that pump will get seriously burned. While BestDamnPennyStocks has previously pumped at least one stock (MDFI on April 19) despite a massive front-run, the risks if they pull the pump at the last minute are far greater than the potential gains. RAPT, pumped by BestDamnPennyStocks on February 9th of this year, was actually supposed to be pumped on January 11th. The problem is that lots of traders figured this out and started to front-run RAPT. The result? The pump was delayed and as a result RAPT dropped from .40 to .18 in one day.

Disclaimer: No position. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.