BestDamnTradeRecap dot Com!

Not a full trade recap, but just my recap of BestDamnPennyStocks (and all their other websites) re-pump of CWNR.

Profit on CWNR: $5,066.31 (my other trades netted me additional profit but I didn’t want to take the time to discuss them)

Disclosure: Short 2,000 shares of CWNR. No positions in any other stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for the new year: Some lessons learned

A good start to the new year. I wanted to commemorate the CPOW chart and my thoughts on it; I am still on my blogcation so don’t expect this every day!

All trades today:

SLD 20,000 CPOW false Stock 0.330 USD SMART 09:30:23 33.00 null
+ SLD 20,000 CPOW false Stock .330 USD SMART 09:30:39 33.00 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.305 USD SMART 09:32:43 7.62 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.291 USD SMART 09:34:47 7.28 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.290 USD SMART 09:34:59 7.25 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.280 USD SMART 09:37:00 7.00 null
+ BOT 10,000 CPOW false Stock .279 USD SMART 09:37:55 13.94 null
BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock 0.279 USD SMART 09:37:55 6.98 null
+ BOT 5,000 CPOW false Stock .280 USD SMART 09:40:01 6.99 null
SLD 10,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1425 USD SMART 09:50:52 7.12 null
+ SLD 11,427 MDMN false Stock .143 USD SMART 09:50:54 8.16 null
+ SLD 20,000 MDMN false Stock .142 USD SMART 09:50:54 14.20 null
BOT 11,427 MDMN false Stock 0.1276 USD SMART 09:53:27 7.29 null
BOT 5,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1320 USD SMART 09:58:11 3.30 null
+ BOT 10,000 MDMN false Stock .131 USD SMART 09:58:12 6.55 null
BOT 5,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1379 USD SMART 10:03:11 3.45 null
+ BOT 8,000 MDMN false Stock .136 USD SMART 10:03:13 5.43 null
BOT 2,000 MDMN false Stock 0.1379 USD SMART 10:03:13 1.38 null

10:41:48 ENHD B 0.6301 1000 SBSH

10:51:09 ENHD S 0.7401 1000 ARCA

14:26:08 CPOW B 0.2052 10000 UBSS

14:28:15 CPOW S 0.2099 6000 UBSS

14:28:33 CPOW S 0.2095 4000 NITE

14:52:40 CHGS SS 4.25 100 SMART

14:52:42 CHGS SS 4.25 500 SMART

14:52:42 CHGS SS 4.25 400 SMART

15:25:25 CHGS B 4.04 200 SMART

15:25:25 CHGS B 4.04 800 SMART

Daily profit: $2,334.01

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

I no longer recommend stock chat

My InvestorsUnderground affiliate link redirects to this page. I stopped using InvestorsUnderground stock chat in December 2010 and I stopped recommending the chat at the same time. I do not recommend products or services that I do not use. This should not be considered a recommendation against IU chat — I simply don’t know enough to have an opinion anymore.

My old affiliate link now redirects to this page.

[Post updated 7 November 2018]

Disclosure: I used to be an affiliate of InvestorsUnderground (IU) stock chat, for which I received 50% of a new subscriber’s first month’s payment and 25% on an ongoing basis. I have not received any affiliate payments from them since December 2010. I am no longer a member of InvestorsUnderground stock chat; my membership ended at the end of 2010. I had subscribed to IU since its inception at the beginning of 2009 and I paid the standard rate of membership for charter members, which was $99/quarter (I also was a member of the free predecessor chat, Green on the Screen, for 6 months starting in summer 2008). From 2009 through 2010, I received a total of $5,720.39 (net of Paypal fees) from Pietro Rossa Trading (the Nevada corporation through which Nate Michaud runs InvestorsUnderground). This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for December 21st: A missed bounce play

Nothing too exciting today except for a missed opportunity on a bounce play.

Daily profit: $176.32

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade recap for December 20th: Why ISCO moved so much the last few days

Software problems were compounded by mental errors, leading to a bad day.

10:56:14    TNGS    B    1.91    2000    NITE
10:56:32    TNGS    S    1.85    100    NITE
10:56:37    TNGS    S    1.85    400    NITE
10:56:37    TNGS    S    1.85    500    NITE
10:56:44    TNGS    S    1.85    500    NITE
10:56:47    TNGS    S    1.85    500    NITE

+    SLD    5,000    ISCO    false    Stock    2.290    USD    SMART    09:35:59        25.00        null
SLD    500    ISCO    false    Stock    2.2960    USD    ARCAEDGE    09:36:03        2.50        null
BOT    1,500    ISCO    false    Stock    2.3000    USD    SMART    09:39:30        7.50        null
BOT    2,000    ISCO    false    Stock    2.3000    USD    SMART    09:39:30        10.00        null
BOT    2,000    ISCO    false    Stock    2.3000    USD    SMART    09:39:30        10.00        null

Daily profit: ($249.50)

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.


Trade recap for December 15th

Daily profit: $9.01

I shorted the BestDamnPennyStocks pump SMCE and made back the $1k or so unrealized loss from being short that during the pump, despite covering way early.


Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.

Trade non-recap for December 13th and December 14th

On Monday I had a nice short on HHWW that I covered way too soon and I lost just under $300 buying the IDEH pump.


Profit on December 13th: $1,837.84

Profit on December 14th:$58.06

Disclosure: No positions in any stocks mentioned. This blog has a terms of use that is incorporated by reference into this post; you can find all my disclaimers and disclosures there as well.