Trade non-recap for December 10th

Back in the black for the week. For those who care, I closed by account at the proprietary trading firm BroadStreet Trading.

Daily profit: $688.88

Weekly profit: $590.83

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade non-recap: Do not go chasing white whales

HHWW continues faking me out and and I continue to victimize myself by trading it. I have been a much more consistently profitable trader this year compared to last not by having better successful trades but by avoiding more unsuccessful trades. I have never been able to trade the NXTH-type pumps well so I would be better off to just avoid them.

I apologize for my earlier post today that is now deleted. I had had the idea for some time to do an April Fool’s day joke (and what fun is it if it is actually on April Fool’s?) about me blowing up my account but obviously doing that when I was having a bad day and in the middle of the trading day showed poor judgment (just like my trades on HHWW).


Daily profit: $1426.17 (this is only because of how I account for boxed positions; my net economic loss today was $2613.83)

Disclosure: Short 7,000 shares of HHWW at IB and long 7,000 shares at SpeedTrader. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade non-recap for December 6th

Just two trades today. I sold my FCPG right where I wanted to sell, just before the open, at 1.399. Three minutes after the open it was testing green/red at 1.34. Its failure to go red would’ve made for a nice re-entry. My other trade will not be discussed at this time.

Daily profit: $782.60

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade non-recap for December 3rd

SOPV would’ve been a nice short at the open but IB failed to even submit my orders to the exchange. I had several scalps, nothing truly interesting. I’ll upload them to in a week or so.



Daily profit: $484.85

Weekly profit: $1,320.75

Disclosure: Long 4000 FCPG I intend to sell early Monday. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade non-recap for December 1st

No video today.

SLD    500    BSIC    false    Stock    1.9200    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:26:55        2.50        null
SLD    500    BSIC    false    Stock    1.9900    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:30:19        2.50        null
SLD    1,000    BSIC    false    Stock    1.9500    USD    SMART    09:31:11        5.00        null
SLD    1,000    BSIC    false    Stock    2.2400    USD    SMART    09:37:49        5.00        null
BOT    1,000    BSIC    false    Stock    2.1800    USD    SMART    09:40:22        5.00        null
+    BOT    800    BSIC    false    Stock    2.120    USD    SMART    09:49:36        4.00        null
BOT    600    BSIC    false    Stock    2.0400    USD    SMART    10:05:45        3.00        null
BOT    600    BSIC    false    Stock    1.7500    USD    SMART    10:16:10        3.00        null

14:46:06    PWGAD    B    0.21    10000    NITE
14:54:09    PWGAD    S    0.24    5000    NITE

(One brief losing short of HHWW at Broad Street today that is not shown due to me forgetting it.)

Daily profit: $82.25

Disclosure: Long 5,000 PWGAD. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for November 30th


All trades today:
+    SLD    20,000    GRYO    false    Stock    .310    USD    SMART    09:34:50        31.00        null
BOT    10,000    GRYO    false    Stock    0.270    USD    SMART    09:37:52        13.50        null
BOT    10,000    GRYO    false    Stock    0.265    USD    SMART    09:38:39        13.25        null
BOT    2,200    HHWW    false    Stock    1.6200    USD    SMART    15:10:17        11.00        null
BOT    8,800    HHWW    false    Stock    1.6300    USD    SMART    15:22:51        44.00        null

09:19:16    BLSP    S    0.66    100    ARCA
09:19:16    BLSP    S    0.66    2400    ARCA
09:30:08    BLSP    S    0.66    1500    ARCA
09:30:15    HHWW    S    1.569    3000    SBSH
09:30:53    HHWW    S    1.561    100    SBSH
09:30:59    HHWW    S    1.561    500    SBSH
09:36:47    HHWW    B    1.54    3600    SBSH
09:41:18    TSRID    B    6.9    100    SMART
09:41:24    TSRID    B    6.9    4    SMART
09:41:25    TSRID    B    6.9    100    SMART
09:41:54    TSRID    S    7.4    100    SMART
09:41:57    TSRID    S    7.4    104    SMART
12:58:33    HHWW    S    1.6299    1000    SBSH
13:00:35    HHWW    S    1.6299    400    SBSH
13:00:51    HHWW    S    1.6299    1000    SBSH
13:01:07    HHWW    S    1.6299    1250    SBSH
13:05:50    HHWW    B    1.6251    3650    SBSH
13:13:55    HHWW    S    1.61    11000    SBSH
13:16:06    HHWW    B    1.62    5000    SBSH
13:16:11    HHWW    B    1.62    5000    SBSH
13:16:16    HHWW    B    1.62    1000    SBSH
15:16:53    HHWW    S    1.6299    500    SBSH
15:18:24    HHWW    S    1.6299    1000    SBSH
15:18:37    HHWW    S    1.6299    500    SBSH
15:21:57    HHWW    S    1.6299    500    SBSH
15:22:07    HHWW    S    1.6299    5000    SBSH
15:22:37    HHWW    S    1.6299    3500    SBSH

Daily profit: ($961.36)


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for November 29th: In which I sing an Amy Winehouse song, respond to spurious allegations, and ramble

Daily profit: $1,311.80 (please note that this is realized profit … my mark to market loss today was around $250 due to my trading in HHWW)

All trades today:
09:33:31    AMOK    S    1.45    2200    SBSH
09:33:32    AMOK    S    1.45    800    SBSH
09:33:58    HHWW    S    1.57    1200    SBSH
09:34:22    HHWW    S    1.57    3500    NITE
09:37:08    HHWW    B    1.565    2350    NITE
09:38:06    HHWW    B    1.575    2350    SBSH
09:57:17    HHWW    S    1.56    3500    NITE
09:59:14    HHWW    S    1.5351    3700    SBSH
10:00:22    HHWW    S    1.53    3800    NITE
10:12:29    HHWW    B    1.5461    120    SBSH
10:18:22    HHWW    B    1.57    5380    SBSH
10:59:19    BLSP    B    0.6    4000    NITE
11:11:59    BLSP    S    0.625    100    ARCA
11:11:59    BLSP    S    0.625    2400    ARCA
11:13:16    BLSP    B    0.6101    2500    SBSH
12:15:27    BLSP    S    0.612    2500    NITE
14:22:22    HHWW    B    1.57    5500    VERT
14:51:35    HHWW    S    1.5739    5000    SBSH
14:59:28    HHWW    B    1.5701    5000    SBSH
15:18:23    XNY    B    11.0125    300    SMART
15:18:24    XNY    B    11.0125    700    SMART
15:18:39    XNY    B    11.0225    900    SMART
15:18:39    XNY    B    11.0225    100    SMART
15:20:47    XNY    S    11.0001    1000    SMART
15:21:12    XNY    S    11    300    SMART
15:21:12    XNY    S    11    300    SMART
15:21:12    XNY    S    11    200    SMART
15:21:12    XNY    S    11    200    SMART
15:43:18    BLSP    S    0.6569    1500    ARCA
15:59:56    BLSP    B    0.6551    4000    SBSH

Disclosure: Short 11,000 shares of HHWW at IB and long 11,000 shares of HHWW at SpeedTrader; long 4000 shares of BLSP  at SpeedTrader that I intend to sell near the open tomorrow. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.